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I HEART LUIGI_SCARPINI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by dirtyslapper:

listen cazzer - don't you bloody start. I've got enough fights lined up with you over p00h, p00hp00h, poohpooh and 0o0o0o0o0o00o0oo already.

I think we should join forces and knock these other birds "the fuck out"

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Originally posted by egotrip94:

Amazing....the only thing he has ever said is mooseknuckle, cameltoe....etc. No offense luigi, but that's pretty stupid. Reading your one word posts makes me feel like I'm in High school again. And for some reason or another, there is not one, but two girls who "want" him. WTF? cwm18.gif

Some people just have no appreciation for such pure clarity of thought. Luigi is almost zen like in his concentration and pursuit of c a m e l t o e. I think we could all learn from this, and see how by boiling down our desires to discover our one true passion, we can achieve anything (even a little booty).

Peace Luigi, and may your days be filled with the t a c o s a l a d.


cold spoonin' on this lovely autumn day


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