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Bush family business...


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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

i live and breath politics!!!!!!!!!i luv it....its the biggest game(scam) running

i beg to differ...RELIGION is the biggest scam going...NO ONE (that i know of)...is tax exempt...takes money from believers and uses most of the money for personal use (other than the Church they represent)...;)

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Interesting point you bring up. The way I see it, the so-called "tolerant" liberals among us seem rabid. The same people who preach messages similar to the one who posted ironically are the same exact people who say ignorant, uninformed things like: We're in Iraq for oil. We're in Iraq to avenge the assassination attempt on Bush Sr. by Saddam, Bush knew about 9/11 and did nothing to prevent it, Bush has a secret deal w/ the Saudi's to help him win re-election,,,etc..etc..etc......................................

I've found it's much easier to engage in civil conversation or debate w/ a conservative than w/ a liberal. Today's liberal just wants to stuff their twisted, one-sided view of issues down everyone's throat. Conservatives, in general are more willing to try to hammer out the differences. Libz just get too caught up in their ideology to even consider that they might be wrong. They wouldn't know because they're not in touch w/ the average American. They only "THINK" they are. That's where the classic elitist arrogance comes in. Them and only them know what's best for America. The actually believe that the average American is incapable of success w/ out direct assistance from the gov't. The problem w/ that is, once that happens, there is no choice. Seems like a grand master plan to get Americans to become dependant on gov't. If folks become dependant, then Dem leaders can create a voter base which will vote for the person who promises the most free bee's. We've all seen how great their "40 yr. war on poverty" has worked. Minorities are still broke, dumber and dependant as ever. If you want to talk about results, you might want to look at that. Call me crazy, but 40 yrs. of failure tells me maybe we should try a different approach. A major difference I find between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives (in general) have a much clearer vision of right and wrong. Liberals prefer everything as gray as possible, hence the false perception that their "inclusive and tolerant". To them, everything is okay. Little Johnny killed mommy because he was depressed,,etc..etc..etc...They too willing to make excuses for anything and everything EXCEPT when a conservative is involved. A classic full proof technique I've learned to use when listening to a liberal is: If you want to know exactly what liberals are up to, just listen to what they accuse conservatives of doing and you'll know exactly what that liberal is up to and how he thinks and views the world and it's issues. They always give themselves away. Liberals always feel the need to tear down their opponent (conservatives) in order to make themselves seem more relevant. Conservatives generally go w/ their core beliefs and values and let the chips fall where they may. Life as a democrat in today's democratic party seems so depressing and sad. Why do so many people choose to live such bitter and pessimistic lives? What has gone wrong in their lives that makes them view this country and the opportunities it provides as the source of the worlds problems. What a twisted and bitter life they live. Sad part is, they don't have to. They choose to. That's the saddest part.

Thank God today's liberals were not in charge of making decisions such as exploring Space, eliminating slavery, Nazi's and communism. NEWS FLASH: We did not know if we would be successful at those things either but the American spirit and determination to succeed have proven to be THE winning formula! Works every time it's tried despite consistent opposition from the libz. The pioneers always take the arrows and as a conservative in today's culture war, right and wrong have NEVER been more clear. I'm far from perfect (FLIP) but doing my best to strive to be the best I can be. I refuse to let politicians tell me I can't succeed w/ out their help. I refuse to get sucked into being their "bitch".

Another Quaalude, and she'll love me again--- Tony Montana


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Originally posted by philippio

Fuck that shit!!! If Bush reinstates the draft I'm outta here! He dodged it, so can I!!! I'll just go back to Greece and sip pineapple malibus on some secluded island beach... I ain't fighting for his ass!!! He can't even speak properly!

you can leave now!! :D

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..Im actually quite impressed that CP miami folks are actually interested in current events and discuss them ,even though they do disagree ...proves we are not only weekend warriors .

The way I look @ it is that both REBUBLICANS & DEMOCRATS come from the same asshole ....but since I cannot stand conservative/close minded thinking ( thanx o reilly , hannity & rush ) and the way they try to impose their morals beliefs on others (superiority complex)....I lean towards Democratic & Independant way of thinking .


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Originally posted by mursa

but since I cannot stand conservative/close minded thinking ( thanx o reilly , hannity & rush ) and the way they try to impose their morals beliefs on others (superiority complex)....I lean towards Democratic & Independant way of thinking

stereo typing.....:eek::tongue:

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Originally posted by mursa

..Im actually quite impressed that CP miami folks are actually interested in current events and discuss them ,even though they do disagree ...proves we are not only weekend warriors .

Like Sobeton states in his signature:

"We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors.... but they all have to learn to live in the same box." – Unknown


but.....keep this in mind when it comes time to vote. LAST THING WE WANT IS SOMEONE WHO WILL FLINCH WHEN CONFRONTED BY AN ENEMY.

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Originally posted by obby

but.....keep this in mind when it comes time to vote. LAST THING WE WANT IS SOMEONE WHO WILL FLINCH WHEN CONFRONTED BY AN ENEMY.

So what your implying is that KERRY if president would CRAWL under his oval office desk when confronted with Terrorism ???

..i'll tell you one thing , its pretty easy to be COURAGEOUS & BOLD when your the head of the strongest country in the world . :idea: .....and by acting so bold & patriotic is the reason why most of the world is telling us " TOLD YOU SO ! " , while things in Iraq are the way they are today . :idea:


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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i beg to differ...RELIGION is the biggest scam going...NO ONE (that i know of)...is tax exempt...takes money from believers and uses most of the money for personal use (other than the Church they represent)...;)

religion is the original politics!!!!!!!!!!!!:idea:

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all i have to say is this.....theres always gonna be rumblings of shit going on in the underground!!!!!!!!! thats a given, but in this time were in theres so much coming out that some of it has to have some solid background, if not it would just be the normal shit talking that is usually done!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

all i have to say is this.....theres always gonna be rumblings of shit going on in the underground!!!!!!!!! thats a given, but in this time were in theres so much coming out that some of it has to have some solid background, if not it would just be the normal shit talking that is usually done!!!!!!!!!!!!

como? :confused:

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Originally posted by mursa

So what your implying is that KERRY if president would CRAWL under his oval office desk when confronted with Terrorism ???

..i'll tell you one thing , its pretty easy to be COURAGEOUS & BOLD when your the head of the strongest country in the world . :idea: .....and by acting so bold & patriotic is the reason why most of the world is telling us " TOLD YOU SO ! " , while things in Iraq are the way they are today . :idea:


ha ha ha



What I am trying to say is that Kerry has a long record of being on the wrong side of every issue specifically on issues such as Gulf War I and II. His votes to cut funding to intelligence is another perfect example. His voting record goes back 19 years and apparently the pattern is obvious. He was found to be the most liberal voting senator last year. I am surprised you don't know these things.


As far as having the World mad at us..........SO??????

We are the top of the food chain. WE ARE #1. Who care what # 2 through #100 thinks? They surly don't care what we think. You can bet your small balls that we will be the ones that run back to the moment a Taliban fuck face blows gas.......and make no mistake that we will always be there to help those in need. WE ARE SUCKERS FOR THAT TYPE OF SHIT. No Country in this World gives more to Nations in need than we do so sell that story to someone else cause I ain't buying it. IT STINKS. A perfect example is North Korea. We (if you pay taxes) feed those people. Yes you and I, yet they are our enemies at the moment.

That is the exact type of mentality that wouldn't have explored Space, fought to eliminate slavery, Nazi's and Communism.


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Originally posted by obby

As far as having the World mad at us..........SO??????

We are the top of the food chain. WE ARE #1. Who care what # 2 through #100 thinks? They surly don't care what we think. You can bet your small balls that we will be the ones that run back to the moment a Taliban fuck face blows gas.......and make no mistake that we will always be there to help those in need. WE ARE SUCKERS FOR THAT TYPE OF SHIT. No Country in this World gives more to Nations in need than we do so sell that story to someone else cause I ain't buying it. IT STINKS. A perfect example is North Korea. We (if you pay taxes) feed those people. Yes you and I, yet they are our enemies at the moment.

Well ...the main point is if Bush wasn't as EAGER to go to war, (OMG WMD'S are coming ! we gotta act now ! ) then the US would'nt be in the mess that it currently is in . And now we see the US going back to the UN with its tail inbetween their legs and ask for the assistance that we not so long ago declined . :blank:

....and about the US giving to the world's poor , yes they do , but they don't do so in GOOD WILL , but rather when there is SOMETHING IN IT FOR THEM . think about it .

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Originally posted by obby

ha ha ha



What I am trying to say is that Kerry has a long record of being on the wrong side of every issue specifically on issues such as Gulf War I and II. His votes to cut funding to intelligence is another perfect example. His voting record goes back 19 years and apparently the pattern is obvious. He was found to be the most liberal voting senator last year. I am surprised you don't know these things.


As far as having the World mad at us..........SO??????

We are the top of the food chain. WE ARE #1. Who care what # 2 through #100 thinks? They surly don't care what we think. You can bet your small balls that we will be the ones that run back to the moment a Taliban fuck face blows gas.......and make no mistake that we will always be there to help those in need. WE ARE SUCKERS FOR THAT TYPE OF SHIT. No Country in this World gives more to Nations in need than we do so sell that story to someone else cause I ain't buying it. IT STINKS. A perfect example is North Korea. We (if you pay taxes) feed those people. Yes you and I, yet they are our enemies at the moment.

That is the exact type of mentality that wouldn't have explored Space, fought to eliminate slavery, Nazi's and Communism.


just a few points to make…

only recently have we become a leader in percentage of GNP used for foreign aid. for well over a decade it was Japan. we may be at the top of the food chain now, but we shouldn't be resting on our laurels. we provide economic and military aid to other counties, because of a moral obligation not to mention its a very nice foreign policy tool to have. absolutely nothing wrong with that, but let's call what it is, and recognize the same... ;) where fighting the war on terrorism .we need to be united as one, we can't do it alone. hence the world being mad us; should be of concern to us.

we have already debated the war in Iraq and the upcoming elections, so there really is no sense in going there again.


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I hear ya. But disagree on some points.

# 1- I feel ZERO guilt for being a citizen of the most powerful nation in the world, AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU!

# 2- I don't blame Bush for acting on intelligence he had at the time. Intel which the entire UN, Congress, the Clinton Admin and by Saddam's own admissions, ALL categorically agreed at the time was accurate.

In a post 9/11 world, Bush did his job. Protect America at any cost! He spent 1 year going to the UN making his case and emphasizing the fact that Saddam had broken 17 resolutions and it was time those resolutions had teeth.

Have you not been watching the news recently? The UN has been BUSTED for stealing over 10 billion dollars from the Iraqi people. Mainly France and Russia are implicated in this massive scandal. Kofi Anna himself pocketed over 3 million. His son is the head of the OIL FOR FOOD program. The UN has committed one of the worst crimes ever against the Iraqi people. Do you remember who fought us the most during Bush and Powell's attempt to bring the Iraq issue to the UN? France, Germany and Russia. SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Now Russia has been snagged trading containers of rotten food for oil. France controlled the money transactions from their banks and Saddam built himself more palaces all while the Iraqi people starved.....The U.N. got 2 cents for every barrel of oil. Multiply that by millions and you've got yourself a nice nest egg. NICE!!!! If not for Bush's determination to DO WHAT'S RIGHT, this would never have been exposed. So the UN did not oppose our war in Iraq because they felt we were anxious to go to war. They opposed our war because it would expose their corrupt kickbacks. WELL, WELL, WELL,,,,,LOOKY WHAT WE HAVE HERE..................Bush was right to go to the UN as he did and he was right. Granted, it wasn't popular, but it was still the right thing to do.

I really don't understand the "BLAME AMERICA FIRST" crowd. We only help other nations w/ aide when it suits us? HUH? What an ill-informed and completely ignorant statement. That statement has ZERO merit. What were we doing in Somalia? FEEDING THEM! What were we doing in Afghanistan (prior to 9/11), FEEDING THEM. What were we doing in N. Korea, FEEDING THEM! Dude,,,4 real, think before you write something like that. That's some scary frigin' logic bro!

As for the WMD's.....( in know, I know,,,here we go again.................) did you not hear what happened in Jordan? Al-Qaida was busted coming from Syria w/ cars loaded w/ chemical weapons and gas. YES,,,WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! VX gas to be precise. VX gas was produced by one man in that region and 1 man only, Saddam Hussein. So, Al-Qaida got WMD's from Syria which just so happens to border Iraq???????? Hmmmm? Do I gotta spell it out any further? Who's frigin' side are you on anyway? In a post 9/11 world, how could we have ignored Iraq?

This is what bugs me. If liberals only held themselves and their politicians to the same standards they demand from conservatives, this country might be much better off. They don't,,,,,,,AND THERE'S THE RUB!

I know I'm not changing any minds. But my conscience is clear now knowing that I've done my best to lay out some facts which obviously were not known by most of the critics of this war. If it were, some of the psycho-babble I've been reading would not have been posted. The info is not hard to find. Read! Educate yourselves! You just have to WANT TO know. If the truth is irrelevant and hatred for Bush is all that drives you, then by all means, have fun on your personal little "GRASSY KNOLL".

The truth is out there - Moulder (lol)











:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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:rolleyes: ..... you should team up with Hannity @ fox news .

PS... those pics of chemical attack victims , don't forget ....it was rumsfeld & the us governement that personally gave them to saddam to us against the Iranians .

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