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john kerry vs george bush

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I honestly dont see how anyone can vote for Bush after the past few years. Besides the fact that he doesnt know how to speak, he has no problem lying to the people to do whatever he wants. He is like a little kid who thinks he is playing, when he is really risking thousands of lives without giving it a second thought. Whatever you think of Kerry, he is certainly a better alternative. Its all the people in the middle of the country that makes me worried that Bush will be back. NY is no problem. BUT you should always vote anyway!

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Not meet many people who think that this administration is good or has any intention of doing any good ...

No Choice but to vote for kerry ....

Let's be honest ...bush makes people around the world think everyone's a idiot in america to have him in power ...meet some republican who tell me there voting kerry ...that got to good ....

bring on Michael moore .... are Miramax going to back down to walt disney over michael moore new movie ?

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daillestmattyg:what ideas. Bush's big failure is Iraq and Kerry's ideas on iraq are more or less the same as bush's:stay the course, more troops, involve the UN more, and let Iraq govern themselves.

The economy is chilling-peep the april job's #s-the economy has had eight straighth months of job creation totaling 1.1million jobs in a wide range of sectors. GDP is great. Stock market is up. IPOs are frequent and big-peep google. New home sales rock. M&A activity is way up.

The only big problem is deficits, but they should be offset by an increase in tax revenues resulting from larger income reported+1.1mil newbies!

Bush has fucked up shit, but not the economy.

Dean was the only dem with any personality, plus he was the only anti-war candidate. He would've killed bush this past month because of iraq. Kerry picked up no ground in bush's worst month because he voted for the war, his plan for the war is the same, and he is boring-no personality.

musichead: This is a new york messageboard. Half the county supports the administration, but this is the other half

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i cant see kerry as a president... he just doesnt look like a leader to me... more importantly bush may be a shoo-in, simply because its a postwar election, and joe six pack thinks that the economy is doing better, plus the capture of saddamie, blah blah blah... there are many bullet points he could use, but all in all both candidates suck... but i feel the evil you know may be better than the one you dont... follow??? meaning we all know bush is ass, and he may have a hidden agenda, but to vote for kerry may set us back several years...

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Dean wasn't mature enough to be president. he needs to grow up first and rerun next time. ...

You mean like how Bush was mature compared to Gore. Get serious.

Anyways, this was his only chance. If bush wins in 04, Hillary is the dem in 2008.

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You mean like how Bush was mature compared to Gore. Get serious.

Anyways, this was his only chance. If bush wins in 04, Hillary is the dem in 2008.

LOL, Bush will win this november and then ANOTHER Republican will win 2008. With Hillary as the Democratic Candidate, it's like the donkeys are just GIVING the presidency away. "here take it, we insist"

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to a Bush family it's all about leaving a bigger mark (internationally) than your daddy did. i would feel better about it morally if the game involved how big a fish in the sea..........than how many countries they could devide.

Anyone who drops bombs on children while quoting the bible is nothing but a masked evil doer to me.

Obviously a Jody Foster fan, as well. Fortuneately my parents taught me to respect others and get out and talk to people....I can decifer the real evil doers. Hanibal.

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Fortuneately for the Bushes, the fear factor works well for them (not me)....most people would rather have a psycho trigger happy crazy man "protecting" them (as long as it's not them on the frontlines)...than someone they are unsure about.

Kerry, I don't really know....and Hillary is a female...and during war time....the votes prolly wouldn't have come in...otherwise I am waiting for her, eventually.

if you only knew. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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interestingly, why does no one worry the fact that the U.S. required the military genious "skill" of a "terrorist" to fend of the Soviets at a certain time...because they did not "understand" the Soviets "strategies" and "mentality"....now what makes them think they would get "him"? Impossible.

Now the Russian mob is the biggest in NYC...that no one seems to "get"....looks like you could use someones help on the "inside" here....and u are worrying to much about the "outside".

God help us.

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Russian mentality

Arab mentality

Asian mentality

Israili mentality

Americans dont understand them....because we (you, not me) lack cultural understanding..........ethnocentrism....not good for you. (similar to ignorance)

The omniscient queen has spoken......beware for we are all ignorant :bowdown:

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The omniscient queen has spoken......beware for we are all ignorant :bowdown:

y thank you. Ignorance is a CHOICE....remember that.

Wish I had a fox fur pillow....perhaps I shall write the Prince...now, which one is the question. Lil Willie is a fave of mine.

I'm told I write well. Potency....not impotency..........did i spell that right?

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.............they fake a few, and make a few dollars...and think they have the right to annoy people knowing NOTHING.

...........they should stick to their own hair dyes....and leave everyone else the fukc alone. :gang:

A-LONE.................means ONE.


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