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Arab Stations Show Iraqi Prisoner Images

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By NADIA ABOU EL-MAGD, Associated Press Writer

CAIRO, Egypt - Arab television stations led their newscasts Friday with photographs of Iraqi prisoners being humiliated by U.S. military police. One main channel called the pictures evidence of the "immoral practices" of American forces.

The images, including prisoners naked except for hoods covering their heads, documented alleged abuses that have led to charges against six American soldiers. They were first broadcast Wednesday night in the United States on CBS' "60 Minutes II."

The Dubai-based Al-Arabiya and the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera channels blurred the nudity of the prisoners.

The images were potentially inflammatory in an Arab world already angry at the U.S. occupation of Iraq (news - web sites). Arabs consider public nudity as dishonorable.

Prime Minister Tony Blair (news - web sites)'s office Friday condemned the alleged abuse of Iraqi prisoners, but stressed it did not reflect the conduct of the vast majority of coalition troops.

"This is not representative of the 150,000 soldiers that are in Iraq," Blair's official spokesman said.

Blair's spokesman also confirmed eight cases of alleged mistreatment of Iraqis by British personnel were being investigated by the army's Special Investigations Branch.

"Where allegations are made, they will be investigated by the SIB, and that's what every soldier who wears the British uniform knows," he added.

Al-Jazeera introduced the pictures by saying they showed the "immoral practices" of Iraq's occupation forces. The anchor reported that some of those responsible would face trial and could be discharged from the Army.

Among the images shown by the news channels were a hooded prisoner standing on a box with wires attached to his hands. CBS reported that the prisoner was told that if he fell off the box, he would be electrocuted, although in reality the wires were not connected to a power supply.

Both stations also showed a photograph of a female U.S. soldier standing by a hooded naked prisoner. The soldier is pointing at his genitals, which are blurred out, and grinning at the camera.

The stations also broadcast a picture of several naked men intertwined as if they were engaging in a sex act.

CBS said the images were taken late last year at Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad, where American soldiers were holding hundreds of prisoners captured during the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

In March, the Army announced that six members of the 800th Military Police Brigade faced court-martial for allegedly abusing about 20 prisoners at Abu Ghraib. The charges included dereliction of duty, cruelty and maltreatment, assault and indecent acts with another person.

In addition to those criminal charges, the military has recommended disciplinary action against seven U.S. officers who helped run the prison, including Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, the commander of the 800th Brigade.

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Warning Graphic Photos below:

It’s the "liberation" of the Iraqi people – and it isn’t pretty….


These are just some of the photos that led to an investigation into conditions at the Abu Ghraib prison, once Saddam’s torture palace, and now run by the occupation authorities, as revealed in a shocking report broadcast by CBS on 60 Minutes II.


Brig. Gen. Janice Karpinski, in charge of the occupiers’ detention facilities throughout Iraq, has been dismissed from her post, and 6 U.S. soldiers face charges.


This is international standards," said Karpinski, in an earlier interview with CBS. "It's the best care available in a prison facility."


Anybody can see that….


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these soldiers make me sick...soldiers have to be disciplined...this act angers me and my old man as well (he served in Vietnam)...they (soldiers) should be prosecuted and dishonorably discharged...not all of our soldiers are like this...in fact these pieces of crap are def. in the minority...but it just adds fuel to the fire about the Americans and our Army...great job people...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

these soldiers make me sick...soldiers have to be disciplined...this act angers me and my old man as well (he served in Vietnam)...they (soldiers) should be prosecuted and dishonorably discharged...not all of our soldiers are like this...in fact these pieces of crap are def. in the minority...but it just adds fuel to the fire about the Americans and our Army...great job people...:rolleyes:

What gets me is - these people are posing for the photos...did they really think these wouldn't get out??? Kudos to whoever leaked the photos. I definitely think these shitbags are in the minority, but unfortuntely, like matas said, just adds fuel to the fire.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

What gets me is - these people are posing for the photos...did they really think these wouldn't get out??? Kudos to whoever leaked the photos. I definitely think these shitbags are in the minority, but unfortuntely, like matas said, just adds fuel to the fire.

i am truly at a loss for words...i am so disgusted and ashamed in our Army...i know that ALL of them are not like that...but like they say, a couple rotten ones give the rest of the Army a bad name...i mean, if i am Iraqi, how can i NOT view the Army with hate and contempt?? sad day....:(

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