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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

i dont mean anything negative by saying this, but am i the only one who thinks this girl is a little insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused:

I admit it too, but this is not what I obsess about day and night or anything. sometimes I feel just fine about myself, but sometimes I just wonder, ya know. so i just thought i would get the opinion of others. thanks for all of it. i feel so much better. and i agree that everybody is a little psycho about something. this surely isn't the wierdest thread i've ever seen on here!!!!

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...it isnt psycho, it's a minor manifestation of insecurity...and most people dont have the balls to discuss it openly so no need to sweat it...anyone that tells you they dont question certain things during a relationship is full of shit...so long as on the ones like this, where you really dont know for sure - you dont act on them...put it in it's place and move on like you have...

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Originally posted by gfofaguy69

I have a question. My bf says he likes my body and everything even though my boobs aren't the biggest(b's), but any girl he makes comments about or has pics of on his comp has C boobs and is like a size 2. (he LOVES jessica simpson) he tells me i don't need to lose weight. i weigh 125 so I'm far from a 2. So my question is, do you think he would be happier if I looked like those girls or is that just something ya'll gock at but would never really want. It just seems like the things he tells me are contradictory to the things he looks at. i know he loves me, but I want to be the most beautiful thing to him (even though I know there will always be hotter girls!!) should i kill myself trying to be a size 2 or does he even care?

Here is a word of advise (not saying I htink like this)

But you as a girl should alway look your best.... If he like Size 2 set a goal to be a 2... if he like size C and your not save up for a breat augmentation.... This is how 90% of the guys are.... So you should set your goals and achieve them so make your man happy... Or they may look elsewhere


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Originally posted by badassmafuka

Here is a word of advise (not saying I htink like this)

But you as a girl should alway look your best.... If he like Size 2 set a goal to be a 2... if he like size C and your not save up for a breat augmentation.... This is how 90% of the guys are.... So you should set your goals and achieve them so make your man happy... Or they may look elsewhere


that is what i'm afraid of. what if that goal is not attainable? i have a small frame but i'll never be a size 2. so he'll look elsewhere over that?? my man is not that shallow, but i think you are partly right-thats why i started this thread and you just confirmed what i was worried about. he says my boobs are nice naturally and has never said he wanted me to get fake ones, but i'm sure bigger would be better. i don't want to be fake though. i'm just gonna hope that everyone else on this board is right and you are wrong-no offense. i just don't want what you say to be true!!!!:confused:

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Originally posted by PCR

1. you worry too much

2. you are not happy with yourself

3. your relationship won't work

4. you have no self-esteem

5. you need to grow up

Does this help???

Thanks!!! tell me a little bit about yourself and i'd be happy to list all your flaws!!!! And not that i care what you think, but after almost 6 years, i think my relationship will work and overall, i like who i am despite criticism from people like you!!!!!:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by gfofaguy69

that makes me feel better. everything everybody is saying makes me feel better. the thing is is that I have pics of guys on my comp too, but I don't even compare them to him, which is prob what he does, but its hard for me to seperate it like that.

i have pics of girls on my computer, but they're not there b/c i compare them to other girls. They're there b/c i appreciate their individual beauty.

Guys like girls for different reasons.

But i wouldn't look at it as he is comparing these celebs to you. Maybe he can compliment you more and do more things for you?

It doesn't hurt to remind him every now and then ;)

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Originally posted by gfofaguy

Thanks!!! tell me a little bit about yourself and i'd be happy to list all your flaws!!!! And not that i care what you think, but after almost 6 years, i think my relationship will work and overall, i like who i am despite criticism from people like you!!!!!:rolleyes:

Look, you asked a question and you got positive and meaningful replies - and you still kept asking the same shit, over and over..."what if he doesn't find me attractive"

This simply points out that you have some sort of fucking obsession about this issue.

And now you also say that you guys have been together for six years??? Why even question it??? - If he didn't like you for who you are he would have dropped you ass a long time ago.

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I have a woman that I think is beautiful and I love her body, I also see other woman (celeberties or in real life) that I think are beautiful too. This does not mean I wish she looked like any of these women or I am really not happy with her, I am just a guy and guys love to look at beautiful women, period, that is it.

I am sure he is not perfect either and you notice hot guys or a celebrity you think is hot, but that does not mean you are any less attracted to him, does it?????

People have fantisies and celebrities they think are hot, get over it. You may have some self esteem issues you need to deal with that have nothing to do with your bf.

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Originally posted by linabina

the girls every guy loves to drool over are perfect... its a fantasy and often times, its unrealistic to tell urself u have to be as "perfect" as u or he thinks they are.

don't try to be something ur not, b/c i believe that men love to have fantasies about things they dont have and things they desire. that doesnt mean they actually want that. ;)

Excelent comment linabina...your boyfriend doesn't want you to be perfect ( if he really means it tell him to FUCK OFF) ...you are beautiful regardless what anybody can tell ya'. You can't let the pressure of being perfect get to you. Unfortunately we live in a society in which everybody has to be and look a certain way in order to be succesful, be desired, be sexy and I believe this way of living is totally psychologically unhealthy and can lead to misconception of the real human being.

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Originally posted by gfofaguy69

i mean, i think i look alright. i've always wanted to be skinnier (when i grad hs i weighed 107-it was great), but i was just coming to terms with the fact that this is how i look, but the girls he likes are PERFECT!!! so just thought i would get some other guys point of view cause of course he has to tell me he thinks i'm beautiful.

Perfect does not always include looks. Which is why most Hollywood relationships don't last, because the people involved are so fucking vapid that they can't stand each other.

I'm sure he's with you because you have a lot more to offer than just looks. I have a beautiful girlfriend. I look at other girls, but I know damn well they would annoy me after five minutes. I'm happy where I am. What will some eye-candy have to offer 30 years from now?

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

i dont mean anything negative by saying this, but am i the only one who thinks this girl is a little insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused:

No, I think she's an average woman. They all type stuff like this. Beware those three little words..

"Am I fat?"

Oh, and hun, confidence is something that is sexy even on fat girls. Anna Nicole has a job, right?

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Originally posted by gfofaguy69

I have a question. My bf says he likes my body and everything even though my boobs aren't the biggest(b's), but any girl he makes comments about or has pics of on his comp has C boobs and is like a size 2. (he LOVES jessica simpson) he tells me i don't need to lose weight. i weigh 125 so I'm far from a 2. So my question is, do you think he would be happier if I looked like those girls or is that just something ya'll gock at but would never really want. It just seems like the things he tells me are contradictory to the things he looks at. i know he loves me, but I want to be the most beautiful thing to him (even though I know there will always be hotter girls!!) should i kill myself trying to be a size 2 or does he even care?

start talking about how the guys in the pornos with the long dicks are so hot & how they turn u on............he'll shut the fuck up about the whole weight thing!!

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yeah, he's fine with my weight. i just put too much pressure on myself because one time I asked him how much weight I would have to lose to be PERFECT and he said 10 lbs. Perfectly honest fine answer, esp since 10 lbs is not a lot. its just that its hard for me to even lose that much. i think i'm just meant to weigh 125 so i worry that he thinks i need to lose weight now even though i think i look pretty good. he saw this thread and agrees with a few people on here that this is stupid and so i'm gonna try to be confident with myself cause don't guys love self assured girls even more??? if i like me, he will like me hopefully.

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