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Yeah that'a right. I am a bit frustrated at this point with guys. Though at this point in my life I am more interested in taking care of myself than focusing on a relationship, whenever I do come in contact with a guy in whom I am a tiny bit interested in, something fucks up. For example, since I have been here these past 8 mos, there has been a total of 5 guys, one after another that I like and there seems to be a catch. Whether it'd be committment phobia (even phone phobia), a girlfriend involved, a kid involved and a possiblity with hooking back up with the mother, a total asshole, being played by someone who is returning back to his hometown to get married, in which I found out by one of my co-workers who he also liked (yeah that just happed this past week). Anyway, it's not like I sleep around, which is another frustration I am having to deal with. My point is, what the fuck is going on? I have such bad luck with guys it's making me so jaded. So jaded in fact that though I am now sitting on top of the fence with each feet on either side, I am totally thinking of jumping on the other side (ok so not that drastic). I just hope that once my life gets back in order that the love will follow. Maybe it's time I think about changing my lifestyle. I just had to write this to vent, not looking for sympathy nor any advice.

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Yeah that'a right. I am a bit frustrated at this point with guys. Though at this point in my life I am more interested in taking care of myself than focusing on a relationship, whenever I do come in contact with a guy in whom I am a tiny bit interested in, something fucks up. For example, since I have been here these past 8 mos, there has been a total of 5 guys, one after another that I like and there seems to be a catch. Whether it'd be committment phobia (even phone phobia), a girlfriend involved, a kid involved and a possiblity with hooking back up with the mother, a total asshole, being played by someone who is returning back to his hometown to get married, in which I found out by one of my co-workers who he also liked (yeah that just happed this past week). Anyway, it's not like I sleep around, which is another frustration I am having to deal with. My point is, what the fuck is going on? I have such bad luck with guys it's making me so jaded. So jaded in fact that though I am now sitting on top of the fence with each feet on either side, I am totally thinking of jumping on the other side (ok so not that drastic). I just hope that once my life gets back in order that the love will follow. Maybe it's time I think about changing my lifestyle. I just had to write this to vent, not looking for sympathy nor any advice.

south beach isnt the best place to look for a committed relationship....that is my exp.

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I say go lesbo....if that doesnt fit your needs, move up here to NYC...u'll find plently of guys....who want nothing but to marry you....marry you for a green card that is....

Yeah that'a right. I am a bit frustrated at this point with guys. Though at this point in my life I am more interested in taking care of myself than focusing on a relationship, whenever I do come in contact with a guy in whom I am a tiny bit interested in, something fucks up. For example, since I have been here these past 8 mos, there has been a total of 5 guys, one after another that I like and there seems to be a catch. Whether it'd be committment phobia (even phone phobia), a girlfriend involved, a kid involved and a possiblity with hooking back up with the mother, a total asshole, being played by someone who is returning back to his hometown to get married, in which I found out by one of my co-workers who he also liked (yeah that just happed this past week). Anyway, it's not like I sleep around, which is another frustration I am having to deal with. My point is, what the fuck is going on? I have such bad luck with guys it's making me so jaded. So jaded in fact that though I am now sitting on top of the fence with each feet on either side, I am totally thinking of jumping on the other side (ok so not that drastic). I just hope that once my life gets back in order that the love will follow. Maybe it's time I think about changing my lifestyle. I just had to write this to vent, not looking for sympathy nor any advice.
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i've heard these stories before, and in all honesty, i think it's just bad luck in meeting go nowhere loser guys

You need to not let these experiences get you down. Go out somewhere new, don't look for guys in bars/clubs. Just your everyday places (bookstores, stores, museums, coffee shops...)

and how does one "go lesbo"? I thought one was born lesbian or gay?

and you're not alone, hunny. Im having trouble meeting a sane girl. But you just gotta keep trying...

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and how does one "go lesbo"? I thought one was born lesbian or gay?


I think sexual preference is a choice not your DNA@work....just like some ppl abstain, picking the sexual partner is a choice too...I dont believe its got anything to do with genes, mostly the way kids r brought up, and of course since all this happens in the head, you cant rule out any loose screws...

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Nobody's perfect, and stop looking.. he will find you. Believe me, it happened to me :D

:werd: same here

just relax, focus on yourself and what you want out of life. being jaded isn't exactly sending out the most positive of vibes, so instead of getting upset look at it as a learning experience. yea i know i know but seriously. now you know what NOT to look for in a guy, you know the signs, and you know how good of a gf you really can be. you develop more patience in the long run, trust me. And on the plus side of the waiting without looking, you get to focus on YOU because once you do get in a relationship and it becomes serious , yea you can still focus on you, but it is no longer TOTALLY about you. Take the time and enjoy it while you can so you'll be ready emotionally when the right guy comes your way.

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liz, stop going to space and all those other places looking for love........

I truly hope you are kidding with this statement. If not let me be on the defensive side here for a minute. Ok so I do like to party, however I have not been to Space in over a month, I do not LOOK for anyone when I am at clubs, in fact I don't even talk to guys, nor flirt with any guys on here when I am out at a club. I am talking about guys I meet in "those other places" everyone talks about. So most of them are at work, but it's a social club and it's easier to hook up with someone at a social club. Next, I don't go looking because I know and I have said it to umpteen amount of people that it will come to those who least expect it. I appreciate the comments, but again I am not looking for any advice especially from those who think I go to clubs looking for guys where I only go to have a good time. I only wanted to rant about my bad luck and bad timing. Thanks for your time in reading.

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let me take a wild guess...

you´re not approaching yourself but wait for what comes to you. guess what, 10% of the guys that come to you have probably done this before and know how to work you... of course you´re gonna get "played". then again, why even think about it in such a negative way. he was a good prospect, you had some fun, it didn´t work out. so fuckin what. live and learn.

another thing, and that goes for guys and girls. there are millions of cool chill guys and girls out there. but you won´t meet even 0,0000000000000000001% of them if you stay passive. go for what you want damnit. if that means walking up and talking to 5 guys a night YOU CHOSE and dismissing all of them so be it. maybe one night you´ll find the guy that you searched for. but when you don´t search at all... nothings gonna happen and you´ll be at the same spot in your life 5 years from now (except if you get really really lucky and the right guy approaches you, how good that works you already found out).

but what am i talking here... you´re probably just posting here to get it off of your chest and TALK about your misery instead of actually doing something about it :/

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