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whats the big deal about Reagan?

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Guys, yes I am a young buck, but I don't get what the big deal is with Reagan. Yes he was a descent president... but I guess I am too busy noticing that he like tripled the naitonal deficit during his presidency when he out spent the russians which basically ended the Cold war?? i dont hate him or anything because we are now where were are because of him but yet i dont understand all the praising.... please explain it to me..

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his is the last presidency before partisan politics took hold. that i why i think so many politicians think so highly of that time period in general.

that and...he brought down the employment, shrank the inflation at the time and gave tax breaks...i mean he did open the door with Russia and in away DID start the end of the Cold War, by opening dialogue with the Russians...he was great at giving speeches and made people REALLY believe in what he was saying (even if he was lying)...he had a EXTREMELY good standing internationally...and in his own way, brought liberty to many countries...

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Guys, yes I am a young buck, but I don't get what the big deal is with Reagan. Yes he was a descent president... but I guess I am too busy noticing that he like tripled the naitonal deficit during his presidency when he out spent the russians which basically ended the Cold war?? i dont hate him or anything because we are now where were are because of him but yet i dont understand all the praising.... please explain it to me..

Simple !!!!!

Bottom line is,,,,Reagan won his second term as California Governor in a landslide. He won re-election in a landslide also, 49 of 50 states! That's INSANE! America loved the guy. Reagan was a LIFE LONG democrat. Born poor w/ an alcoholic father. Moved to HOLLYWOOD and became a so-so actor. Became a politician and soon after left the democratic party who at the time was embracing socialism and sympathizing w/ communist(especially in Hollywood). Liberals hated him, but they're not really America are they? Kind of like the little chiwawa w/ a loud bark. Obviously not if he took 49 of 50 states....For those who want to compare him to Clinton, Clinton never won 50% of the American vote. NEVER! He topped out at around 48% for his re-election against Dole. Reagan was truly loved. His legacy is huge. He inspired republicans around the country. Republicans eventually took control of congress, He brought down communism w/out a bullet even being fired, brought about one of the greatest and longest economic booms ever, etc..etc... Clinton's legacy is what? A blow job? What is he responsible for that makes him great? What policy did he implement that shines light on his legacy? "Don't ask, don't tell" for allowing gays in the military? Still struggling to find something great he did? EXACTLY! You won't have that problem when bringing up Reagan. Best part about him was, HE NEVER, EVER, EVER claimed credit for his successes! NEVER! It wasn't about him, it was about America. In fact, no president in U.S. history has ever gotten more votes than Reagan did in 1984, despite the fact that the nation's population has grown by more than 30 million in the last 20 years.

Many can talk down about him but when it comes down to it they can not argue the facts I have mentioned above. It's simply in our history books. That is why you see all this attention in the media and that is why our Government will be closed tomorrow. YES, our Government is declaring tomorrow a federal holiday for this year.

Hope that helps.


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when he was in office the top income earners were paying 75% in taxes

imagine making 2,000,000 a year and then only getting 500,000 in cash, now you will say its a lot but its not the 2 million you earned.

that alone made him great to stop that socialist bs of paying more then half of what you earn in taxes

god i hate liberals!

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I have all the respect in the world for Reagan but I can't accept the part about him ending the Cold War. The Soviet Union was going broke before the Afghanistan War even. How can people attribute the victory to Reagan?

Yeah we found that out when it collapsed, alot of people thought beating the Russians was impossible and communism worked. Alot of liberals writers had egg on their faces when Reagans domestic policies caused inflation and interest rates to drop, causing economic expansion and making it possible to rebuild our military all the while keeping deficts at the same level.

(hey you can't have it all).

Ronald Reagen always knew they were weak because it took "a person 10 years to get a car in the former U.S.S.R". He out spent them and husseled them down in to reducing there nuclear arsenal but the most important part was our economic expansion because the US was in bad shape in the late 70's early 80's. Our economy was our greatest weapon and a top 70% tax bracket was like a boot on it's neck...

It wasn't about nukes, it was about diffrences in ideology-(resemblance)?

It was against freedom and oppression much like todays struggle with extremism where jihadists share a diffrent ideolgy on how the world and life should be viewed.

I'm not going to compare presidents, as the future will tell if that comparison would ever be asked but people thought DUTCH was a crazy, conservative, right winger and bitter towards his policies, remember that :bj:

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Simple !!!!!

Bottom line is,,,,Reagan won his second term as California Governor in a landslide. He won re-election in a landslide also, 49 of 50 states! That's INSANE! America loved the guy. Reagan was a LIFE LONG democrat. Born poor w/ an alcoholic father. Moved to HOLLYWOOD and became a so-so actor. Became a politician and soon after left the democratic party who at the time was embracing socialism and sympathizing w/ communist(especially in Hollywood). Liberals hated him, but they're not really America are they? Kind of like the little chiwawa w/ a loud bark. Obviously not if he took 49 of 50 states....For those who want to compare him to Clinton, Clinton never won 50% of the American vote. NEVER! He topped out at around 48% for his re-election against Dole. Reagan was truly loved. His legacy is huge. He inspired republicans around the country. Republicans eventually took control of congress, He brought down communism w/out a bullet even being fired, brought about one of the greatest and longest economic booms ever, etc..etc... Clinton's legacy is what? A blow job? What is he responsible for that makes him great? What policy did he implement that shines light on his legacy? "Don't ask, don't tell" for allowing gays in the military? Still struggling to find something great he did? EXACTLY! You won't have that problem when bringing up Reagan. Best part about him was, HE NEVER, EVER, EVER claimed credit for his successes! NEVER! It wasn't about him, it was about America. In fact, no president in U.S. history has ever gotten more votes than Reagan did in 1984, despite the fact that the nation's population has grown by more than 30 million in the last 20 years.

Many can talk down about him but when it comes down to it they can not argue the facts I have mentioned above. It's simply in our history books. That is why you see all this attention in the media and that is why our Government will be closed tomorrow. YES, our Government is declaring tomorrow a federal holiday for this year.

Hope that helps.


Jeez! only you would compare him to Clinton. compare him to the to the man that succeeded him in office. since that would be more appropriate. perhaps adding Clinton into a simple query about Reagan. gives you opportunity to spread the republican doctrine, which you seem to hold in such high regard. today the country honors the life a former President that passed away, and it's really as simple as that. your petty political attacks are rather annoying, and very displaced with regard to this thread.
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Yeah we found that out when it collapsed, alot of people thought beating the Russians was impossible and communism worked. Alot of liberals writers had egg on their faces when Reagans domestic policies caused inflation and interest rates to drop, causing economic expansion and making it possible to rebuild our military all the while keeping deficts at the same level.

(hey you can't have it all).

Ronald Reagen always knew they were weak because it took "a person 10 years to get a car in the former U.S.S.R". He out spent them and husseled them down in to reducing there nuclear arsenal but the most important part was our economic expansion because the US was in bad shape in the late 70's early 80's. Our economy was our greatest weapon and a top 70% tax bracket was like a boot on it's neck...

It wasn't about nukes, it was about diffrences in ideology-(resemblance)?

It was against freedom and oppression much like todays struggle with extremism where jihadists share a diffrent ideolgy on how the world and life should be viewed.

I'm not going to compare presidents, as the future will tell if that comparison would ever be asked but people thought DUTCH was a crazy, conservative, right winger and bitter towards his policies, remember that :bj:

I like this guy. He knows his history.

Jeez! only you would compare him to Clinton. compare him to the to the man that succeeded him in office. since that would be more appropriate. perhaps adding Clinton into a simple query about Reagan. gives you opportunity to spread the republican doctrine, which you seem to hold in such high regard. today the country honors the life a former President that passed away, and it's really as simple as that. your petty political attacks are rather annoying, and very displaced with regard to this thread.

God bless DUTCH!

Look @ how he still drives liberals nuts. LOVE IT! LMMFAO!

Only liberals would desperately attempt to diminish Reagan's accomplishments w/ personal insults and half truths. It's the equivalent of shooting BB's @ a battleship, HELLO!!!! LOL LOL LOL. The more history and accomplishments which Reagan's death reminds America of, the more America is reminded of how pathetic today's democratic party, led by the ultra-left liberals really were and continue to be. Given this classless and embarrassing display of loathing by like minded liberals, it's no wonder you remained silent when some here chose to trash this great man while his dead body was still warm. Your inability to be intellectually honest w/ yourself, let alone this message board is a demon only you can deal with. You're on your own "big guy". If you choose to marinate in hate, bitterness and loathing, who am I to try to help? It IS all about Reagan. It should be respectful. The disrespect has only come from one side. Check back the posts. I have not read anything from Reagan supporters or sympathizers that came out swinging. All of the crap came from the bottom-feeding granola chompers. It was the mis-guided "haters" who felt compelled to piss on his grave. My defense of a great man who changed the world was nothing more than that. Yet, it's my defense of this man which you find offensive. God Bless DUTCH! He truly was that shinning light he always said America was and is. Only now in his death, the light is shinning on how out of touch and malicious today's liberals have become. What a pity. Your hypocrisy on the issues reflect on you (and those like minded) like a radioactive hypro-glow. An entire week of Reagan is taking it's toll on you. Imagine 8 yrs. of Reagan, LOL LMMFAO!!! The guy won 4 elections in LANDSLIDES(2 as Calif. Gov. and 2 as president)!

Word the wise: If you actually want to be accepted as "objective" you might want to try objecting to ALL who post asinine statements, not just "conservatives". Or then again, you can just try to keep your message boards a big circle jerk.......try not to get any in your eye. ;]


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I like this guy. He knows his history.

God bless DUTCH!

Look @ how he still drives liberals nuts. LOVE IT! LMMFAO!

Only liberals would desperately attempt to diminish Reagan's accomplishments w/ personal insults and half truths. It's the equivalent of shooting BB's @ a battleship, HELLO!!!! LOL LOL LOL. The more history and accomplishments which Reagan's death reminds America of, the more America is reminded of how pathetic today's democratic party, led by the ultra-left liberals really were and continue to be. Given this classless and embarrassing display of loathing by like minded liberals, it's no wonder you remained silent when some here chose to trash this great man while his dead body was still warm. Your inability to be intellectually honest w/ yourself, let alone this message board is a demon only you can deal with. You're on your own "big guy". If you choose to marinate in hate, bitterness and loathing, who am I to try to help? It IS all about Reagan. It should be respectful. The disrespect has only come from one side. Check back the posts. I have not read anything from Reagan supporters or sympathizers that came out swinging. All of the crap came from the bottom-feeding granola chompers. It was the mis-guided "haters" who felt compelled to piss on his grave. My defense of a great man who changed the world was nothing more than that. Yet, it's my defense of this man which you find offensive. God Bless DUTCH! He truly was that shinning light he always said America was and is. Only now in his death, the light is shinning on how out of touch and malicious today's liberals have become. What a pity. Your hypocrisy on the issues reflect on you (and those like minded) like a radioactive hypro-glow. An entire week of Reagan is taking it's toll on you. Imagine 8 yrs. of Reagan, LOL LMMFAO!!! The guy won 4 elections in LANDSLIDES(2 as Calif. Gov. and 2 as president)!

Word the wise: If you actually want to be accepted as "objective" you might want to try objecting to ALL who post asinine statements, not just "conservatives". Or then again, you can just try to keep your message boards a big circle jerk.......try not to get any in your eye. ;]


still preaching, name calling, and hoping something sticks.how sad, but rather predictable. you simply don’t get it which is unfortunate. "Intellectually honest" oh my. your not even on par with respect to the same. just go back and read the ranting rhetoric you just wrote. these are the words of intellectual? it's fairly apparent my words incensed you. so much so that they compelled you to show your true colors, as a weak debater on any issue of significance.

R.I.P. Ronald Reagan

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maybe some on the board might argue this point...but at least when i was growing up and Reagan was in the White House, i dont remember that much partisan hate between the parties...today its like if ur a Demo or a Rep,u have to hate each other..that to me is the saddest thing...or maybe its just me?

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maybe some on the board might argue this point...but at least when i was growing up and Reagan was in the White House, i dont remember that much partisan hate between the parties...today its like if ur a Demo or a Rep,u have to hate each other..that to me is the saddest thing...or maybe its just me?

Sometime I seriously feel like we're in the midst of the second civil war!!!

When people argue on here (or elsewhere) its never "i don't agree with YOUR opinion"...its always something like "you democrats" or "you republicans"...its funny that people always HAVE to be categorized one or the other.

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Sometime I seriously feel like we're in the midst of the second civil war!!!

When people argue on here (or elsewhere) its never "i don't agree with YOUR opinion"...its always something like "you democrats" or "you republicans"...its funny that people always HAVE to be categorized one or the other.

but to my knowledge, its never been as bad as it has been lately...

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Air Traffic Controlers

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wonderful president

WTF?! You're attirbuting AIDS to a former US president? Instead of some sick bastards fucking monkeys in Africa?

Or Crack? how did that end up here? The War on Drugs was big in the 80s. Stupid ghetto dealers decided to release a new cheap drug into thhe market. Were you one of its main consumers or something?

And what's wrong with the Iran-Iraq war? It gave the US some peace and quiet. The US was smart enough to "aid" both countries so that they'll continue their fucked up war, and leave the rest of the world alone.

Look what happened once that war ended - Sadam invaded Kuwait!

Look at what those motherfucking, sons of bitches Iranians did in the late 70s by holding so many Americans as hostages?

You're going to side with those scums?!! Just move the fuck over there, and preach your Reagan/American hatred to their choir!

Some of you kids are REALLY fucked in the head (must be from all that Crack), and really don't know how to appreciate the US, one of the greatest countries on the planet.

I got news for you - Guatamala, Grenada, etc. were fucked up to begin with during the 80s.

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An ignorant reply....Regan created the afghanistan mess, that eventually led to 3000 of our fellow countrymen to be killed on 9/11....i think that alone is enough to justify why regan was one of the worst presidents...lets not talk about how many poor central americans regan had killed by his orders to invade nicaragua, guatemala.

and as for the iranian hostages, it is clear now that regan had worked out a deal with iranian not to release the hostages until he took office, he even offered them weapons....forgot the iran-contra??dumbass!

go get ur facts straight....i think the sun down in florida is burning away the rest of ur grey cells...

WTF?! You're attirbuting AIDS to a former US president? Instead of some sick bastards fucking monkeys in Africa?

Or Crack? how did that end up here? The War on Drugs was big in the 80s. Stupid ghetto dealers decided to release a new cheap drug into thhe market. Were you one of its main consumers or something?

And what's wrong with the Iran-Iraq war? It gave the US some peace and quiet. The US was smart enough to "aid" both countries so that they'll continue their fucked up war, and leave the rest of the world alone.

Look what happened once that war ended - Sadam invaded Kuwait!

Look at what those motherfucking, sons of bitches Iranians did in the late 70s by holding so many Americans as hostages?

You're going to side with those scums?!! Just move the fuck over there, and preach your Reagan/American hatred to their choir!

Some of you kids are REALLY fucked in the head (must be from all that Crack), and really don't know how to appreciate the US, one of the greatest countries on the planet.

I got news for you - Guatamala, Grenada, etc. were fucked up to begin with during the 80s.

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An ignorant reply....Regan created the afghanistan mess, that eventually led to 3000 of our fellow countrymen to be killed on 9/11....i think that alone is enough to justify why regan was one of the worst presidents...lets not talk about how many poor central americans regan had killed by his orders to invade nicaragua, guatemala.


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As someone who majored in history in both high school and college I tend to know what I'm talking about.

If you're going to blame Afghanistan on anyone, blame it on the USSR.

You people make me sick with the way you like to blame American presidents on world problems. For the most part, The Third World has only itself to blame for its mess, not the United States.

Did you know that in countries like Niger and Burkina Faso less than 20 percent of the population knows how to read and write? Or that the yearly income of many other countries is below $900 a year? And yet I don't see them blaming their problems on the United States.

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u must have failed in History....and believe me I know about history maybe cause I have a doctorate in it....or maybe cause I know some of the key people in the regan white house, who happen to be my thesis advisor....dumbass!!

As someone who majored in history in both high school and college I tend to know what I'm talking about.

If you're going to blame Afghanistan on anyone, blame it on the USSR.

You people make me sick with the way you like to blame American presidents on world problems. For the most part, The Third World has only itself to blame for its mess, not the United States.

Did you know that in countries like Niger and Burkina Faso less than 20 percent of the population knows how to read and write? Or that the yearly income of many other countries is below $900 a year? And yet I don't see them blaming their problems on the United States.

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