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High Blood Pressure


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I am a 23yr old woman, in very good physical condition - work out regularly - spend my winters teaching snowboarding - eat very healthy.

Recently I have been diagnosed with Hypertension - I started having excrutiating headaches, nosebleeds and vomitting.

Went to the Doctor - my bp was extremely high

Anyways, they don't know what is causing it - I have no family history of high bp - very low cholestorol, and I am not the least bit overweight.

I have done tons of testing, from blood to ultrasound etc., and there is no reason why in my early 20's I am experiencing this hypertension.

Currently I am on medication to keep my pressure down so I don't have a stroke or heart attack.

Is there anyone out there that experiences the same thing?

I have yet to meet anyone my age with the same problem? I am at a loss, the Doctor's can tell me nothing except that I will have to be on meds the rest of my life.....

Thoughts? Suggestions?:confused:

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Damn. Sorry to hear that.

Give me a break down of a typical days diet, supplements, exercise, ect...... Including salt intake and K+ intake.

Also, what was your B.P., how many times was it checked, what time of day was it checked, what were the circumstances under which it was being checked.

Did they check liver values, triglycerides, LDL values, ect...

Also, have you been to a cardiologist.


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Typical day:

wake up, go to work, work until 5p.m., go to the gym - do 2 classes - one cardio, 1 yoga. (that is my basic weekday)

Basic weekday diet (I consciously watch my salt intake)

breakfast: 1 piece of toast with unsalted peanut butter

1 coffee

lunch: 1 can of tuna - celery, and a piece of fruit

snack: 10 unsalted almonds (blanched)

dinner: 1 chicken/turkey breast w salad/vegetable & rice

snack: fruit, or celery with salt-free peanutbutter.

My bp was checked at all times of the day - at it's highest was 180 over 122 -- at this point I was given a beta blocker to bring it right down.

It lowered, and now I am on medication -- so last time I checked it, it was at 130 over 90.

I take pills every day to lower it - my whole concern is that, am I going to have to be on meds for the rest of my life?

I have not been to a cardiologist, and my liver values have been tested, but I am unsure about triglycerides, LDL values, ect...


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I'm not too familiar with high BP either. I went to the doctor not to long ago and he told me that, over the past three years that my BP has gone up every time I've been in the office. He asked me if I "drink" a lot, but, I don't drink except for the weekends.

He had me kind of worried myself. I'm 25 yrs. and I don't want to be on any medication either. I'm supposed to go back and have it checked again, and will do so soon. My BP averages around 180/90-95. I dont' know what to think either :confused:

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I know you have to be careful - as I was warned if it gets too high you can have a stroke or a heart attack.

One day, when mine went really high I passed out in the shower...

So for me I have to take meds in order to be able to function daily...

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I have eaten very healthy for years. When I was younger I had a acute nephritis - some kidney damage as a result - therefore, since I was very young I have controlled my salt intake and my diet...

I do not take any supplements - should I?

I do try to eat high fibre as well though - sometimes All-Bran as a snack or breakfast....

Also, the specialists have assured me that the high bp is not a result of my kidney damage. (that's what I thought it was at first for sure...), but my kidneys are functioning normally, so that is not the case...

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sorry to hear that :( you should pretty much cut as much salt out of your diet as you can, and do your best to avoid stress.. I don't think there's much you can do to cure it. I have a cousin who's 20 who also suffers from the same thing, she'll even have light heart attacks sometimes.. even though they're harmless, its always scary. Unfortunately high blood pressure runs in my family so while I'm fine now, there's a big chance I'll end up getting it when I'm in my 40's. As far as I know the meds don't seem to big that big of a deal, my dad only takes around 1-2 pills a day, so its nothing serious like a diabetics meds.. You really should talk to your doctor about what you should eat to stay as healthy as you can, and stick to it, cuz over time who knows you might overcome it.

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Originally posted by trigger55

definitely go back soon, thats an really high BP rate.

Will do. Sometimes I feel like I get this tingle feeling, like I'm "on" something. A couple of years ago I used to take hydroxycut, but I followed the directions exactly and never over-did it. But every once in a while, it'll feel like I'm still on that stuff. Maybe I fucked myself.:confused:

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Sounds like your are doing all of the right things, my first thought would have been the kidney damage. I would get a second opinion.

The Glomurlus of the kidneys has two very important function 1 is detoxing and the other is blood osmolarity, which directly affects pressure.

Also, a couple of supplements: aspirin, flax seed oil, and fish oil. And anytime you do wish to use salt replace it with K+, as it moves in the opposite direction as salt.

After you get a second opinion, let us know. I am interested in finding out what could possible cause this to some one of your age with no family history.


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I will keep you posted. My next specialist appointment is scheduled for May 1. I am seeing a well respected kidney/hypertenstion specialist, hopefully he can find some answers.

Thank you so much for everyone's concern!

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