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What is the most ridiculous lie you told or did to get you out of trouble.

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Does anyone remember when Twilo had the fire men come in, n they had to evacuate the whole place...

Well i was so F*'d up that night. I remember being in/out of consciousness...meaning, that I'll realize that I'm on top of the speakers dancing and not know how I got there, b/c my last most recent memory was that I was sitting down talking with someone about getting me sugar or candie. And i remember feeling that my body was 'dissolving' into the observable environment..and once my ability to observe via sight diminished...it seemed that my consciousness to be aware of my body was really beginning to diminish, and my awareness of what's around me was nill. From Sight, smell, touch/feel, taste, hear, and ability to logically think the last to give was my ability to hear.

So my awareness of 'myself' my body was becoming as one with the music i was hearing.. though it seemed so distant and stretched/distorted...I could not differentiate myself from the music.

But somehow...

Some-how i don't remember exactly but i found myself outside the club, sitting down on the curb w/ Handcuffs on!!!???

I did not know if I was in reality or if I was just in some kind of zone or K hole.

I thought, this couldn't be, I would have known if the club closed, my friends would have shoved sugar down my throat!?

So for sure i thought... it wasn't real, and i thought since it isn't real but yet felt sooo real, perhaps i was in the after life!!!...A momentary panic, dread and fear over came me - but that was soon overcome by peace and tranquility... I felt at peace w/ Death.

The officer insisted with me .. asking me my name and my place of residence...I thought to myself... why is he asking me my name why not just look on the death tag between my teeth..

I thought i thought this but perhaps may have actually said it out loud b/c he became irritated with me and began to yell at me.. i then realized, that my pockets felt empty, and knnew that i had some things that I should not have...and the other officer was reaing out my name from my license as he parsed through my wallet....

But i continued to believe that i was in the after life, and that somehow these officers didnt' realize they are talking to just a ghost...

they began to lift me up drag me towards the car.. as they shoved my head down (to avoid my head hitting the car) to get into the back seat..i yelled wait wait,...

he then chucked me back out and said "WAIT For WHAT"...

I said, "please have the courtesy to atleast give me proper burial.. there are still people in there jamming to the music, they are probably stepping all over my dead body"..

Then the police officers just looked at each other in disbelief and said,

"man I ain't messing' w/ this fool" and uncuffed me .. handed back my things minus the tablets/jars and left me out on the curb...

After what must have been hours... i realized that it wasn't a dream, and that I must have talk'd my way out of being locked up!!!!


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