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Bush family business...


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Originally posted by southof5th

so merely by comparing the US to Haiti, Lebanon, or Iraq, some of the most f'ud countries in the world, you conclude the US government is better than MOST???

This is exactly what I'm talking about, a bunch of inbreds talking a lot of smack about something they know nothing about.

FINE, say you love the U.S., FINE say you wish to live nowhere else, but please don't make absolute statements with no basis.

let me guess your next argument..."if you don't like it, get the fuck out!"

I've been down this road a thousand times before in arguments...not because I BELIEVE the U.S. is necessarily WRONG or EVIL or any of that...

I do it because of these absolute statements of "defending everyone's freedom", and "no country is better" that get's under my skin, because DID you know what is out there OTHER than countries portrayed on TV as shitholes (Haiti, Iran, Iraq etc etc etc) you wouldn't make these statements.

I think you missedunderstood the point I was trying to make.

I was saying that we have all these people who hate bush, and say it because they think he is immoral. Then we have people in other countries, doing unadalterated evil, and they choose to ignore that and focus on bush. Its just hypocritical .

And I would never say love it or leave it..... thats one of the greatest things about this country, your allowed to dissagree. I think anyone who says love it or leave it is being hypocritical too.

and I mentioned Haiti, Lebanon, and Iraq because of all the places I have been. They are the ones that make shamefull of being part of the human race.

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