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Bling's Mistress Barbara REview @ Privilege


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First off I want to thank Pete for the hookup at the door as well as the liquor at our table. Pete took care of all of us first class. I also want to send a shoutout the DJ #2/club owner of Privilege who was kind enough to come up to me and thank me for visiting his establishment. The staff at Privilege and the owners are truly classy. I am really starting to enjoy this venu a lot.

Ok there were a LOT OF PEOPLE so i will miss a few

1. Miriam (hope ur more energiezd for Edgar next week... I know ya was tired )

2. RAmon (damn i think this guy was dancing even more than i was LOL)

3. Obby - great hanging with ya. I left like 5 min after you did. Glad we both got our autographs. thats why i always bring my sharpie :)

4. Mursa- hilarious when u came up to me and said I was a trooper for stayin out so late and proud of me for coming to hear techno LOL

5. DJrx-dude u and i are always the first ones there. and this time u were there first LOL

6. Steffy- good meeting you. (yeah i didnt get the joke when u told me. by that point i was so tired. the last two days have been unreal)

7. Pete Dekan - thanks for everything

8. Tony- havent seen u in a bit. great to see u come by. I would have gone to space with u and miriam but mistress barbara's set was so damn good i didnt want to lol

9. Tired and Candyroll- omg i havent seen candy in a while. you look really good. what time did u leave? u guys left early must have been when i was dancing like a crazy jackass lol

10. Marcos-shame that carla overslept. btw did u like my shirt ? LOL

Ill remember the rest later.

I get to Privilege around 1130 or so and the door staff for the second day laugh at my ID LOL (i need a new id i know its bad) LOL . get in with no problems, thanks to the man DEKAN. so i get in and this house dj is up good stuff, then after him the owner of privilege went up and spun. very good stuff.

I was dancing alone pretty much and talkin to obby and djrx periodicially when Tired and Candy called me over to the VIP. I didnt notice how big the CP crew was there in the corner so i head on over. They had a great setup over there. Privilege and Dekan hooked it up with style

so the mistress comes in .. shes a cutie. wow the music blew me away :eek: hard thumpin relentless beats all nite long. I loved it. All completely new tracks for me.

I must comment on how nice Mistress Barbara is to her fans. She signed two autographs for me and shook my hand. and she did the same for many others there that nite. She really gives back to her fans :) Around 4 pm she threw down this latin track that i went apeshit for. so great.

AT some points in the nite i was dancing so much even the bouncer came and told me to get off the ledge there cuz i was jumping i guess to much. HEH :)

I loved it . I did tell mursa though Im still a trance man but this stuff was definitly good i enjoyed it.

One thing i have to bitch about is the fuckin parkin in southbeach. that lot next to privilege was 20 bucks. what the hell is that? that is insane. the lot by crobar is only 10. why they dont have a uniform parkin fee in these lots is beyond me.. :mad:

Anyways, Privilege is a great club. they pumped in the smoke twice while I was there. And then i was totally amazed by the foam that they dropped I was like holy shit ive never seen that.

really cool. i had to run for my autographs to cover em to make sure that they didnt get wet from the foam LOL .

I had a great time with all of you and yes I enjoyed the Techno !!!

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Originally posted by Bling

Tired and Candyroll- omg i havent seen candy in a while. you look really good. what time did u leave? u guys left early must have been when i was dancing like a crazy jackass

:) We left at around 2am and went to Space.

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she was very good last night, not great, she can do better, but still it was pretty damin good, though I found myself just waiting for the more housey/tribally tracks, and being kind of bored in between, but I think that was just because I wasn't in such a techy mood as usual, and also since I've been focusing more on tribal techno for my own style lately as well, but again that's just me, Miss Barb was very professional as always projecting a very positive vibe from the booth, defintely a great dj she is....

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Good looking out MR pete!!! much thanks for taking care of me and my WHOLE crew!!!!

that chic was ruthless.... Bangin tech the way i like it.... She broaght and intense vibe with her too!!!! Love the club, was there friday and saturday!!!!

too bad my friends got antsy and wanted to hit up space for afterhours!!!!

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