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Best nights/places for house music?


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I also has to add......

if you're coming from places where house music is a part of the nightlife culture you may be disappointed. I am from San Francisco and I am dissappointed time and again. On occaisson I am surprised when a dj will drop some pure un-adulterated house. Unless there is a headliner worth talking about then you may be dissappointed.

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I was just in Vegas about a month ago from a wed-sun. I can only tell you my experience and hope it helps you. Wed night we went to RA, which USED to be a good place for trance music but everything is one big clusterf*ck at that place now. DJ played trance until about 2 or 3 then hip hop came on for the rest of the night. Vegas clubs are famous for this transition in most if not all of their nightclubs. Why they do this I will never understand. But anyway the club was pretty dead which was surprising and disappointing because RA USED to be my favorite club in Vegas. But check out their website cuz PVD spins there as well as Tall Paul and some other real good ones. But if they spin there it will be on a Wednesday. Anyway, after RA I went to Drai's. Drai's on a Wednesday night is hit or miss. Unfortunately that night was a miss because it was just our group in the club. But the music was by far the best. (Get to that in a minute)

Thursday we went to ICE, and although their website says a mix of music its basically all hip hop until the end of the night, where once again the infamous Vegas transition kicks in and a trance/house style takes over. This place was good though because it's ladies night on Thursday (ladies drink free) and although the entire club isnt open it's still a lot of fun when 80% of the crowd is female. Thursday late night at Drai's is packed. Good crowd and once again GOOD music. Played some PVD tracks as far as i can remember.

Friday night good luck. L.A. crowd shows up and basically unless you booked a VIP table 28 days ahead of time you arent getting into Rain. We ended up going off the strip to this bar called the Whiskey Bar where we proceeded to run into Cali women who simply crack me up. Drai's on Friday night late is packed. Go to a strip club or something to kill time and head back around 6 or 7 and you wont really wait in line. Otherwise if you try to go there at 3 or 4 you'll be wrapped around the slot machines waiting in line with a hundred other people.

Saturday night check out www.icelasvegas.com They usually get some good international DJ's to spin and i know Donald Glaude is a resident.

Anyway, Drai's is the best spot for your techno/house music. Its a great place to dance too because nobody there can, so if you start breakin it down everyone will watch you in awe and next thing you know a circle is created around you and there you have your dance floor. You might get lucky with a good DJ at RA for wednesday and the same for ICE on Saturday. But other than that i'm in the dark, maybe someone else can help you out some more.

Hope this helped.

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Just some thoughts on teampowahh's comments:

As a NYer who has recently moved to Vegas for business, my conversations with employees of several of these clubs has shed light on the parody that exists in Vegas nightlife.

The problem at the root is that there is not unilateral communication between establishments. While for the most part, resident djs, managers and owners have good relationships among themselves, they are too short term bottom line oriented to shift towards "dance music".

They seem to feel obligated to pander to the ever changing "crowd" and don;t want to give that "crowd" any credit. Patrolling several forums, I have seen many posts by the same "visitors" that make up this everchanging "crowd" voicing their displeasure over not hearing house, trance, etc. It seems that these people need to continue to voice their disappointment with management on the nights they go out. That desire to excel at customer service that pervades Vegas need to become a tool towards truning the tide and establishing dance music as a viable genre/culture in this town.

Nothing against hip hop, but it has saturated global pop culture to the point of trivializing the culture and it's foundation. The simple fact that there are several hip hop stations and not one single dance station speaks to the sad state of non support that dance music has in Las Vegas. The most unfortunate thing is that the global perspective on Vegas is a cutting edge metropilitan city with it's finger on the pulse of global culture. People behind Vegas clubs need to accept this fact and put a stop to the parody. Every new casino in this town tries to set it self apart from the others, in architecture, theme, amenities, overall design and atmosphere. Yet, once in operation the same dated business practices with regard to nightlife take over and it just creates a void in the overall feel of going out in Vegas.

as i said previously,

just a thought...

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Just some thoughts on teampowahh's comments:

As a NYer who has recently moved to Vegas for business, my conversations with employees of several of these clubs has shed light on the parody that exists in Vegas nightlife.

The problem at the root is that there is not unilateral communication between establishments. While for the most part, resident djs, managers and owners have good relationships among themselves, they are too short term bottom line oriented to shift towards "dance music".

They seem to feel obligated to pander to the ever changing "crowd" and don;t want to give that "crowd" any credit. Patrolling several forums, I have seen many posts by the same "visitors" that make up this everchanging "crowd" voicing their displeasure over not hearing house, trance, etc. It seems that these people need to continue to voice their disappointment with management on the nights they go out. That desire to excel at customer service that pervades Vegas need to become a tool towards truning the tide and establishing dance music as a viable genre/culture in this town.

Nothing against hip hop, but it has saturated global pop culture to the point of trivializing the culture and it's foundation. The simple fact that there are several hip hop stations and not one single dance station speaks to the sad state of non support that dance music has in Las Vegas. The most unfortunate thing is that the global perspective on Vegas is a cutting edge metropilitan city with it's finger on the pulse of global culture. People behind Vegas clubs need to accept this fact and put a stop to the parody. Every new casino in this town tries to set it self apart from the others, in architecture, theme, amenities, overall design and atmosphere. Yet, once in operation the same dated business practices with regard to nightlife take over and it just creates a void in the overall feel of going out in Vegas.

as i said previously,

just a thought...

Very well said

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Bravo nightops!

To maybe explain why Vegas is like this, If anyone has every been to Vegas on a long holiday weekend such as Memorial day/Labor day, they will notice the abundant turnout of a Northern East Coast crowd. The casino night clubs know this, and that is why you see the likes of AVB, Skribble, Tiesto, Jonathan Peters, etc. spinning on these particular weekends at these nightclubs in Vegas. (at least its my own theory on why it is) In my OPINION I think the house/trance style of music is more dominant on the East Coast than it is on the West Coast. I'm not criticizing any West Coast people, i'm just simply saying the numbers are greater in favor of the East Coast. So on a random weekend in March, when the majority of club goers are from L.A. rather than N.Y., nightclubs are going to cater to that particular crowd and use their infamous "Studio 54" mix i like to call it. (If anyone has ever been to 54, they know what i'm talking about. One second your listening to Biggie Smalls, the next your listening to Sandstorm followed up by a top 40 remake).

Anyway, Nightops post was well written. Imagine if Vegas had a club like Avalon or Space. I'm talking open 3/4 nights a week playing GOOD house/trace ONLY on the nights it was open. Imagine.

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Bravo nightops!

Anyway, Nightops post was well written. Imagine if Vegas had a club like Avalon or Space. I'm talking open 3/4 nights a week playing GOOD house/trace ONLY on the nights it was open. Imagine.

First off, thank you. Secondly, I don't regularly participate in perpetuating rumors, especially internet-based ones but (because you're a decent person in search of good music) I just wanted to say that your "imagination" isn't very far off from some "behind the scenes developments."

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Drai's - in the Barbary Coast...great vibes After hours from about 3am-???

The NEW After Hours party at the Voo Doo Lounge in the RIO -- Up outside on the tower!! See the sunrise. See the view before you turn from the the lights of the vegas "skyline" to daylight allowing you to see the entire desert, and the red mountains that surround our city.

After hours

Club Seven- house

ICE- DJ's from all over ..HOUSE..entertainers, dancers, exotic entertainment like in NY clubs (I am not sure which nights)

let me know if u want to be on any guest lists, Ill get some numbers for you

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Drai's - in the Barbary Coast...great vibes After hours from about 3am-???

The NEW After Hours party at the Voo Doo Lounge in the RIO -- Up outside on the tower!! See the sunrise. See the view before you turn from the the lights of the vegas "skyline" to daylight allowing you to see the entire desert, and the red mountains that surround our city.

After hours

Club Seven- house

ICE- DJ's from all over ..HOUSE..entertainers, dancers, exotic entertainment like in NY clubs (I am not sure which nights)

let me know if u want to be on any guest lists, Ill get some numbers for you

Fri/Sat night @ ICE :pint:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yea what's up with all this Hip Hop is Vegas?!?!?! I remember last time I went to Vegas is 2000, RA had the BEST music, awesome trance!!! Now RA is all Hip Hop.

What's a person gotta do to get any trance?!?!? If I can't find any Trance clubs, then I'll just have to get totally drunk to like hip hop.

I'm going July 22-25 (thrs-Sun) staying @ Luxor

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hey sid-

you should hit ICE on Sat. basement Jaxx was slated to play but got cancelled. They will still have good house nonetheless.

I'll get you some passes for Tangerine on Wed. Locals night. They'll play some good house there.

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