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More Bad Behavior By Miami Door Staff at WMC....


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Well, being that I know the people they're throwing shit at, I can rightly tell those guys to cram it.

Nerve's door staff is quite civil. However the labels themselves had a minder out on each night, and he or she oversaw the club doorpeople that evening...it was most likely the label workers being retards in cases.

The girl they claim was taking bribes, I doubt that too.

As for the Mynt incident at the beginning, that's par for the course over there.

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Originally posted by saintjohn

i was amused that one person suggested that nerve's door should be run more like mansion's. sigh.

Can't speak for everynight, but both times I went there got in no time. Had 2 advance tickets for delta heavy but came in a group of 4 and even though was packed as hell we just did the short advance ticket line and told them the situation and they got us all in at the same time. Not even 2 minutes in front of the door and thats pretty good considering the mob that was in front of the club. Second time for the lotus party was even smoother sailing even though had no advance ticket.

Surprises me about nerve though, one of the nicest bouncers I know is that blonde that usually works there.

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i'm glad to know that you didn't have any issues at mansion. perhaps the management is taking better control of the situation now. also, i think the blonde would be considered a "door personality," as opposed to a bouncer (nerve has at least one really good bouncer, but he's definitely not blonde).

it's sad that each year people come to wmc and get a distorted view of the door situation here due to the temporary influence of record labels and out-of-town promoters. clubs shouldn't let independent contractors (and their rude, inept clipboard keepers)ruin their respective reputations.

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That's usually what happens.

Like I said, the label/promoter usually stations a minder outside who either just watches, or in some cases takes over the door...now I know they are paying top dollar to rent the venue out, but at the same time, that shouldn't include the freedom to be abusive.

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the bedrock night was horrible, they weren't letting anyone in people that had presales where complaining that they had been waiting for about an hour, some people that where on the list too. it was the same "i'm to good to acknowledge you cause i'm a door person in miami bullshit attitude" and i don't know if it was just that night, but the next day the door was fine for the Rip Records party. Also during the bedrock party they kept saying that the club was up to capacity at 11:00, but people that where coming out, said it was empty inside. I think who ever ran the door at that party was full of shit. And i'm glad that the brits are talking so much shit about it, so they can see how shitty some clubs here treat their guests, and maybe those clubs will change that.

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Someone climbed onto the roof at the downtown Miami nightspot NV and cut the lines supplying Freon for the club's air-conditioning during Danny Tenaglia's marathon party Be Yourself


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From a local's point of view getting into any venue during conference is alway's drama unless you get there early before the mob's start acumulating out front. I was lucky enough this year at the event's I attended with no problem's.

Arriving at a club between 3-5 am it's a given even if you have preordered ticket's that your gonna wait. Point is if it's someone you really wanna see badly go early and avoid problem's it's better to be early and get your drink on that to be hanging out front drunk,fucked up, and sweating your ass off for an hour that is if you even get in................:confused:

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Hey, hey, hey...relax...first of all, most of people attending wmc is off from work for the entire week, a lot of people (not all) are drunk or high-out-of-their-minds throughout the entire week...dancing your asses off...basicly having a caligulean killer time...trust me...the least you deserve is to be mistreated.


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I arrived at the bedrock party at about 12:30.

at around 1, fire marshalls shut the doors down for a head count and inspection. I took an hour for that to go down...the door, for the most part, was frozen will around 2...at that point...I was right up front. I was overlooked again and again...I told the door chick I was by myself each time she made eye contact with me...but was ignored over and over. It wasn't until the side lil' nook was left unattended and people just started waltzing on by to the cashier that I was able to get in...I told her that she was losing her door behind her...she regulated, then came back and let me right in. 2 hours to get in...It was worth it, but a serious mission.

In the two hours I was there...she was definately accepting flow and letting people in...I even heard her make mention of it to a co-worker how well she was doing making money at the door.

Whatever...shitty situation...but that was as bad as it ever got for me as far as getting into spots during conference. I slipped right in on Monday at Nerve...the girl who I am familiar with working the door was there that night...and is very amicable.



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This is a forum for the Miami clubgoing public and its good to get varying perspectives on this issue. Myself, I dont go anywhere unless I know a promoter who can whisk me in no problem. I dont like drama or asshole door staff. But during WMC the local promoters take a back seat so you're left dealing directly with the clubs door staff or some foreign promotion crew.

Lets face it, clubs here dont care about organization. In London and elsewhere (where there are big club scenes), the club has people form a line so that its not a mob free for all. That way you are rewarded if you get there early.

I got to the Bedrock party at 10 hoping to get in early and beat the rush but they let no one in. Like total idiots, they let a mob form outside and people shoved and pushed their way forward. I didnt get in so I went to see Timo which was great anyways. The point is....

People are going out to have fun, no be pancaked between sweaty punters for hours on end. The 'civil' thing to do is to create a line so that ORDER exists. But Miami being a savage and barbaric place, order simply cannot exist so bedlam ensues. Its too bad that people out of town are consistently left with such a bad taste in their mouth.

Lets face it: doors in Miami are run in the most unethical way possible. Taking bribes is unethical and clubs just dont care. Nerve is no different so dont pretend its above the rest.

Lets face it: door staff like the chaos because the want they bribes. Most of you are greedy scum and I think we who have lived in MIA for too long are desensitized to this so we accept it. Thats too bad.

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I'm friends with the door staff at Nerve, so I'm apt to defend them...they are the "exception" but unfortunately, in some parties they were railroaded by a foreign promotion crew or label minder. On some other nights, it was civil, as you would like it. Other clubs did have lines as such though. Space had 3...one for general admission, one for passholders, and one for VIP access. They even allowed people to exit through the back to prevent chaos.

I can't speak for other doors, but I know that the door staff at Nerve is ethical and one of the best in town.

As for most Miami people being greedy scum or desenitized to it? Gee it took you this long to figure it out? Frankly I could give a shit, since to me, more money is a good thing. If you want no greedy scum, I suggest you move to North Korea.

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why does miami do it like this, the police in NYC allow nothing other than a line. Why do the doors to miami clubs always look like they are giving away $100 bills inside?

It is embarrasing that people come to Miami for their first American experience and think this is how clubs are run here in the states

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