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Accident Outside SF This Morning!!


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My friends tried to get into SF this morning at 5:30 (4:30 if you count the time change)

Since they didn't have a costume and the place was fucking packed, they didn't get in.

When they were waiting at the light at 46th and 11th, they saw 2 people, they think it was a guy and a girl, get hit by a car.

The car was going like 50 MPH, and they flew 10 feet in the air and broke the windsheild.

My friends said they looked like they were in club clothes, so they were probably going to SF.

We drove by about 20 mins later and the cops had the street blocked off.

It happend on 11th Ave, and 47th St.

I hope these people are ok, but judging from the speed of the car and how high they flew into the air, who knows.

If anyone hears anything else about this, let me know.

I hope it wasn't anyone I know.

Be careful out there!!



Darrell G.




Thursdays - NV Lounge and Cheetah

Fridays - OHM, Limelight, EXIT and Chaos

Saturdays - The World and EXIT

[This message has been edited by darrellg (edited 10-29-2000).]

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Oh damn, I hope that whoever it was is ok. Did the car stop or was it a hit and run? I was in a hit and run about 6 months ago and it sucks! I hope the prosecute the dick who was driving to the fullest extent of the law and I pary that the people who were hit are going to be ok.

No one deserves to have that happen to them.



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The guy I was hanging out with on Sat. night (early sunday morning) called me on Sunday night to make sure me and my girlfriend got home ok! He said 2 girls were hit by a car, and one of them died!!!

god i hope he was mis-informed! frown.gif



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I had just parked my car in the lot and was walking across the street when it happened. I only saw one car stopped though, so if it was two girls who got hit by two cars, then one definitely left the scene. It sounded like someone was shot, that's how loud it was. The cops were there in like 5 seconds since they were already hanging out outside the club, but I'm sure the ambulance took a while. The one closer to the car was NOT moving at all. This was not the way I wanted to start my night!! I was extremely bummed...

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that's so terrible!! people, be careful, too many people are assholes and don't pay attention to what's going on around them . . .

i got into a car accident coming home from exit one morning this summer . . the cops estimated that the guy was driving at least 55 mph when he hit me. that's crazy.




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were thought to be insane by those

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man i hope they are ok that sounds god awfull though people be care ful in the city it can be fun but you always have to pay attention


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My heart goes out to the friends and family of these people.



Darrell G.




Thursdays - NV Lounge and Cheetah

Fridays - OHM, Limelight, EXIT and Chaos

Saturdays - The World and EXIT

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I saw the accident happen. Two girls got hit by two different cars. It took the police to long to react and i think the fucking assholes got away. One girl was in really bad condition(she was not moving at all) and the other was about 20 feet further up the street on the ground but she looked to be talking. It was really a fucked up scene and I hope they are both alright.

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Guest chinagirl

I just got to factory about that time. the parking garage was full so we drove around for about 30 min before we found a spot. I did not see anything. i hope they are ok

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