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Neocons: Manipulating Madrid's Tragedy

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Valiant Neocons, Spanish Appeasers: Manipulating Madrid's Tragedy

by Christopher Deliso


Given that 90 percent of Spaniards had opposed their leaders' support for the Iraq War, it's not hard to understand that the government would be punished in elections held immediately after the worst terrorist attack in Spain's history.

Neocon mouthpieces maintain that, until the Madrid bombing, the Popular Party of incumbent Prime Minister José María Aznar had been expected to win. Therefore, they cry, this shows that terrorism gets results, and that the weak-kneed Spaniards are now guilty of "appeasing" terrorism. The neocons fear this scenario will be repeated in other countries, with future terrorist attacks forcing pro-American governments to be voted out of power. This, of course, is a temptation for stout-hearted voters to resist. In other words: "Buck up, Europe! The moment will come for you, too, to show more gumption!"

However, the real appeasing occurred one year ago, when the Aznar government slavishly signed up for George Bush's war on Iraq. That disastrous war has only radicalized the world more, creating terrorists where there had been none and turning much of Europe into a juicy symbolic target. These latest terrorist attacks come as no surprise – the only amazing thing is that it took so long for them to arrive. The grim, apocalyptic world of constant terror and carnage predicted by the neocons is here. Yet the warmongers commend themselves as geniuses when it's only their malevolent, self-fulfilling prophesies that are coming true.

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Predictable response of a neocon mouthpiece.

Useful idiot, you really need to crawl back under which ever rock you were living under......

Your bafoonery and stupidity is no longer amusing, just sad......

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Predictable response of a neocon mouthpiece.

I bet you caught a TON of beatings in school for your milk money, huh?

How hard is it for you to understand that first blood has been drawn....there's no turning back...

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Originally posted by marksimons

so when are you shipping out to iraq mr mahs?

igloo? have you signed up yet?

are you willing to fight in the war you're so vocal in supporting?

or are you purrrk puk puk puurrrrk chicken hawks?

I live in a city with the biggest bulls eye on it you English twit.... We as AMERICANS are fighting this war everyday....

The PEOPLE of Spain handed the terrorists their victory you pill dropping, K sniffing bafoon...

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Originally posted by marksimons


fighting this war everyday...

tell me what you did to fight terrorism today then?

so I take it your not signing up then.

just as I thought.


You certainly add new meaning to the word douche bag..

And you should KILL YOURSELF

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Well if the new government supports the terrorists as you and iglost claim based on your slanderous and idiotic pointless posts then how come they busted 5 more terroritsts you buffoons??

Another 5 Arrested in Madrid Attacks

By Keith B. Richburg

Washington Post Foreign Service

Friday, March 19, 2004; Page A16

MADRID, March 18 -- Spanish police arrested five more suspects Thursday -- four Moroccans and one Spaniard -- in connection with last week's deadly morning rush hour train bombings. At least one of the suspects was wanted in connection with suicide attacks in the Moroccan city of Casablanca last year.


Grow the fuck up imbeciles.

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