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Spirit Last Night!

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I was at Spirit Saturday night, Thou the music was'nt unbeleaveable, but not bad, its was still filled with girls.I though Morales was pretty good ,way better than that level 4 shit on KTU thats what gave him a bad name.The club was in no way empty! Robbie Rivera next week is gonna be a mob scene!They have a pretty loyal following with Artie and Morrisey as the promoters!

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i left spirit real early, i went to morales last time and it was much better... The crowd was so strange in there i could not belive it... In one corner there was a bus load of retards bobbing there heads, yes i mean real retards like from an institute, there was flamming homosexuals, normally i could care less thats part of the scene but these guys were throwing high kicks and just being flames, then you had some old guy with a tambarine running around, some of the worst dancers i have ever scene in my life at this place.. As usual unbelivable hot women in the place. Morales was so so... just a strange night and nothing at all to brag about, place had no vibe at all.

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Spirit is ok. It is like a Jersey club in the city. Morales set or what I heard of it was nice. Nothing special he really did not move me. The chicks were hot and there were many of them and single. The crowd was not made up of hard core house fans. Most of the people just seemed like they were out to have fun not listen to house music. It was actually boring there were no freaks out, no party people, very few dancers. Seems like the City has won the war on the scene. All the new clubs are for boring people. What happen to the diversity of New York? Atleast there still are some great week day parties.

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Although not the hottest party I've been too...made the best of it as usual...yes the crowd was strange and COULD NOT DANCE...what was up with that? Morales was so-so and the crowd didnt seem to be too into him...despite the lack of vibe on the dancefloor, the party up in VIP was kickin as usual

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In April morales kicked ass at spirit, nearly **** night.

spirit last night sucked. his music was totally commercial and dumbed down KTU / NJ beats. he played tons better vocal house a month back.

Last week, roger S was hot but the crowd was abysmal. I figured morales wld bring a slightly better crowd. how wrong I was-- last nights crowd had LESS character than even your normal lame spirit saturday. I saw 1 hot girl (short white tennis skirt) the rest were hoochy trash. saw a few guys I recognized from around but nobody worth chatting with. I brought a date, a cute blonde, and she was grossed out by the crowd, so queens-NJ- and she has never been to big NYC clubs before [only smaller bars and lounges and rock clubs] and she was more disgusted by the crowd than I was.

I was at junior friday night and that was AWESOME!!!!

morales' music sucked next to juniors underground beats & hot anthems.

morales [and he is a near-genius producer & remixer] is one of the most disinterested DJs this side of armand VH. In fact armand is more involved than morales last night. anybody notice morales standimng around like hes thinking of ghis dentist appointment on tuesday? I swear he yawns every time he's looking for his next record. and he kicked ass a month ago!!

that spirit saturday crowd is vomitous.


Comparing Junior at discotq and morales at spirit, this weekend junior was light years better.

see my review above but junior brought fresh beats, interesting underground set programming and a boatload of hot vocal tracks in the second part of his set.

spirit saturdays has one of the grossest NJ/outer borough crowds. I didnt think the crowd cld be as bad as at roger s last weeek but i was wrong.

also morales was excellent a month ago he seemed really weak this time playing even more commercial 718 beats like a KTU saturday 8 pm pm set. I thought he was disinterested a month ago he must have been sleepwalking this time. or just giving the 718 throung what he thinks they want. a couple of the latin house tracks were cute in a miami crobar 10 pm way but he played a whole lot of nothing until 3:30 when Ihad to leave cos the crowd was gross and his tunes werent large.

Im sure morales has hundreds of great sets saved up for this year in nyc & ibiza and beyond but junior was so much better than morales this weekend its no comparison

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I was disappointed in Spirit last night as well...I had never heard Morales spin before and was really looking forward to it, but my perspective is different perhaps.

I'm way into the groovy-vocal-soulful-disco-house style and during the time I was there he didn't do any of that. Better than typical club fare, but not what I was there for. I was also amazed at how disinterested he seemed, disappearing for long periods of time, and taking forever to pick out records and so on. The dj before him was way better and seemed really into it and obviously enjoyed what he was doing.

As for the crowd, it was strange for me as well, because I'm one of the few gay people who was there. And I think the person complaining about the flaming people kicking their legs in the air was kind of off base. I don't think they were gay (believe it or not the vast majority of gay guys do not dance like that). In fact my friend and I were commenting on some of the freaks dancing and wondered if that's what normally went on at straight clubs in NYC! It's also interesting how some of the above posts thought the crowd was kind of trashy, for me it was much more sophisticated than what you see here in Philadelphia. Everyone was well dressed and although I felt like a fish out of water, I wasn't uncomfortable.

In any event I was disappointed. If anyone has a suggestion for a place with soulful house grooves where the crowd is into the music and everyone is welcome, I'd love to hear it!

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As for the crowd, it was strange for me as well, because I'm one of the few gay people who was there. And I think the person complaining about the flaming people kicking their legs in the air was kind of off base. I don't think they were gay (believe it or not the vast majority of gay guys do not dance like that). In fact my friend and I were commenting on some of the freaks dancing and wondered if that's what normally went on at straight clubs in NYC! It's also interesting how some of the above posts thought the crowd was kind of trashy, for me it was much more sophisticated than what you see here in Philadelphia. Everyone was well dressed and although I felt like a fish out of water, I wasn't uncomfortable.

In any event I was disappointed. If anyone has a suggestion for a place with soulful house grooves where the crowd is into the music and everyone is welcome, I'd love to hear it!

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I think we all agree. Morales was on auto-pilot and he pandered to a mook/NJ mass of non-expert clubbers who know a few KTU hits.

At least a month ago morales played disco-funk-pop-vocal house.

his beats last night were caveman commercial NJ shore.

he showed total disregard for the crowd with his back turned, organizing his records, he cld care less and his musical menu showed it.

i know cute girls n boys and there were few and none of both last night.

a week ago for sanchez I stayed til 6: and s-man was still vibey n happy.

by 3:30 am last night my date & I were racing for the exit.

friday night I stayed til 6:30 + for junior. his set was pure worldclass.

morales was dumbed down outer borough mook beats. he really phoned his set in & his body language demonstrated disregard for the crowd. if morales had brought his game it cld hv turned the night around-- sanchez' crowd was equally gross but at least had some energy. s-man made it a memorable night. morales made us run for the door at halftime. :(

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Morales did suck on saturday...as much as I tried to enjoy his set..it wasn't it... really dissapointed me...

my friend even went to the booth to talk to him...recommend he plays something better cause we were getting bored over there for a while...all that KTU lame stuff he had going on...he was very rude to her...he took turned her body and told her to go away...now what is this??

yes totaly...he was sleeping...I kept telling my freind he was so bored...and his boredom certainly reflected in his set...and eventually onto the crowd itself

despite...I tried to have a good time...cause it was my night out after a long time of studying...but now that I think about it....it wasn't that worth it...

seems like those DJs who get to certain level of fame....just yake it for grated.....morales was a perfect example...even last month he wasn't his best...and this passed weekedn he just was at his worst I have experienced

oh welll :splat:

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I was at Spirit Saturday night, Thou the music was'nt unbeleaveable, but not bad, its was still filled with girls.I though Morales was pretty good ,way better than that level 4 shit on KTU thats what gave him a bad name.The club was in no way empty! Robbie Rivera next week is gonna be a mob scene!They have a pretty loyal following with Artie and Morrisey as the promoters!

I persoanlly go because of Thorin and Sevan...Those guys always throw a good party, plus anyone who knows Thorin, knows how fun it is to see him banged up...

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so you go to chill with promoters? why not just go to their house. Morales was much better last month then on sat. Best part of the night for me was making fun of the guido dancers with my friends from shelter while a bunch of them were around and then busting out our own moves. After hectoshi on the 21st i wont be goin back ot spirit for a while. I loved how morales did close with "HOW WOULD YOU FEEL" its always great to hear that song 2 times in a night. Overall my nght was a 4 out of 10.

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Best part of the night for me was making fun of the guido dancers with my friends from shelter while a bunch of them were around and then busting out our own moves.

lmao you and your friends dressed in black are horrible im sorry to say it... ANd to that fat kid not to be a dick, it looks like hes having fun and all but hes the worst ever and tries way to hard. It was worth the 20 bucks just to watch him.... and the whole dress up in black thing and dance like a jack ass is retarted. id rather watch a spike head any day over a fat sweaty mess dressesd in black with sunglasses and silver jumping around about to fall over from exhaustion with no rhythm at all.

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Best part of the night for me was making fun of the guido dancers with my friends from shelter while a bunch of them were around and then busting out our own moves.

lmao you and your friends dressed in black are horrible im sorry to say it... ANd to that fat kid not to be a dick, it looks like hes having fun and all but hes the worst ever and tries way to hard. It was worth the 20 bucks just to watch him.... and the whole dress up in black thing and dance like a jack ass is retarted. id rather watch a spike head any day over a fat sweaty mess dressesd in black with sunglasses and silver jumping around about to fall over from exhaustion with no rhythm at all.

dude those are not my people.Their were lots of people dressed in black and i know who your talkin bout but no i dont have anything to them with them. I went solo the shelter dancers im talkin bout one is latin one is half black half japanese, by the right bar if your looking at the stage. One hand stands helicopter spins air flips and airjumps and squats. I was the only one in black from MY friends. Then theres afa whos latin busting out his moves.

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oh yeah one more thing when you say fat are you talkin bout me? Cause im actually a small fucking person lol.

no i saw you and you are small, and i did not see your moves much so im not saying you cant dance, but all the people im talking about were dancing right next to you

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im sorry, but i have been around for awhile, lol

And silverbull is one of the best dancers i have seen Recently, who is a reg at most house night;s.......so to say he or his crew cant dance is retarted, i dont no silver personaly, but i know his face from the boards, and have seen him out, dancing, and iv NEVER laughed or thought to myself. "he cant dance"

im sure HE could SCHOOL Your ass a zillion times over, apparently he didnt learn to dance at the sand bar in NJ, lol so u might get fucken confused..

ALSO> people are people, small, LARGE, and normal sizes, to make fun of somone cause there a little heavy, shows how SMALL of a person you REALLY ARE.

Dancing is a ART FORM, and to judge somone for being over weight, and dancing different from you, shows your lack of knowledge of house music,

its about being one, and Excepting all.....

PEOPLE like you, are the reason, so many people dont go out...


Stop worrying about everyone else, and fucken FIX YOUR OWN LIFE..




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im sorry, but i have been around for awhile, lol

And silverbull is one of the best dancers i have seen Recently, who is a reg at most house night;s.......so to say he or his crew cant dance is retarted, i dont no silver personaly, but i know his face from the boards, and have seen him out, dancing, and iv NEVER laughed or thought to myself. "he cant dance"

im sure HE could SCHOOL Your ass a zillion times over, apparently he didnt learn to dance at the sand bar in NJ, lol so u might get fucken confused..

ALSO> people are people, small, LARGE, and normal sizes, to make fun of somone cause there a little heavy, shows how SMALL of a person you REALLY ARE.

Dancing is a ART FORM, and to judge somone for being over weight, and dancing different from you, shows your lack of knowledge of house music,

its about being one, and Excepting all.....

PEOPLE like you, are the reason, so many people dont go out...


Stop worrying about everyone else, and fucken FIX YOUR OWN LIFE..




Oh then make sure you take your boy silverbull to task as well for making fun of the way guidos dance


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its about being one, and Excepting all.....

Stop worrying about everyone else, and fucken FIX YOUR OWN LIFE..

I could really care less who dances better, whether you wear black w/jewelry, or dress like a guido......fat, skinny, tall, or short........But.......if it's all about being yourself then why do I always hear this corny shit about guido hunting, and what the SF dancers are doing, etc. etc. etc. Just do your own thing and forget about the guidos, sf dancers, shelter dancers, etc.....

My point is this type of discrimination works both ways......whether you agree with it or not...............

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hmmmm maybe i was just as amazed by watching them as you were so i was standing next to them.And i did wish the bigger guy a good night. Its just coincedental i think that they happen to wear black so i could see the confusion no harm. Next time say hello and i will introduce ya to certain people. Thanks jaysea for the kind words they mean something since ive never seen you compliment much on these parts hehe. And you know what good point when it come to discriminating i agree. Maybe i will cut down on my guido bashing,but i know if i saw 1 or 2 people dancing like me let alone 500 people i would be ashamed and embarrased.

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