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Video Shows Beheading of American in Iraq

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lets not have the old who is more nazi argument again please

and yes i would take a broom in the ass over my head chopped off

i cannot believe you are arguing this with me

you are a worthless piece if shit you know that? you really are

why dont you just go join al Qeada it seems like you would be happier there. then i would join the army so i can hunt your pussy ass down and stick a broom stick up it!

Why are you justifying the acts of our soldiers? Its not about which act was worse.. Both acts are WRONG.. PERIOD..

We should be better than that.. Our army should be better than that.. We should strive for excellence.. and we set an example for the rest of the world to live by..

These are all the results of war.. Yes, Saddam was a bad man and needed to be taken out of power.. but.. When you showed your support for this war or any war in general, you were supporting acts like this.. Did you not expect them to fight back and do whatever it takes to regain their country? Did you not expect them to send a message to us when they killed victims? Did you expect them to 'fight fair'? I sure as hell did not.. And that is the same reason I NEVER thought we should've started a war with IRAQ or invade their country in the first place..

Why are we trying to build our bases in Iraq and take control of the country? Iraq does not want us there! I think its pretty obvious now.. If someone invaded my beloved country.. I would fight back and do whatever it took to defend my family and my country.. If someone invaded my country and placed me, innocently in prison, raped and tortured me and killed tens of thousand of my friends and family..


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Hiler should have gone after those filthy muslims instead of the jews, at least jews are productive members of society, what have those filthy muslims ever done besides kill in the name of "allah".

You're really pathetic.

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this has to be the biggest crock of shit...u dont think they (al qaida) would have done this anyways? maybe not nick berg, but some other innocent person trying to help? maybe if we WERENT in Iraq, Berg would still be alive today...but that doesnt mean that these animals would have found another person, maybe in Afghanistan, Kuwait, etc and done the same? the MPs pictures of the POWs just makes Arabs rally behind Al Qaida's death of Berg...they have killed innocent people in the past, they will continue to do so...animals

for one thing I'm not against going after alqueda ... if we never invaded iraq i would be just as flambouant about getting these people as all you neo-cons, I actually supported Bush(as much as I hate to admit that) up untill the point where he decided we were going to invade Iraq. That is up until his state of the union address after 911. And I feel that that is the biggest arguement against this oil crusade of his, is that it has divided our country. And much like what the divisions did to our country after the veitnam war the divisions made by this war aren't going to go away any time soon. Point being, that if we weren't in Iraq I would be siding with you wholeheartedly.

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id rather have a bag on my head and prance around in womens panties then MY FUCKING HEAD CUT OFF. get the fucking point asshole.

you fucks do not seem no where near as pissed off as you were when we were making iraqis dress like the little bitches that they are.

and what about all your hippie comrads in the 60's and 70's who were so high on drugs and just fucked up in general decided it was ok for them to go against society and laws? remember all those fucks that killed cops and bombed court houses??? yeah you fuck, you get those crazy fucks on both sides of the spectrum.

Spoken like a true conservative nihilist racist pig. :D

Anyhow you think it's ok for US to torture pows but not ok for them to do the same? Two wrongs do not make a right asshole. YOU ARE JUST AS BAD IF NOT WORSE THAN THE TERRORISTS WHO CUT HIM LIKE A STEAK if you believe we should do the same to them as they did to that man. YOU ARE SICK!

Torture is wrong either way.... GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!

25 prisoners have died in U.S. custody



May 4, 2004, 10:26 PM EDT

WASHINGTON -- Twenty-five prisoners have died in U.S. custody in Iraq and Afghanistan, including two that Army officials believe were killed by American captors.

That new revelation by the Pentagon yesterday came as congressional officials warned that the prisoner abuse scandal in Iraq is deeper than already revealed.

The CIA confirmed that the agency's inspector general had "several investigations" under way of alleged abuses of Iraqi prisoners by its personnel. One of the CIA's investigations, said a U.S. official, involved the death of an Iraqi Republican Guard general who was being questioned by the CIA in November.

Now be a good cops son and beat up your girlfriend just like your pig dad beats your mother.

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well, no shit it's despicable but if we werent there this shit wouldn't happen

well daniel pearl was killed for no reason. they said he was an isreali spy then they said he was an american spy knowing damn well that it was just an excuse to kill an american to spread their hate

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well daniel pearl was killed for no reason. they said he was an isreali spy then they said he was an american spy knowing damn well that it was just an excuse to kill an american to spread their hate

dont waste ur time...what i was trying to tell him...that even if we werent in Iraq, this would have happened to someone else...with a diff. motive or excuse for killing them...:idea:

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Why, hello there! and just who would you be my dear?

You're really pathetic. You want to kill them so much and support this bullshit then why don't you join the military and do something instead of just blubbering your racist hate and stupidity while sitting on your fat ass slurping suds and stuffing your face with pretzels while watching Fox News?

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You're really pathetic. You want to kill them so much and support this bullshit then why don't you join the military and do something instead of just blubbering your racist hate and stupidity while sitting on your fat ass slurping suds and stuffing your face with pretzels while watching Fox News?

I dont eat pretzels my tree hugging friend.

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You're really pathetic. You want to kill them so much and support this bullshit then why don't you join the military and do something instead of just blubbering your racist hate and stupidity while sitting on your fat ass slurping suds and stuffing your face with pretzels while watching Fox News?

By the way try being a little more original, its getting tiring hearing someone elses posts (ravermania) re-worded.

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By the way try being a little more original, its getting tiring hearing someone elses posts (ravermania) re-worded.

Maybe it's the truth.

It's sad that you (and your "friends") glorify the acts of Hitler.

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  • 3 weeks later...

rumor has it that berg was a martyr. i doubt that myself, but then again wouldn't you put up a struggle even with the a-k pointed at you? I'd rather get shot than behead with a bread knife, and it would take at least 4 people to hold me down (even for a short guy like me) not just 2. and also the way his beard was shaved seemed very islamic. anyhow, just the version circulating amongst the servicemen.

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rumor has it that berg was a martyr. i doubt that myself, but then again wouldn't you put up a struggle even with the a-k pointed at you? I'd rather get shot than behead with a bread knife, and it would take at least 4 people to hold me down (even for a short guy like me) not just 2. and also the way his beard was shaved seemed very islamic. anyhow, just the version circulating amongst the servicemen.

You never been in this situation, so you can't tell what you would do.

How does that look, an Islamic beard?

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no one in here is glorifying the Nazis atrocities, you just took my words out of context.

Glorifying the soldiers' atrocities on the prisoners at Al Ghraib is the relative equal to glorifying the Nazis' atrocities on the jews at Auchwitz.

I believe tarsit's quote fits well into context exposing your sadisticly warped logic.

You are a pathetic lying imbecile.

By the way try being a little more original, its getting tiring hearing someone elses posts (ravermania) re-worded.

Maybe we're distant cousins. Ever think of that? ;):tongue:

I dont eat pretzels my tree hugging friend.

Afraid you might choke on one?

Oh by the way.. You just won the normalnoises chickenhawk of the month award:


Congratulations... You done yourself proud. :)

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dont waste ur time...what i was trying to tell him...that even if we werent in Iraq, this would have happened to someone else...with a diff. motive or excuse for killing them...:idea:
Yes ... but at least we wouldn't be giving them a reasonable one :aright:
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Glorifying the soldiers' atrocities on the prisoners at Al Ghraib is the relative equal to glorifying the Nazis' atrocities on the jews at Auchwitz.

an isolated incident of humiliation to a few prisoners pales in comparison to the systematic gassing, burning and shooting millions of people to death you cocksucker. relative equal? you dare to argue that the embarassing treatment of a few men is tantamount to a country enforcing genocide on a level unseen before(with the help of other governments, the fuckin' French Vichy for one)?

and don't ever talk about racism after all the anti-semetic epithets you spewed on this forum. fuckin hypocrite.

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