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When does one call?


I met her wednesday night, when do i call her  

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  1. 1. I met her wednesday night, when do i call her

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Met this girl wendesday night. I actually knew her a bit in college, and we spoke a bit.

I got her number, and she left saying goodbye and rubbing my arm. Everything seems kool,,,,

So this happened wednesday night. I want to know when i should call her.

The girls i've asked say call her right away, or tonight.

The guys say wait till Saturday or monday.

It seems like the more i think of this, the more factors that come into play.

I don't want to repeat what happened in Swingers, so come on and give me your opinions!

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Originally posted by tranzwhore

since alot of people have a long weekend, you might wanna call her today so you can make plans to do something together.

yeah, it seems to come down to calling her either today or tomorrow.

does it really make a difference when i call her thou?

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call today...

think about it, she´ll be out tonight (friday night) and tomorrow... both nights are SUPREME pick-up opportunities. if she is any attractive she´ll be PREY out there. lots of guys will talk with her and hit on her... maybe she´ll even get horny, drunk and goes home with one TONIGHT... the more guys she talks with, the more impact you lose (because of the time and sheer overload of feelings she gets from a weekend night out)... take it from a playa dude ;)

besides from simple logistics like this, call whenever you want. the second you think about if you should call her or wait till tommorrow, you are starting to play GAMES... forget it and call when you feel like calling.

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I'd say call her today, waiting around is just bullshit, if she gave you her number, she wants you to call and if you actually wait, it looks lame bc it's obivious you did that 'wait 2 day crap'....

you like her, you have her number, so just call already! she will be happy to hear from you!

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I'd say call her today, waiting around is just bullshit, if she gave you her number, she wants you to call and if you actually wait, it looks lame bc it's obivious you did that 'wait 2 day crap'....

you like her, you have her number, so just call already! she will be happy to hear from you!

I am really thinking about calling her today. i think i will!

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Originally posted by tastey

hey, if he´ll end up getting some i´ll be glad to pay it

You can get me back with some brews come Oktoberfest :cool:

And yes, i will call her today at 3. I'll post a message about what went down...

THANKS 4 the encouragement. WISH ME LUCK!!!

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Met this girl wendesday night. I actually knew her a bit in college, and we spoke a bit.

you shoulda called her on the same night you met her. preferably at around 3 am all drunk and mumbling. drunk dialing is the best. if she really was all into you, she wouldnt have minded you trying to make her a booty call so soon. you let the window of opportunity close on ya.... good measuring stick btw. :D

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Originally posted by magellanmax

you shoulda called her on the same night you met her. preferably at around 3 am all drunk and mumbling. drunk dialing is the best. if she really was all into you, she wouldnt have minded you trying to make her a booty call so soon. you let the window of opportunity close on ya.... good measuring stick btw. :D


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Originally posted by magellanmax

you shoulda called her on the same night you met her. preferably at around 3 am all drunk and mumbling. drunk dialing is the best. if she really was all into you, she wouldnt have minded you trying to make her a booty call so soon. you let the window of opportunity close on ya.... good measuring stick btw. :D

That's exactly what i DID NOT want to do....pull off a swingers mistake :laugh2:

But i just called her at 1:00pm. She didn't pick up, so i left a message.

So i waited a day and a half...Let's hope all goes well~~~

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Originally posted by gmccookny

But i just called her at 1:00pm. She didn't pick up, so i left a message.

So i waited a day and a half...Let's hope all goes well~~~

i'll bet you top $$ she was right there when you left the message. right about now, she and her friends are playing your message over and over trying to analyze your ass. you are officially under the glass buddy..... the evaluation board is scrutinizing your application. pray you didnt say anything sappy or deep....gonna cost you some brownie points :)

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Originally posted by magellanmax

i'll bet you top $$ she was right there when you left the message. right about now, she and her friends are playing your message over and over trying to analyze your ass. you are officially under the glass buddy..... the evaluation board is scrutinizing your application. pray you didnt say anything sappy or deep....gonna cost you some brownie points :)


NEVER ever EVER leave a message. no matter what kind. she´s not there? try another time or wait till she calls back (forget the "calls back" thing for most girls).

if you leave a message she will OVERANALYSE and talk herself out of the whole thing, while when you´re talking to her LIVE, she has no time to think and overanalyse so much, but rather acts on what she feels right then and there, which will usually be in your favor when you play it right.

these are BASIC mistakes you´re making here buddy. BABY steps man :blank:

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Originally posted by magellanmax

i'll bet you top $$ she was right there when you left the message. right about now, she and her friends are playing your message over and over trying to analyze your ass. you are officially under the glass buddy..... the evaluation board is scrutinizing your application. pray you didnt say anything sappy or deep....gonna cost you some brownie points :)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Damn, you must be gellan like magellan

Well, if she's gonna be that analytical, i don't need it. I've been with a girl who was like that, and it made me crazy.

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Originally posted by tastey

these are BASIC mistakes you´re making here buddy. BABY steps man :blank:

yeah, but if i call her 3X and don't leave a message, she'll see that on the phone and think im a stalker.

Gimme a break guys. A girl gives you a #. you call her 2-3 days later. If she doesn't answer you leave a message. Whatever happens happens! Am i right girls?

You 2 are looking too much into it, i think :shaky:

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