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Cheat Dreams


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Originally posted by tranzwhore

do any of u get mad or upset at ur boyfriend / girlfriend / sig other if u have a dream that they cheat on u?

YES!!! , well not so much wanna kill him but it makes me upset and thinking about it all day, and wonder. i hate that feeling, i guess iam just really insecure, but who knows :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by sotuchick

Dreams like these tend to happen if we fell we are missing romance in our relationship. What we see on the dream i exactly what we desire.

Our uncounsious can be tricky, we just need to know who to intepreter our most hidden emotions...

so u are saying that i want my bf to cheat on me :confused:
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oh and btw, i can´t remember a time where i had such a dream. i´m probably way to egocentric to have such dreams :laugh:

i usually dream different stuff. like this night, it was like in this film "alien", i had a big ass gun and armor and was giving them aliens some major pain!! aliens pieces and body parts splattering all over the palce! that was a kickass dream!!!

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If you ever have a dream of your significant other cheating on you, DO NOT jump to conclusions....especially you ladies. I'm actually quite surprised to see so many allow something as a dream - which typically never comes true - to affect them and their relationship. Yet, being women are such emotional creatures, I suppose I can understand their overreacting.

Anyway, it's important to recognize that our dreams of our mate cheating on us is typically a reflection of our own feelings. Infidelity dreams often reflect feelings of unattractiveness in ourselves rather than suggest specific problems with infidelity in our mates. They are a sign that you fear your partner would rather be with someone else. What you need to do, after having these dreams, is sit down and determine what caused them. Maybe you've been feeling down about yourself, a little depressed, and that could be the root of the problem. But, if you really *are* suspicious in your day to day life that your mate is cheating, it's time to sit down, discuss - not argue - and go from there.

It's true, the subconscious is an EXTREMELY stong thing. But it depends on how you use it that makes all the difference.

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You guys need my help.

In case you didn't know, I have my PHD in dreamology, and my masters in womenarepsycology.

Your dreams obviously mean that subcousously you want to sleep witth me.

or maybe thats my dream ... i think i may have skipped that class

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Originally posted by spinwheel11


Funny, I was just having a similar conversation the other evening. Personally, I believe that everyone is fair game UNTIL they are married. Do I think people, in this day and age, should attach themselves so young? Absolutely not...but hey, what's right for you and me, may not be for others.

Yet, on the other hand, those people who DO in fact engage in a comitted relationship should NOT cheat. If you're going to cheat, just end the relationship right there because clearly, it's not for you to be in.

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Originally posted by misskittie

Yet, on the other hand, those people who DO in fact engage in a comitted relationship should NOT cheat. If you're going to cheat, just end the relationship right there because clearly, it's not for you to be in.

yup. if youre going to cheat, end the friggin relationship.

dont fuck with someones head. :blown:

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