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Lynndie's Jail Orgies

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May 14 2004

From Anthony Harwood Us Editor In New York

DISGRACED US soldier Lynndie England was filmed having sex in front of Iraqi prisoners, it was claimed last night.

The 21-year-old private is already at the centre of a storm over pictures showing her holding a naked inmate by a leash at Baghdad's notorious Abu Ghraib jail.

Now more depraved pictures of the reservist in a series of sex acts with different colleagues have been handed to senators in America.

One said: "She was having sex with numerous partners. It appeared to be consensual. Almost everyone was naked all the time."

Senator Norm Coleman added: "It was pretty disgusting, not what you'd expect from Americans. There was lots of sexual stuff, not of the Iraqis, but of our troops."

Other pictures in a new dossier handed to Congress showed Iraqi women made to expose their breasts and forced sexual acts between male prisoners. One was of an inmate abusing himself with a banana.

Among the most disturbing scenes was a video of a young male repeatedly banging into a cell door until he collapsed.

The handcuffed prisoner appeared to have a rope attached to his waist with someone pulling him towards the door.

Senator Joe Lieberman said: "It just deepens the conclusion that this was a cell block that had gone wild." Colleague Ben Nighthorse Campbell added: "I don't know how the hell these people got into our army.

"There were several pictures of Iraqi women who were disrobed or putting their shirts up. They were not smiling, that's for sure. But it looked like they hadn't been beaten."

Politicians said the new pictures of abuse were even more graphic than they expected.

Senator Richard Durbin said: "It's like looking at one of the rings of hell, and it's a ring of hell of our own creation.

"When you see these photos of violence and brutality and perversity and depravity, you want to turn around in revulsion." Senator Ron Wyden added: "It was significantly worse than I had anticipated. Take the worst case and multiply it over several times."

However, officials were split as to whether to make the degrading images public. Some fear releasing them would only further inflame passions in the Muslim world.

Others argue it would demonstrate the openness of US society and limit the damage caused by leaking the photos to the media.

But lawyers said making them public would be against the Geneva Convention which bans the release of images demeaning to prisoners.

George Bush last night spoke of his shame at seeing the pictures of US soldiers brutalising Iraqi prisoners. He told an audience during a speech on education in Parkersburg, West Virginia: "Like you, I have been disgraced by what took place in the prison.

"But the actions of a few do not reflect on the fantastic character of the more than 200,000 men and women who have served in Iraq."

Private England, who is five-months pregnant, was sent back to the US after the scandal broke and is facing a court martial.

She spends her days doing menial chores like washing walls at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

The soldier tried to paint herself as an unwilling participant in the humiliating photos of her with the naked Iraqi on a dog lead and others shots including her pointing at an inmate's genitals.

She claimed she was following orders from "persons in my chain of command".

Yesterday her sister Jessica Klinestiver said she was "being made a scapegoat".

The father of Private England's child is thought to be military policeman Charles Graner who was yesterday told he will be charged next week with abusing Iraqis at Abu Ghraib jail.

The 35-year-old was pictured standing behind a pile of naked prisoners. In one shot, he is arm-in-arm with Private England.

Graner is the second soldier to face a court martial. His colleague Jeremy Sivits will stand trial in Baghdad on May 19.

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