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Ya'll wuz warned~~> (ya got your own view?)

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so when people in this country exercise their freedom of speech they should leave the country? when people want to change the way America behaves they should be censored?

that doesnt sound like America. that sounds like a dictatorship.

But a dictatorship is exactly what America got rid of. I did not say anybody should be censored of kicked out, all i said was that if anybody does not agree with the way america does things, they are free to leave.

I am usually very flexible of these matters and in politics you obviously have to be very flexible, however in dealing with people who still live in the dark ages with acces to modern weapons and hatered for the all of humanity i see no other alternative. They have to be exterminated. Like rats. America should and will clean up the rest of the garbage, set up their own goverment and hopefully free middle east from theis desiease.

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It's war. 3 yrs ago, alot of people died in your city. Obviously our infrastructure was unstable enough to not only be threatened, but to be weakened. The people that did this come from fundamentalist organizations funded by oil-rich countries in the mid-east. Not just "A" country, but more countries than you'd even want to admit to. Countries that even appear to work WITH us. Iraq's advancements in nuclear capabilities was a serious concern as soon as the Soviet Union diminished and nuclear weapons became unaccounted for. Just b/c the American media has you believing that Iraq had NO nuclear capability b/c we found not a trace does not mean that Sadam was not smart enough to sell and ship everything directly across the border to his neighbor in Syria, El Asad, who's just as nutty as Saddam was.

But if your the peaceful type who's smart enough to know all of this and still opposes any offense that our military is currently practicing, then you're also smart enough to know that there is only one way to truly end all of this... and that's to create an America completely independent of oil. The same oil that creates the facade of such a strong American infrastructure, a facade that readily crumbles when attacked by the reality of those WE fund simply by using oil in our daily lives. From the rides you get to your clubs to the lighters you light your cigarettes with.

If we all used public transportation and refrained from smoking hash... we'd be homefree.


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france . why france .. u r fuuny .. no dude i aint moving ..

but if u cant deal with reality .. u r welcome to move


the MASK

i deal with reality fine, going to vote for Bush and in the lound booming voice defend his actions to anyone who dares to argue.

why france you ask, well europe in general and france in particular seems to be pro peace while keeping tail between their legs in fear.......

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after reading it a few times over i can somewhat see what she is saying... but the way she says it makes it pretty impossible to understand.. yeah there are some people over there who are pretty upset with out presence over there... but on the other hand there are some people over there, that are glad that we are there.. it's a pretty tough situation.. we've kicked out/captured/killed the oppressive leaders over there so we can't just bounce and be like "good luck with cleaning that shit up".. we kinda have to set things up for them.. we cant leave the country in shambles with no rule because then there will be chaos.. and chaos isnt necessarily bad, but it has potential to get ugly, so why chance it??

to play devils advocate with myself... i think it's really fucked up that our boys are over there being killed by the same people we are there to protect... it's an absolute lose-lose situation... and i think that bush has absolutely no respect for human life whatsoever..

yeah well we got rid of the big bad evil guy to replace him with our big bad evil guy...the torture in prisons has'nt stopped now its just our guys doing the killing...think about it? you think the rest of the world is as stupid as us? and buy thi s crap...what liberation do people have, did u know that most of the people in the prisons today havent event committed any crime, they are there because our boozos think there life is in danger when we bomb their houses.....wht a fuckin hog wash!

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It's war. 3 yrs ago, alot of people died in your city. Obviously our infrastructure was unstable enough to not only be threatened, but to be weakened. The people that did this come from fundamentalist organizations funded by oil-rich countries in the mid-east. Not just "A" country, but more countries than you'd even want to admit to. Countries that even appear to work WITH us. Iraq's advancements in nuclear capabilities was a serious concern as soon as the Soviet Union diminished and nuclear weapons became unaccounted for. Just b/c the American media has you believing that Iraq had NO nuclear capability b/c we found not a trace does not mean that Sadam was not smart enough to sell and ship everything directly across the border to his neighbor in Syria, El Asad, who's just as nutty as Saddam was.

But if your the peaceful type who's smart enough to know all of this and still opposes any offense that our military is currently practicing, then you're also smart enough to know that there is only one way to truly end all of this... and that's to create an America completely independent of oil. The same oil that creates the facade of such a strong American infrastructure, a facade that readily crumbles when attacked by the reality of those WE fund simply by using oil in our daily lives. From the rides you get to your clubs to the lighters you light your cigarettes with.

If we all used public transportation and refrained from smoking hash... we'd be homefree.

wht green stuff do u smoke? I like to get hight too....just to further this discussion, where are the WMDs? where are those nuclear stockpiles? they make u believe u can hide this stuff under your bed.....just think about it, how big is our oakland ridge lab? its big enough to be spotted from the moon! u need huge infrastructure to develop nuclear weapons, things like heavy water resevoirs, high-speed centrfigues, fission chambers....my uneducated friend take my word, u cant hide nuclear bombs in your closet OK! you need huge infrastructures to develop and maintain em....

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i deal with reality fine, going to vote for Bush and in the lound booming voice defend his actions to anyone who dares to argue.

why france you ask, well europe in general and france in particular seems to be pro peace while keeping tail between their legs in fear.......

got a better solution for you...why dont you vote for someone even more radical like Sharon or BB...obviously I think u have dual isreali citizenship like richard perle and wolfowitz, doug feith all these corny crooks work in the pentagon and are the reasons behind why we are in this war.....it seems like america is doing isreals dirty job......hey if israel wants to fight iraq it should do it on its own.....pls dont drag us americans each time you get intimidated by some punk arab ruler! :gang: i should'nt generalize israel, I would say likud party.....cause most isreali are better minded ppl....but these punks in DC and brooklyn are scary....so fez up, make luv and not war :makeout:

oh btw this whole fucking war is going to make israel's existence more difficult, cause ppl all around the world are now beging to hate america and isreal......

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God bless them and god bless America

as for the rest of you fuckers, who think that america is guilty of something other then protecting itself, please feel free to leave and make room for people who truly appretiate freedom

Do you truly believe that this war is about freedom??

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when bush loses the election...will you complain?

if you do complain...will you live up to your own beliefs and leave the country?

I don't think undergr0und is the type of person that I want having voting rights.

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NO, if somebody doesn't like the country that they live in and take all their freedoms for granted, that somebody should go live elsewhere. Preferably France.

for example around 3000 innocent people died on 9/11. i think that justifies us to go there and stay till every last terrorist is captured of killed.

our soulders are not dying senslessly, they are heroes who protect our way of life.

When you say to go there, where are you referring to?


The country with no ties to Al Qaeda?

The country with no ties to Bin Laden?

The country that after we couldn't find WMD, we switched mid war to "liberators"?

We aren't liberators. We could give one less shit about the people in Iraq. That is why people should stand up and questions things, without meatheads like you telling them to move to France.

Not for nothing buddy, but France was right. Their reason for wanting no part in the Iraq war was that they didn't feel Iraq had WMD.... where are they?

And don't give me that shit about he sold them to Libya, because we found a truck full of money driving over the border from space. So I am damn sure that we could have found nuclear weapons being smuggled out.

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