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Should abortion be outlawed?

Should abortion be outlawed?  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Should abortion be outlawed?

    • Yes. Abolish abortion.
    • No. Give women the right to choose.
    • I have no opinion.

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There is no doubt about it, Roe vs. Wade will be a campaign issue again this November. Yet again, we've found a hugely divisive issue to split the vote. President Bush gave a statement yesterday to counter the hugely popular rallies and demonstrations that brought forth an estimated turn out of over 1 million people on the National Mall yesterday.

Kerry also joined in on the fray in a move to show soldiarity with the movement:

"More than 30 years after Roe vs. Wade became the law of the land, it has never been more at risk than it is today. We are going to have a change in leadership to protect the right of choice," Kerry

Also, Jane Roe whose case led the legalization of abortion in the US has recently came out to argue the reversal of the supreme court's decision 30 years ago.

The supreme court is split on reversing it's decision but momentum is growing to move back to where we were 30 years ago as legislation continues to be created to eventually abolish abortion.

So where do you stand in these pivotal times?

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i am personally against abortion...but i feel that it should be made available to the woman to choose...i just think that abortion is replacing condoms as "prevention" and that is where i have some problems...some girls have abortions and then later on in life when they actually DO wanna have children, find out they cant b/c of the type of procedure done to them when they were young...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

i am personally against abortion...but i feel that it should be made available to the woman to choose...i just think that abortion is replacing condoms as "prevention" and that is where i have some problems...some girls have abortions and then later on in life when they actually DO wanna have children, find out they cant b/c of the type of procedure done to them when they were young...

Agreed. Abortion is horrible procedure and should be avoided but women will continue to have abortions even if it's outlawed. Just like people will continue to have sex when abstinence is preached. Keeping it legal and safe is good for women so we don't digress to once again using coat hangers to abort pregnancies.

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Originally posted by sobeton

from a personal point of view I am against abortion. having said that. I believe it is a woman’s choice, and should always remain as such .void of any government or religious interference.

oh God...we agree again...:tongue:

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Abortion is clearly wrong when someone makes a mistake wants it to go away. If you F*cking made the mistake, you deal with it. (that goes for both partners) We all wish we could take back things we have already done, but you know what we can't, learn from it and maybe you will become a better person. With this said, abortion is right when you have not made the mistake, like when you have been raped and ect. And also when your own life is in danger, you should be able to make a decision.

When anyone has aborted a baby, we should all feel that we lost a little bit of hope for a greater world. who know that child could have taken us to another galaxy or cured aids.

Thats that,

to those who have had an abortion......I hope you understand your selfishness.

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How is it a Woman's choice? What if I got a girl pregnant! I don't have a choice! Shit I should go to washington and fight for my rights too. But most importantly, what about the baby's choice? How can you deny someones right to live? I am for women's rights, everyone should fight for their rights, but Abortion is not a womans right, It is the baby's right to life that comes first, then it is the mothers and fathers right to keep the baby or give it away that comes second

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Originally posted by lbell25678

There are too many unwanted children in the world already..

Listen, you know why there are too many unwanted F*cking children in the world. Because people who F*cking don't want children have children!

Who looks stupid, these people are destroying my future and my way of life. If I was unwanted,....I would be pissed I would rob people and kill people and all that stuff.

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Originally posted by rutgersecon

How is it a Woman's choice? What if I got a girl pregnant! I don't have a choice! Shit I should go to washington and fight for my rights too. But most importantly, what about the baby's choice? How can you deny someones right to live? I am for women's rights, everyone should fight for their rights, but Abortion is not a womans right, It is the baby's right to life that comes first, then it is the mothers and fathers right to keep the baby or give it away that comes second

ultimately it's a woman's choice because, she will be carrying the child not you. should a woman carry a child she does not want, simply because you do?? do you believe in bringing an unwanted child into the world? when does human life begin at pre-embryo or embryo? quite frankly I don’t know, and there is no consensus in the medical community to determine the same. the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancy is abstinence, but how many of us really practice that ??;)
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Originally posted by rutgersecon

Listen, you know why there are too many unwanted F*cking children in the world. Because people who F*cking don't want children have children!

Who looks stupid, these people are destroying my future and my way of life. If I was unwanted,....I would be pissed I would rob people and kill people and all that stuff.

Jesus you really are a nut! :rolleyes:

Listen, kiddo... What you believe in doesn't apply to everyone in North America. Where the fuck do you get off talking about "these people are destroying your future and your way of life" Go shit in your hat, jerk off.

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Originally posted by rutgersecon

Abortion is clearly wrong when someone makes a mistake wants it to go away. If you F*cking made the mistake, you deal with it. (that goes for both partners) We all wish we could take back things we have already done, but you know what we can't, learn from it and maybe you will become a better person. With this said, abortion is right when you have not made the mistake, like when you have been raped and ect. And also when your own life is in danger, you should be able to make a decision.

When anyone has aborted a baby, we should all feel that we lost a little bit of hope for a greater world. who know that child could have taken us to another galaxy or cured aids.

Thats that,

to those who have had an abortion......I hope you understand your selfishness.

How about In the instances of Rape and incest which are Higher than you think... you got some big shiny balls trying to say that it's always a girls fault when she's raped, DICK

Second the whole point of our government is to provide for the social good and whether giving women the choice to have a child or not.

I think a woman should have a right to choose but not an infinite amount of time to make that choice. I don't think that when a baby is fully grown and about to be born, that is should be aborted.

Every day that child becomes more and more valuable and before it's birth has ammassed a huge investment from the public and the people around the mother it should be given a chance at life.

That's my take on it

And you're a dick head once that semen leaves your body until you start taking care of the child you have no more investment in it

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

Jesus you really are a nut! :rolleyes:

Listen, kiddo... What you believe in doesn't apply to everyone in North America. Where the fuck do you get off talking about "these people are destroying your future and your way of life" Go shit in your hat, jerk off.

hey tuff guy....relax man....everyone is just saying how they feel, obviously you believe in something else that doesn't "apply" to me. There is no need to call me a jerk off. Its people like you who undermine the whole point of a fourm. You sound un-educated, I am not saying you aren't but thats what it sounds like. I didn't bash anyone for what they believed. I don't sound like a kid, I think its you that sounds like a kid. Grow up!

Ohh and also...great argument! You are convincing!

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Originally posted by siceone

How about In the instances of Rape and incest which are Higher than you think... you got some big shiny balls trying to say that it's always a girls fault when she's raped, DICK

Second the whole point of our government is to provide for the social good and whether giving women the choice to have a child or not.

I think a woman should have a right to choose but not an infinite amount of time to make that choice. I don't think that when a baby is fully grown and about to be born, that is should be aborted.

Every day that child becomes more and more valuable and before it's birth has ammassed a huge investment from the public and the people around the mother it should be given a chance at life.

That's my take on it

And you're a dick head once that semen leaves your body until you start taking care of the child you have no more investment in it

Listen here buddy, do you read everything before you present an arguement or do just skip around? I clearly said that abortion is right under "rape and ect". I never said its the girls mistake I clearly said in parenthesis that it is both partners mistake. You are another one that sounds un-educated on here. How can you come on here and start talking smack, without having read what I said? This is really sounds stupid man...I don't know what to tell you. You don't make your self sound educated, how do you expect anyone to take you seriously in life? Do you do this all the time?

This is not about government, this about morals and the fact that the baby does not have a right to life. You wouldn't feel so great if you were denied your rights. Also did you know that in most states if you shoot a pregnant women, it is charged as double murder.(doesn't not matter what stage of pregnancy) This in it self says that the enitity being aborted has rights.

You believe that a woman shouldn't have an infinte amount of time. I understand what you are saying but I don't agree that time makes a difference, at the end of the day its going to come out of the vagina or c-section. One may feel more guilty when the baby is fully developed inside the stomach.

And about investment! It would be my sperm that helps make the baby. and if I have have no more investment in the baby, that means that I woun't have to pay child support. Are you insisting that having a baby is the womans decision? I don't understand how that works. You need sperm and a zygote to create a baby, you need a man and a woman. Do you believe in equal rights?

My "take" on this is that you have no character. Bashing someone never solved anything. And you make raging comments when you don't even know whats going on.

If you want people that matter to take you seriously, try making a solid arguement.

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Originally posted by sobeton

ultimately it's a woman's choice because, she will be carrying the child not you. should a woman carry a child she does not want, simply because you do?? do you believe in bringing an unwanted child into the world? when does human life begin at pre-embryo or embryo? quite frankly I don’t know, and there is no consensus in the medical community to determine the same. the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancy is abstinence, but how many of us really practice that ??;)

You are right....in today's world abstinence is just not something being practiced. But safe sex can be practiced at a risk of .00001%. The idea that a zygote and sperm will create a baby means that human life is on its way. Stopping such process is the same as denying life. As for a unwanted child. People that don't want children and don't want to take responsibility for children shouldn't be having children. Thats the problem here. I don't think having a child right now would be economically effiecient for me, but if I got some girl pregnant, I would take responsibility and give up everything for the child.

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Originally posted by rutgersecon

You are right....in today's world abstinence is just not something being practiced. But safe sex can be practiced at a risk of .00001%. The idea that a zygote and sperm will create a baby means that human life is on its way. Stopping such process is the same as denying life. As for a unwanted child. People that don't want children and don't want to take responsibility for children shouldn't be having children. Thats the problem here. I don't think having a child right now would be economically effiecient for me, but if I got some girl pregnant, I would take responsibility and give up everything for the child.

in theory yes, a human life is on the way. is terminating that process denying life? that is rather subjective.. I would agree "People that don't want children and don't want to take responsibility for children shouldn't be having children." that is why abortion should be opinion available to them. it's admirable that you would take responsibly; if you got some girl pregnant... however pregnancies don't happen by accident.
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Originally posted by sobeton

I would agree "People that don't want children and don't want to take responsibility for children shouldn't be having children." that is why abortion should be opinion available to them. it's admirable that you would take responsibly; if you got some girl pregnant... however pregnancies don't happen by accident.

but there are other methods that just as good as abortion and no one hears about it (at least i dont)...the "morning after" pill is another solution, but gets no media attention...i am sure there are consequences with those as well...but i think all means of birth control should be explored...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

but there are other methods that just as good as abortion and no one hears about it (at least i dont)...the "morning after" pill is another solution, but gets no media attention...i am sure there are consequences with those as well...but i think all means of birth control should be explored...

No one wants to explore anything, people just want to "live Life" and not worry about anything. This is the problem however! These people aren't innocent, they had a chance to use birth control or any contraceptive....anything. This is life we are talking about here, I believe it means something more important than I even realize. For the matter, these people don't deserve "get of jail free cards".

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Originally posted by rutgersecon

hey tuff guy....relax man....everyone is just saying how they feel, obviously you believe in something else that doesn't "apply" to me. There is no need to call me a jerk off. Its people like you who undermine the whole point of a fourm. You sound un-educated, I am not saying you aren't but thats what it sounds like. I didn't bash anyone for what they believed. I don't sound like a kid, I think its you that sounds like a kid. Grow up!

Ohh and also...great argument! You are convincing!

I called you a jerk off because you are a 20 year old jerk off. Havn't finished school yet, either, huh? Funny how you try to accuse people of being uneducated when you haven't graduated yourself. Nice try you sophmoric douchebag.

I don't argue with Trolls, this will be the last time I address you.

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Originally posted by rutgersecon

No one wants to explore anything, people just want to "live Life" and not worry about anything. This is the problem however! These people aren't innocent, they had a chance to use birth control or any contraceptive....anything. This is life we are talking about here, I believe it means something more important than I even realize. For the matter, these people don't deserve "get of jail free cards".

hence me saying to "explore" other options...if u read back...i said i have a problem with people using abortions as "protection" from pregnancy...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

but there are other methods that just as good as abortion and no one hears about it (at least i dont)...the "morning after" pill is another solution, but gets no media attention...i am sure there are consequences with those as well...but i think all means of birth control should be explored...

I concur! Abortion should be a last resort, and not a means of birth control.
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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

I called you a jerk off because you are a 20 year old jerk off. Havn't finished school yet, either, huh? Funny how you try to accuse people of being uneducated when you haven't graduated yourself. Nice try you sophmoric douchebag.

I don't argue with Trolls, this will be the last time I address you.

I never said anything about age. I am 21..actually. Its not about age, you could have finish school or you could be 50 and not have payed attention to anything. Who cares what aga I am, I made a point and I argued. You didn't like my point becuase it didn't "apply" to you. So you decided to call me a "Jerk Off"; it sounds like you are un-educated. I am sorry that you write and convey your points the way you do. In fact you should be the one that is sorry. Also I never accused anyone...I clearly said that, thats what it sounds like. In parrenthesis I wrote that you might educated. And another thing, finishing college doesn't neccessarily mean anything. It just means that you have a piece of paper.

Try writing like you have that piece of paper and maybe you won't sound un-educated.

Also, the reason why this is the last time you will address me is because you have nothing to say. All you have done here is made your self seem even more un-educated than before by blasting me once again.

I reccomend that if you do post again, begin with an apology. That might help your image! In fact no one really cares about your image on here, so don't worry about it. If you talk like you write I wouldn't take you seriously. It doesn't really matter what I think, but you should worry about what people that matter think.

Cheers mate

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Originally posted by jamiroguy1

I called you a jerk off because you are a 20 year old jerk off. Havn't finished school yet, either, huh? Funny how you try to accuse people of being uneducated when you haven't graduated yourself. Nice try you sophmoric douchebag.

I don't argue with Trolls, this will be the last time I address you.

I agree with Jamiroguy

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Last time I voted a political election...was for Clinton. When Bush RAN..........I was homeless....and didn't have time, STUPID me....i shoulda voted.........NOW look at this MESS.

KERRY has my VOTE.....and so much more. Hmmm, I think I will send out for some of his posters and shit....buttons...make them sexy and Kool for the kids....I'ma get them all registered....one floor at a time...in my spare time....if I can find some spare time.

KERRY for PrEz.

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