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Ids Methyl-1 Test

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WOW I been taking 20 mill a day this stuff is fucking awesome best pro-hormone out right now, 90 tab's10 mill each tab 50 dollar's a bottle, stuff work's as well as d-bol,or A-50'S

believe the hype, geta bottle you won't be sorry this stuff is amazing, I'm stocking up before it's banned, this stuff work's to well to be legal~!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Alkalation at the 17th Carbon position is only a protecting group to allow passage through the liver. The ability of an anabolic to have rapid onset is due to the half-life of the drug.

While I have always been totally against the use of prohormones, due to the cost to benefit ratios of the drugs, I have heard many people claim the same results as you. And you are right, if it does work, it will be banned.

Do you have the actual chemical name of this compound? I would like to look at it and try to figure out the advantage of this drug over other prohormones. For a prohormone to work, it must be converted to a hormone in the liver, my question would be: which one it is converted to.

One other thing, aromatization does not have to occur for side effects such as gyno to occur, there are other mechanisms. What, if any, sides have you noticed??? Also, what is the price of this product compared to testosterone or D-bol???

Thanks for the info. I for one am very interested in this product. Not for personal use, but to see if there is actually something to reports such as yours and many others. Anectdotal evidence goes along way with me, especially with this many reports.

Also, have you seen any studies on this or any claimed mechanisms of action???



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chemical name=17-alpha-Methyl 1-testosterone 10mg per dose

price=50 dollar's for 90 capsule's

also fearture's exclusive enzyme blocking technology the brand is IDS I picked up 7 bottle's of this stuff today to give you an idea on how effective it is also the chemical structure keep's it from converting to estrogen so gyno isn't an issue with this stuff water retention isn't bad at all this stuff has me looking hard and vascular as hell very comparable to taking Trenbolone without the negative side effect's

trust me do yourself a favor go get a bottle you will see result's in a fucking week I been cycling juice all my life and have never seen result's like this from an OTC prohormone.............. shit is amazing

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taking the basic's forever

preload creatine,flax seed oil,injectable b12,liquid letrozole,Tribulus Terretrius,whey protein during morning,afternoon,mid evening,casein protein at night,zinc

6-8 meal's a day 2 gallon's water a day

morning whole oatmeal,skim milk 6-8 ounce's,protein shake,preload creatine,

mid afternoon protein shake,Myoplex deluxe protein bar

afternoon 3 chicken breast'sblack bean's and rice, brocolli,

mid evening protein shake,

dinner 10-12 ounce's flank steak,brocolli,

later evening casein protein shake,zinc,

also do 4-6 week cycle 3 time's a year CKD Atkin's to maintain under 10% bodyfat

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Originally posted by str8upcore

chemical name=17-alpha-Methyl 1-testosterone 10mg per dose

price=50 dollar's for 90 capsule's

also fearture's exclusive enzyme blocking technology the brand is IDS I picked up 7 bottle's of this stuff today to give you an idea on how effective it is also the chemical structure keep's it from converting to estrogen so gyno isn't an issue with this stuff water retention isn't bad at all this stuff has me looking hard and vascular as hell very comparable to taking Trenbolone without the negative side effect's

trust me do yourself a favor go get a bottle you will see result's in a fucking week I been cycling juice all my life and have never seen result's like this from an OTC prohormone.............. shit is amazing

Forgive me if I am jumping to conclusions, but am I the only one that thinks this sounds like an advertisement on your behalf?

Especially if you've "been cycling juice all my life" I'd imagine your receptors aren't quite what they used to be and you are trying to say that an OTC product gave you results after a week, whereas regular juice typically must be run for a few weeks before real results are seen.

I'm just trying to understand this a bit better.

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BRO'S I swear to you all I have no affiliation with any of these company's I am just trying to get the word out about something I have never experienced in all my life from pro-hormone's

trust me go get a bottle and then you will see what I am talking about this stuff really work's no bullshit do research on the internet and then get back to me

this shit is the real deal............................

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Okay, I have done some reading on the supplement and looked at the structure.

It appears that it is very similar to methyl test (that should be obvious be the name) This methylation allows for passage through the liver, which will be toxic to the liver.

As far as aromatization, it will aromatize. Maybe not at the doses you are speaking of, but excess amounts WILL convert to estrogen. Its funny that the company states that it will not aromatize, but then claims to put a compound in the drug to prevent such aromatization.

I would recommend you get your blood work done.

But, I still dont see how this one is available. I guess the government is busy with other things.


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