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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

N!gger Jokes


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right, just jokes...


It's not like we draggin' niggers behind the pick-up truck or anything. We're just makin' fun at em'. Same as we do with jews, wops, spics, honkeys, slops, squints, greazers, wetbacks, scratchbacks, camel jockeys (aka sand niggers) and every body else of a different color and/or religion, geographical origin, handicap, or what ever else you can make fun of people for. We're just making fun of the stereotypes. And what makes stereotypes so funny is that they are true.

I mean hell, I love niggers, as a matter of fact I got one of them summa-bitches holding a latern out in my front yard. And I really aint got nuttin' against niggers, shit, I think everyone should own one or two.

And once you get past the smell, they good people. Just don't let em' in the house. That greazy shit they put in thier hair will leave a mess all over the place. Plus they might walk out with your color Tee-Vee.

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It just a joke, see I can make fun of myself:

Q. Why do Italian men have mustaches?

A. So they can look like their mammas.

Q. How do Italian girls shave their legs?

A. They lie down outside and have someone mow them.

A Italian businessman on his deathbed called his good friend and said, "Luigi, I want you to promise me that when I die you will have my remains cremated."

"And what," his friend asked, "do you want me to do with your ashes?"

The businessman said, "Just put them in an envelope and mail them to the IRS...and write on the envelope, 'Now you have everything.'"


What do rocks and women have in common?

You skip the flat ones!

Call me a guinea, do I look like I care what a complete stranger thinks? I doubt anyone who posted here has any racist beliefs. I sure as FUCK don't. Anyone who does seriously deserves to have some sense beat into them. In fact, I have upmost respect for good black folks, as I do all races. I have no respect for TRASH of ANY race, creed, or religion, and will make fun of that trash if I want to, beeeotch!

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It just a joke, see I can make fun of myself:

Q. Why do Italian men have mustaches?

A. So they can look like their mammas.

Q. How do Italian girls shave their legs?

A. They lie down outside and have someone mow them.

A Italian businessman on his deathbed called his good friend and said, "Luigi, I want you to promise me that when I die you will have my remains cremated."

"And what," his friend asked, "do you want me to do with your ashes?"

The businessman said, "Just put them in an envelope and mail them to the IRS...and write on the envelope, 'Now you have everything.'"


What do rocks and women have in common?

You skip the flat ones!

Call me a guinea, do I look like I care what a complete stranger thinks? I doubt anyone who posted here has any racist beliefs. I sure as FUCK don't. Anyone who does seriously deserves to have some sense beat into them. In fact, I have upmost respect for good black folks, as I do all races. I have no respect for TRASH of ANY race, creed, or religion, and will make fun of that trash if I want to, beeeotch!

Get AIDS you fuckin crackhead

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It's not a matter of whether or not they are JOKES, it's the lack of discretion and poor taste in POSTING said jokes that is alarming.

But no one is trippin off y'all for real for real cause you wouldn't say it to our faces without catching a BAD ONE! :)

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It's not a matter of whether or not they or JOKES, it's the lack of discretion and poor taste in POSTING said jokes that is alarming.

But no one is trippin off y'all for real for real cause you wouldn't say it to our faces without catching a BAD ONE! :)

AMEN to that!

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Diabolique, if your issue is with someone that is calling you names, why would you stoop to the NEXT lowest level by telling these jokes and offending others that have nothing to do with it? I'm sure you love your black friends, love black dick too, but that doesn't mean you should come out your face like that.

I can't believe you get under each others' skin the way you do....did y'all use to bump pussies or something? :laugh:

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yeah, it was a bit wordy, mea culpa...

Since when did ClubPlanet become the paragon for taste? There's so much trash and offensive material on here why would this be any different? For one thing I've never seen such a lack of respect for women as I do here, you don't see me making a fuss about it. I just don't pay attention to it.


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Diabolique, if your issue is with someone that is calling you names, why would you stoop to the NEXT lowest level by telling these jokes and offending others that have nothing to do with it? I'm sure you love your black friends, love black dick too, but that doesn't mean you should come out your face like that.

I can't believe you get under each others' skin the way you do....did y'all use to bump pussies or something? :laugh:

LOL you're right dude... you are totally right, and I feel remorse for it., hence the editing...I should just make fun of catty bitchez :laugh: ehh, I have ZERO respect for ppl who pull stupid s**t, and can't own up to it, when the proof is in writing AND in people. That and posting derogatory titled pix of me is just gonna makes me shout it from the rooftops. I'm dealing with a classless bitch, so it's hard not to stoop to her level sometimes. no never bumped that old sloppyseconds pussy, bleech. Just want them to butt out of my life is all...

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So why don't you mention that on the boards where you see that smut??

Why stoop to this level? This threads crosses the line.

u'r right.. um, did it already, been taken off, alter egos have been banned, it's just a matter of time... and half the time I dont care, as everyone around knows what's up, but sometimes I act up :flame: I'm not an angel, most of the time... sometimes it's fun to make fun back, lol

u guys are SO right tho, like now I feel SHAME!!! LOL I should be flogged...

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