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AT&T Wireless GSM Service


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I've got a Sony Ericsson T226 GSM phone on AT&T's network and the reception/coverage SUCKS! Is anyone else facing the same problem? Can anyone recommed a good GSM phone for AT&T's network? I live in Brickell and spend most of my time down there, South Beach, and the Gables.

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Originally posted by pvdfan1

I've got a Sony Ericsson T226 GSM phone on AT&T's network and the reception/coverage SUCKS! Is anyone else facing the same problem? Can anyone recommed a good GSM phone for AT&T's network? I live in Brickell and spend most of my time down there, South Beach, and the Gables.

AT&T sucks. Bad reception, horrible customer service by default, and every month mysteriously, my bill increases. The bills are confusing on purpose so that when you probe them about it, they find some arbitrary excuse to justify the extra charges.. Buncha creeps. I just left them for Cingular, much better service!!

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AT & T is just as bad as everyone else!

as for the question ... the best GSM phone for AT & T I have used are the siemens ones... except for the tiny one they have that slides open , cool design, but it doesnt work worth a shit.

and to add to the dont get list ... the panasonic gu87, it sucks!!!

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Yeup I got the Siemens model as well they work just fine! what you have to careful with is that with all Mmode models if you don't use the service tell them to take it off because they will charge you it otherwise, the fucker who sold me my fine placed me as a very frequent user, and a month later i noticed that my bill had an extra whopping $12.99 for Mmode service which i just don't need, peace out.........

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