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Is there a REAL difference between Gore and Bush? Decide!

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Is there a REAL difference between Gore and Bush? Decide!

Death Penalty---------------------------Bush and Gore AGREE

Money from SPECIAL INTERESTS------------Bush and Gore AGREE

NAFTA-----------------------------------Bush and Gore AGREE

Gun Control-----------------------------Bush and Gore AGREE

Foreign Aid-----------------------------Bush and Gore AGREE

Do You Believe In Party Over Principle? Vote YOUR conscience

Vote For Ralph Nader


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Ummm NO! And Ralph Nader i saw the HardBall live @ U of Wisconsin the man was a complete tap dancer. Here is the difference between Bush and Gore!!

Pro-Choice = GORE Anti-Choice= Bush

Pro-Union & American worker = Gore

Corporate Control over Workers = Bush

Mandatory Handgun Safety Locks & mandatory waiting and background checks at gun shows = GORE


For what anyone has to say about the Clinton/Gore White House remember this unemplyment is at a all time low menaing AMERICANS more now than ever have jobs. Economy is booming. If I remember correctly Bushes father is the one along with Reagan that put us in s 3 trillion dollar debt in 8 years. cwm25.gif

You want to secure your rights and freedoms. Vote for Gore. The scariest part of this election is that this president will have to fill possibly 4 supreme justice seats. I know I don't want a republican picking the 4.


Failure is not an Option!!

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream:

Ummm NO! And Ralph Nader i saw the HardBall live @ U of Wisconsin the man was a complete tap dancer. Here is the difference between Bush and Gore!!

Pro-Choice = GORE Anti-Choice= Bush

Pro-Union & American worker = Gore

Corporate Control over Workers = Bush

Mandatory Handgun Safety Locks & mandatory waiting and background checks at gun shows = GORE


For what anyone has to say about the Clinton/Gore White House remember this unemplyment is at a all time low menaing AMERICANS more now than ever have jobs. Economy is booming. If I remember correctly Bushes father is the one along with Reagan that put us in s 3 trillion dollar debt in 8 years. cwm25.gif

You want to secure your rights and freedoms. Vote for Gore. The scariest part of this election is that this president will have to fill possibly 4 supreme justice seats. I know I don't want a republican picking the 4.

Well said!!



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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Let's get the facts straight. Reagan dealt with the SU, the single most important nuclear threat post WWII. We may have ballooned the deficit, but we won the war, and our kids aren't growing up in a nuclear wasteland---how did he get reelected by such an overwhelming majority if that is not what America wanted. Clinton can't even help out in the Middle East--- Fact: Clinton/Gore have nothing to do with unemployment or the economy...Fact: Greenspan has total control--appointed by Reagan or Bush (can't remember), and reappointed by Clinton. Fact: Economy slowed after Clinton's "Economic Stimulus" package in 1993. Wall Street saved him luckily... Fact: Clinton hasn't done anything he campained for in office (healthcare, education, drugs for seniors, middle class tax cuts)

Finally, about Supreme Court...you guys don't want justices like Scalia right?

Fact: Approved 98-2 by Democratic Senate. Fact: Eisenhower (Repub)appointed Earl Warren, the most important justice ever for civil rights.

Fact: 11 Democrats helped appoint Clarence Thomas

Fact: Sandra Day O'Connor appointed by Reagan

Opinion: Roe v. Wade will never be overturned...(a good thing)based on supreme court precedent and possible chaos/riots

Fact: Souter appointed by Bush has turned to be a moderate.

Fact is, you never know who you appoint is going to act in one direction or other.

All this election is spin...neither candidate tells it straight. Bush wants to tax less, Gore wants to spend more...both can't do what they promise. This leaves me an undecided voter!

Oops, I said i didn't want to get into this in the first place...crap (slapping myself silly!)

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Bush is a blue-blooded arrogant presumptuous prick. Gore doesn't necessarily come off as a super-duper leader-type, but that shouldn't mean he isn't well suited for the job.

Yeah, it's a lesser-of-two-evils election, but I think Gore is definitely the better of the two. I had no problem with George Bush, but Dubya is a guy I definitely do NOT want representing me in office.



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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I really DISLIKE both of them. It will be my 1st time voting (just got my citizenship), and honestly, I'm not even sure if I will vote. Both are disgustingly fake and obviously are running for office only for their own agenda/ego.. Hate politicians everywhere, they are the true scum of this planet (of course with VERY few exceptions).. But 1 of those 2 WILL become the president soon so who do I vote for? Like someone said above, the lesser of the 2 evils... Grrreat!

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For all you unthinking people out there.... do you really wanna have to stare at the face of Bush again? His son looks JUST like him.... I'm tired of seeing that fucking face... plain and simple.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream:

Ummm NO! And Ralph Nader i saw the HardBall live @ U of Wisconsin the man was a complete tap dancer. Here is the difference between Bush and Gore!!

Pro-Choice = GORE Anti-Choice= Bush

Pro-Union & American worker = Gore

Corporate Control over Workers = Bush

Mandatory Handgun Safety Locks & mandatory waiting and background checks at gun shows = GORE


For what anyone has to say about the Clinton/Gore White House remember this unemplyment is at a all time low menaing AMERICANS more now than ever have jobs. Economy is booming. If I remember correctly Bushes father is the one along with Reagan that put us in s 3 trillion dollar debt in 8 years. cwm25.gif

You want to secure your rights and freedoms. Vote for Gore. The scariest part of this election is that this president will have to fill possibly 4 supreme justice seats. I know I don't want a republican picking the 4.

Im an absolute Gore supporter on a majority of his platforms, but I dont see how you can say he is Pro-Labor. Anyone who supports free trade organizations (WTO, NAFTA, etc.) is creating a SEVERE injustice for the blue collar American working man. These groups exploit forigen labor at the expense of American jobs. Im not going vote Gore because I like him, Im going to vote Gore because hes not Bush. Its sucks that that is what this countrys politics have come to, but with everyone making a mad dash to the middle, they are carbon fucking copies of each other aside from 3 or 4 issues, of which only one will they take a strong stand on one way or the other (abortion). Nader does take a strong stance on issues that mainstream canidates wouldnt, but I dont think that would remain true if his chances of winning were better than they are.

PS- Not one of the canidates has anything wrong with catagorically discriminating against our demographic with America's "war on drugs"

PPS- Have you heard any of Bush's speaches?? Im mean c'mon the guy is a fucking moron.


The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.

[This message has been edited by mrblonde55 (edited 11-02-2000).]

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one's a democrat and one's a republican



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."


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PLease remember something guys and gals we don't vote for e the president. The Electoral college does. So find out who si running and elect the community leaders that you agree with to vote for president. And I know what I am about to say is gonna piss someone off but I am Voting for Hillary Clinton. The 2 selling points was the factthat she came to the Gay Pride Parade and Lazio went to some Christian Radical farm in Upstate NY. And I am for school vouchers, I think parents have the right to have there tax dollars spent on whatever school they want their children attending.


Failure is not an Option!!

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Originally posted by cotoncandydream:

PLease remember something guys and gals we don't vote for e the president. The Electoral college does. So find out who si running and elect the community leaders that you agree with to vote for president. And I know what I am about to say is gonna piss someone off but I am Voting for Hillary Clinton. The 2 selling points was the factthat she came to the Gay Pride Parade and Lazio went to some Christian Radical farm in Upstate NY. And I am for school vouchers, I think parents have the right to have there tax dollars spent on whatever school they want their children attending.

What are you talking about???? Community leaders have no greater say in who the president is than you or I do. The electoral college system is basically there for traition now. You vote for the president, who is represented by a member of the electoral college who has ALREADY PLEDGED HIS/HER VOTE to a specific canidate, they cant go and change their minds. Being aprt of the electoral college gives you less power than being the Queen of England.


The fame, it was like a drug......but what was more like a drug were the drugs.

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Are you done now?? Yes the Electoral College's vote has been already cast. However not all in the Electoral college will remain after election night. I am not quite sure I am gonna go look it up now there was once or twice in history that the electoral college elected a diferent president than the common voters did. I'll be back.


Failure is not an Option!!

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