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so I started a new diet

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Originally posted by cynstam21

I like 'em dead...means they stay rock hard

dont forget and extra bowl of white rice with your sushi...yum!!

I forgot that dude dropped dead. That diet works big time but so many people can't do it for an extended period of time.

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Originally posted by jerrycxtacy

i did notice ur gut the other night! lol j/k :D

2 things for ya Jer

1 at least I can afford to eat...A LOT

2. i noticed my gut a few years ago kid.

3. I get more chicks than you...ask your girlfriend. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

go ahead make another gut comment!!!!!!!

Just playin around with ya...dont get yerr panties in a bunch

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Originally posted by 3rdflfactoria

Pointless if u keep drinking like a fish on weekends....and if u dont step up the cardio "Michael Jordan" :)

lmfao @ Jordan

Ya well, ive already cut back my alcohol consumption and actually went jogging today,

well, see how long this health kick lasts..actually its not even a health kick I wanna chill on the beach at Surf w/o people chasing after me with harpoons...that bastard last summer almost got me...fucking Ishmael.

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Originally posted by kostaP

2 things for ya Jer

1 at least I can afford to eat...A LOT

2. i noticed my gut a few years ago kid.

3. I get more chicks than you...ask your girlfriend. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

go ahead make another gut comment!!!!!!!

Just playin around with ya...dont get yerr panties in a bunch

well obviously u cant afford going to the gym to get rid of that gut of yours... lol.... so dont think u make that much money lmao!! lol

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Originally posted by jerrycxtacy

well obviously u cant afford going to the gym to get rid of that gut of yours... lol.... so dont think u make that much money lmao!! lol

Jerry, first off I do make that much, kid ;)

Second, whats more expensive dinner 4-5 days a week every week or a one time Gym membership of 400-1000 depending on where you join. Please think before you type and put down that blunt son. Ya killin ya brain cells and youre gonna end up like Old Man Digga!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by fran26

The dirty stayout till all hours diet works. Just stick to what you are doing and you will be ready in no time at all!! Oh, wait maybe that's ready for Betty Ford :laugh: :laugh: Same shit!!!:woah2::devil:



Look at this, 2 crackheads making fun of each other! You gotta love ClubPlanet!


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Originally posted by guidokiller

Kosta,, a diet wil not help your physique,, as you know this is my field and it is my professional opinion that you have the body of a 60 year old man. but look on the bright side,,,, you can keep your shirt on.

Kosta with his shirt off.... oh my god, what a site.. imagine?

We should all chip in $50 each and get Kosta to dance on George's bar all nite at Circa one Thursday with his shirt off.

Kosta, how much would you need to show off that "60-year-old body"?

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chicken with any sauce low in carbs is the way to go. Just had boiled white chicken and dipped in Atkins Ketchup and Atkins Steak Sauce. Good tasting stuff...no carbs. Been doing this for past 4 weeks...lost close to 15 pounds. Havent started cardio yet either

as for drinking...diet soda or club soda with any clear alcohol...no carbs, no calorie.

I'm not a fan of Atkins for life...but nice way to get a quick 15-20 pounds off...before you start really conditioning at the gym for summer. I only weigh 175-180...i wonder how much i couldve lost had i been really overweight

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Originally posted by majinbuu

i was on this diet and lost 10 lbs in 5 days...

its called the south beach diet wmc version.

basically you take lots of drugs, dont sleep and eat less than once every 24 hours! it works.....!:eek:


thats roddigga's diet he wrote a book on it...but any normal human cant decipher the writing..its not really legible, unless you dropped 25 bombs, and are k'd up!!!!!

For lunch I had blackened grilled chicken a glass of white wine and a ketel and club !!!!!!!!!

:D :D

Back to work!!!!!

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Originally posted by carusomaas12

as for drinking...diet soda or club soda with any clear alcohol...no carbs, no calorie.

I hope you're not thinking there aren't any calories in "clear alcohol"

Alcohol contains about 7 calories per gram, you dumb fucking mexican.

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Originally posted by voodoolounge

Kosta with his shirt off.... oh my god, what a site.. imagine?

We should all chip in $50 each and get Kosta to dance on George's bar all nite at Circa one Thursday with his shirt off.

Kosta, how much would you need to show off that "60-year-old body"?

Im a changed man Ronnie, met this girl.....and Its all history from there!!!!!!!!

Cant wait till summer oh four

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Originally posted by kostaP

Im sorry shouldnt you be hanging off KIKI's jock?

Wow she let you post?

Fucking tool.

So I am happy is that not allowed.

relax buddy.....just bustin' yer chops......come on......breath in.....and out....there ya go Kosta...i think you're just mad because you can't come watch bad ass throw up tonight.. :laugh:

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Originally posted by bobydigital

relax buddy.....just bustin' yer chops......come on......breath in.....and out....there ya go Kosta...i think you're just mad because you can't come watch bad ass throw up tonight.. :laugh:

Id love to, i know get him a couple bottles of wine, throw some water on the floor and let the bouncer do his magic, either he'll get choked out or puke up one way or another it would be funny as shit.

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