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Farenheit 9/11


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:aaah: this thread is going nowhere ....................... people already have their brains programmed a certain way , and in my opinion no PRoof will ever be validated by them which opposes their beliefs .

Alot of Sheep around thats for sure ... :)

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i will say this about him.....he is getting over passionate, about things going on....hes letting alot of his emotion spill into his work......is it wrong ...no....but it does skew his point of view....but as i said he does love this country, and is very worried(passionate) at what he sees going on!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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There's sheep on both sides. Sheep who say Moore is the new Messiah, and there's the sheep who don't like him for bashing their way of life.

Bowling for Columbine was just the worst form of Second Amendment bashing...but that is my opinion. However, I will say that Moore tends to film his works with an eye towards his point of view...more so than many other documentary filmmakers. I don't see this one being much different. While I'll wait to see it before I say "yeah, he's right" or "he's wrong..", I am expecting it to be slanted to his point of view.

It's still gonna be the Armchair Generals vs the Armchair Philosophers.

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i will say this about him.....he is getting over passionate, about things going on....hes letting alot of his emotion spill into his work......is it wrong ...no....but it does skew his point of view....but as i said he does love this country, and is very worried(passionate) at what he sees going on!!!!!!!!!!!:D

i thought "bowling for columbine" was a really good movie. & i look forward to seeing this new one. it's his movie & he can provide whatever angle / view he wants. it is up to u to decide what to think. stay brainwashed by ur gov't. if you'd like but don't blame his movie or directoral skills or lack of!

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Guest saleen351

his first two were great, not that i fully agree with them, but they were fun to watch. bowling for columbine was brillant.. but his bush bashing one will end his career.

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his first two were great, not that i fully agree with them, but they were fun to watch. bowling for columbine was brillant.. but his bush bashing one will end his career.


This guy forms an opinion before he goes out to make the documentary. That's worse than my forming an opinion before I go to see it, because he slants his documentary to fit his vision. In so doing, it's no longer a documentary.

:confused: ??? ... a political documentary starts with a hypothesis ... and takes as long to make til you are able to prove it. In the process .. other issues can be/need to be proven in order to build up a case.

His passion needs to be a bit more "centered" to be wider digestable by the masses. The far left is as wrong as the far right in this country.

Conclusion: Far more than convincing some ... it brings questioning to the whole war issue ... and in this context, the "No more Bush" portion of the country will inevitably grow. That is his main intention with this work.

In an issue like this, there is no way to unanimously prove ... unless 'Deep Throat 2/s" love the Washington Post as much as the original did 30 years ago.


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Hmmm....Marco, a documentary is supposed to be somewhat more objective. When you start choosing what you want to include in your story to prove your point and exclude important facts of a particular historical event, then it is no longer, in essence, a documentary. It is propaganda.

Look, he's obviously a talented filmmaker, and there's no question I'll see this, but I can't help but go in with some skepticism based on what he's already done. What would really fuel the political fire here is if he tried to release it around Labor Day, when we're starting to get close to the elections.

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I'll see this, but I can't help but go in with some skepticism.

thats how everything should be seen!!!!!!!!!!!!! with skepticism!!!!!!!!!! u must come to ur own conclusion!!!!!!!!!

anything and everything we as a species do...should be evaluated with skepticism!!!!!!!!!!

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thats how everything should be seen!!!!!!!!!!!!! with skepticism!!!!!!!!!! u must come to ur own conclusion!!!!!!!!!

anything and everything we as a species do...should be evaluated with skepticism!!!!!!!!!!

...otherwise, we ARE sheep. :D

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I'll say this:

I can't wait to see it! :D

I will take the information from the movie and form my own opinion. It's funny how some are so quick to say "It's only a movie to bash Bush." Ok, maybe it is, but the thing is there are FACTS to at least backup what Moore is saying.

Michael Moore is the director, and he can choose to direct the movie, slant, etc. whichever way he wants because he can do it! Thus being the director. But he provides facts with his statements and point of view.

Let's say John Kerry wins the presidential election in November. A few years from then, the "Michael Moore" for the Reuplicans makes a documentry about Kerry dipicting what he has done wrong in his presidency. There will always be people who dislike something about something/somone. We will always go back and forth over and over again.

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Let's say John Kerry wins the presidential election in November. A few years from then, the "Michael Moore" for the Reuplicans makes a documentry about Kerry dipicting what he has done wrong in his presidency.

let me know..b/c i wont watch that either....

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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Miramax film studio founders Harvey and Bob Weinstein have personally acquired rights to Michael Moore (news)'s documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11" from Walt Disney Co., after Disney, which owns Miramax, declined to distribute it, Disney said on Friday.

Miramax had funded the film but Disney said it was too politically charged for the family-friendly company.

After more than a week of talks, the Weinsteins have bought rights to the film, estimated to have cost about $6 million, and will arrange for its theatrical and home video distribution.

The film won the Palme d'Or, the highest award of the Cannes film festival (news - web sites) this month, but plans for a U.S. theatrical release had been held up while Disney and the Weinstein's negotiated.

Moore, who criticizes President Bush and the war on Iraq in the film, said on May 5 that Disney had refused to distribute the picture.

Disney said that it had made its decision a year earlier and accused Moore of conducting a publicity stunt.

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