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MTV Casting for New Las Vegas Show!!!

Guest mtvpalmcasting

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Guest mtvpalmcasting

Would you like to win a free trip to a world class resort and casino in Las Vegas?

* Do you have someone (an old flame, friend from high school, someone influential in your life) that you would like to reunite with?

* Have you recently come into a bunch of money and would like to show off?

* Do you have two friends that have never met, but you think are perfect for each other, and you would like to set them up?

* Do you know someone in Las Vegas that you would like to visit or surprise?

* Do you want to try to rekindle the passion or romance that has been lacking in your relationship? Or, would you like to test your partner to see how faithful they really are?

* Are you in a steady, well paying career but have always secretly wanted to pursue a job in Vegas instead?

* Do you have something that you need to reveal to a loved one and need help doing so?

* Have you come to a crossroads in your life and need to make a decision ASAP?

* Do you have a grudge with another person that needs to be settled?

* Are you poker stud or hottie who’d like the chance to win a big Vegas tourney – would you bet the very clothes off your back?

* Do you have an unusual, silly or gambling related talent that you think could break a world record?

* Are you a baller who thinks you could hold court with an NBA star?

If any of these situations apply to you, or if you have a different outstanding reason that you need a trip to Vegas, please e-mail us at palmcast@mtvstaff.com.

Tell us your story, include all of your contact information, and please inclide a photo of you and any other people that would need to go on the trip with you. You must be between the ages of 21-25 to apply.

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Originally posted by liqidtouch

does anyone realize this person do NOT work for MTV?

the user of that email address above has created many "SPOOF" addresses on the net

the one listed above doesnt even exist @ mtv

--ur welcome


yeah, we now and we've already sent our emails to VH1

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