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Attn: Bling

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Now you're being rude and obnoxious to someone (mimid) who is just trying to point out that you can be nicer... that's not polite!!! :(

All I wanted to do was crack on bling's forehead. She was a casualty of war. But here I go. Appologies mimid. Sorry for calling you a freak and a douche bag.


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All I wanted to do was crack on bling's forehead. She was a casualty of war. But here I go. Appologies mimid. Sorry for calling you a freak and a douche bag.


Do I know you? NO!!!! So do me and yourself a favor, behave!!! I have not once disrespected you so I expect the same from you.

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Princess I am done quarelling with you. I rather say dumb kiddie infintile cracks at herman munster and his lover pizza the hut.


You do that, just don't fuck with me then..... and try being a lil nicer....

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:boohoo: Why do you yell at me all the time. :boohoo: I am really a nice girl underneath all this hate. :cry:


You're a fucking idiot. You just keep making yourself look stupid. As of now you're on my ignore list ( so don't reply to me ). You're just another asshole hiding behind his computer.......

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Its not that you criticized him...it was the manner in which it was done. Hell we all get on each other's cases for one reason or another, but the way you posted was not respectful and was very tasteless. The funny thing is...the people bling mentions in his reviews for the most part (Edgar V, buster, etc) ARE actually his friends and he does hang out with these people....so he isn't trying to be Mr. Cool by mentioning them...thats just how he is...a very excited guy that has only been into the club scene for maybe 3 years. He expresses his passion without regard of what people will say about him because he feels that deeply about these people and the music. I have been to a few events with him and by far is he trying to be Mr. Cool...if anything its the DJs and promoters that come up to him and say hi and ask what they could do for him...why? Because he actually really cares and comes out to support a myriad of different events, venues, DJs etc and does this all because he...like most people that are into this...has found something that really affects him and that inspries something in him. Some of us express that through different outlets...be it DJing, promoting, dancing what have you....bling is a talker and as such likes to be very conversational. Do you think you are the first to criticize his writings? It's the point that people take it so far to bash this kid on so many different levels...I mean if this was really about just his writings...why did it have to get down to attacking his character and intentions? Seriously...isn't doing all that to someone just low to begin with? He never disrespected anyone...so why openly be disrespectful to him? Just because you think you may be more mature or have a better opinion on how something as insignificant as internet message board reviews should be written? Are you people really losing sleep over reviews....it's that important? When it is all said and done...this is still just your opinion and perception...yes there is a big group of people on CP...some friends...some not...some don't even post...everyone will have different opinions. What you said wasn't going to change anything...and I think you know that. As with any friend, I stand up for them when I feel they are being degraded or attacked unjustly.....whether that friend is 4 feet tall or 7 feet tall...tough guy or not...because it shouldn't matter. We don't stand up for bling out of pity but because he has over time became a good friend to some of us. It's your own perception of bling that clashes with this...so maybe you spoke with some people off boards in person or pm and they said this and that about bling...big deal...people will ALWAYS talk shit when the pressure is off and they feel like they are secure either behind their screens or whispering in a loud club or what have you....I still have not seen or heard one thing that bling has done to warrant the abuse people throw at him.

A lot of us have been in this scene for a long time...and some, believe it or not, pre-date wy before Space....and even still some have roots to the origins of this scene in general. It gets tiresome to see the same cliche come and go over and over...the people that feel it necessary to put people straight but don't think out what they want to say before they say it...and then it snowballs into a load of shit. So again...you now know what to expect from his reviews...just don't read them...if you choose to...okay no problem and if you choose to express your feelings about them... common sense tells anyone to be respectful. You came off from a stand point that you have seen and done it all...whether thats true or not...it is a little pretentious and still isn't a pleasant position to take and almost always will get negative responses.


You r good!!!!!!!!!

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Miamimonk may be putting down bling but theres no name calling. Just do it in a better manner.

Mimid with all due respect, don't defend him that much...just for the record Miamimonk don't even know me!!!!!!!! I invite you to take a look at the names he called me...

Originally Posted by miamimonk

ok slut

Originally Posted by miamimonk

sotuchick, you are just a communist balsera

Don't u think that's childish...he doesn't have anything to say so he decides to offend me!!!


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Mimid with all due respect, don't defend him that much...just for the record Miamimonk don't even know me!!!!!!!! I invite you to take a look at the names he called me...

Originally Posted by miamimonk

ok slut

Originally Posted by miamimonk

sotuchick, you are just a communist balsera

Don't u think that's childish...he doesn't have anything to say so he decides to offend me!!!


Ohhhh, I never saw that, then he's just an ass as lutzidara..... Noone ( especially a man ) should call a woman a slut or any name for that matter.

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