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AP: Terrorists Planning Summer Attack


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AP: Terrorists Planning Summer Attack

By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - U.S. officials have obtained new intelligence deemed highly credible indicating al-Qaida or other terrorists are in the United States and preparing to launch a major attack this summer, The Associated Press has learned.

The intelligence does not include a time, place or method of attack but is among the most disturbing received by the government since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, according to a senior federal counterterrorism official who spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity Tuesday.

Of most concern, the official said, is that terrorists may possess and use a chemical, biological or radiological weapon that could cause much more damage and casualties than a conventional bomb.

"There is clearly a steady drumbeat of information that they are going to attack and hit us hard," said the official, who described the intelligence as highly credible.

The official declined to provide any specifics about the sources of the information but said there was an unusually high level of corroboration.

Despite that, the official said there was no immediate plan to raise the nation's terrorism threat level from yellow, or elevated, to orange, or high. The threat level has been at yellow — midpoint on the five-color scale — since January.

Attorney General John Ashcroft (news - web sites) and FBI (news - web sites) Director Robert Mueller plan a news conference Wednesday to outline an intensive effort by law enforcement, intelligence and homeland security officials to detect and disrupt any potential plots. And the FBI plans to dispatch a bulletin to some 18,000 state and local law enforcement agencies warning of the threat.

The FBI also has already created a special task force that is focused solely on dealing with this summer's threat. The task force, whose existence until recently was classified, is intended to ensure that no valuable bits of information or intelligence fall through the cracks — as happened repeatedly before the Sept. 11 attacks.

Other actions to be taken include new FBI interviews with people who may have provided valuable information in the past and a fresh examination of older investigative leads to determine if they might point to elements of the summer plot.

Beginning with Saturday's dedication of the new World War II Memorial in Washington, the summer presents a number of high-profile targets in the United States. They include the G-8 summit in Georgia next month that will attract top officials from some of America's closest allies, the Democratic National Convention in Boston in July and the Republican National Convention in August in New York.

The FBI and Homeland Security Department also are concerned about so-called soft targets such as shopping malls anywhere in the United States that offer a far less protected environment than a political convention hall.

U.S. authorities repeatedly have said al-Qaida is determined to mount an attack on U.S. soil, in part to announce to the world that it remains capable of doing so despite the money and effort that has gone into homeland security in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks.

There also is concern terrorists might try to mount an attack to coincide with the November election. The political fallout from the March 11 train bombings in Spain taught al-Qaida that an attack timed to an election can have a major impact. Spain's former ruling party was ousted in the voting that followed the bombing, which killed 191 and injured more than 2,000.

The official did not say how many suspected al-Qaida or other terrorist operatives are believed in the country, whether they made their way into the United States recently or have been here for some time. The FBI has warned in the past that Islamic extremist groups may attempt to recruit non-Middle Easterners or women for attacks because they would be less likely to arouse suspicion.

Special security attention already is being focused to the nation's rail, subway and bus lines. The FBI last week sent out an intelligence bulletin to law enforcement agencies urging vigilance against suicide bombers, who have been used by terror groups worldwide to devastating effect but not so far in the United States.

Separately, Immigration and Customs Enforcement chief Michael Garcia told reporters Tuesday that some 2,300 of its agents are being deployed to assist in security for the high-profile events scheduled this summer in the United States. These include as many as 20 agents each day working with the Secret Service to protect the campaigns of President Bush (news - web sites) and Sen. John Kerry (news - web sites), the Democratic presidential candidate.

Garcia said his agency also is working to "tighten the investigative system" to ensure that terrorists do not enter the United States by way of human smuggling operations or through the vast, largely unprotected border with Canada.

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...the Bush administration loves when news like this pops up ............ installs even more fear on people , hence an attemp to rally more support for this "war time "president .

gotta love it ...lol

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...the Bush administration loves when news like this pops up ............ installs even more fear on people , hence an attemp to rally more support for this "war time "president .

gotta love it ...lol

Typical douchebag response by a douchebag.......

You would be the same douchebag who issues an idiotic statement like above, and then would be the first douchebag to issue a douchebag statement like "what did Bush know" in the event something happens this summer....

Summary: You are a douchebag who would bitch either way. A douchebag.

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Dear conservative scum ,

....don't get your panties in a bunch ... :splat: ..lol

Dear retarded jerkoff,

I am more than happy to be labeled conservative scum from the likes of you.....

You were exposed as a hypocritical blowhard useful idiot with the obvious IQ of a fart.

Blow away schmuck.

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...the Bush administration loves when news like this pops up ............ installs even more fear on people , hence an attemp to rally more support for this "war time "president .

gotta love it ...lol

tree huggers love when news like this doesnt come up, so when it happens they can blame bush for not warning anyone of an impending attack.

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Sum of all fear mongering. If they know something, just say it. Fucking Tom Ridge is pathetic.

Again, if they didn't say something (even if the data is vague), and something happened, you would be the first to say "what did they know"...

Look no further that the hysteria over the August PDB, which jerkoffs like you were screaming about as some kind of proof of "what Bush knew"....and the August PDB was nothing more than a pile of meaningless shit that is now in a pile of baseless Bush accusations.

Jamirolost----shut the fuck up...you have no idea what you are vomiting....

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Again, if they didn't say something (even if the data is vague), and something happened, you would be the first to say "what did they know"...

Look no further that the hysteria over the August PDB, which jerkoffs like you were screaming about as some kind of proof of "what Bush knew"....and the August PDB was nothing more than a pile of meaningless shit that is now in a pile of baseless Bush accusations.

Jamirolost----shut the fuck up...you have no idea what you are vomiting....

lol. Fucking clown! The August and eariler pdb's were Specific. 'Hijacked commerical airplanes flown in the pentagon' is pretty goddamn specific, you pathetic fucking bootlicker.

What the fuck Tom Ridge has said today was no different than what he always says. He's a fucking disgusting fear mongerer and you eat it up, beooch.

Now go suck Sean Hannity's cock.

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lol. Fucking clown! The August and eariler pdb's were Specific. 'Hijacked commerical airplanes flown in the pentagon' is pretty goddamn specific, you pathetic fucking bootlicker.

What the fuck Tom Ridge has said today was no different than what he always says. He's a fucking disgusting fear mongerer and you eat it up, beooch.

Now go suck Sean Hannity's cock.

To repeat, you would be the same jerkoff vomiting "what did they know" in the event something did happen, and calling for hearings, and launching false accusations, etc, etc, etc..

It is such a tired story with douchebags like you......

It is getting so boring kicking your ass each week, for so long....but I give you credit for you resiliency.....although, one would hope that you dig deep for some self respect and stop demonstrating your relentless stupidity

The August PDB was not specifc, and this has been proven jerkoff.....give it up already clownboy....even the liberal press and Bush haters have given up on it you fucking retard.....

Seriously, don't you ever tire of being wrong so much.....don't you ever tire of being a fucking bafoon.....don't you ever tire of getting your ass kicked.....

I am actually getting bored of the continual ass kickings I deliver to your stupid ass......

Here is a post on the August PDB, which you rightfully ignored........read and learn jerkoff......do you really want to go through life a blubbering bafoon?

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