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Should alcohol, cigarettes, fatty foods and sugar be wiped off the face of the earth as well? What about anything that has ever ruined a person's life, such as automobiles or gambling? They may not be for you, but stop hating and causing drama for those who do enjoy the CANDY.


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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Originally posted by tiestoisgod:

Should alcohol, cigarettes, fatty foods and sugar be wiped off the face of the earth as well? What about anything that has ever ruined a person's life, such as automobiles or gambling? They may not be for you, but stop hating and causing drama for those who do enjoy the CANDY.

Very well put...couldn't of said it better myself!!!


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Originally posted by tiestoisgod:

Should alcohol, cigarettes, fatty foods and sugar be wiped off the face of the earth as well? What about anything that has ever ruined a person's life, such as automobiles or gambling? They may not be for you, but stop hating and causing drama for those who do enjoy the CANDY.

ok let's go through this again.

Granted, cigarrettes and alchohol are bad for you and are self inflicting forms of unhealthy practice. But as far as food goes, even if it's fat, it does provide NUTRITION.

Gambling..again, is self inflicting.

Driving a car...is a NESSECITY. Of course it's dangerous but so is riding the subway or a plane.

But rolling and traveling shouldn't be compared. One is for fun the other is a PART OF LIFE.

I wouldn't place shooting up with heroin uo there with eating McDOnald's. Let's be realistic.

ANd bastardino, it's candy becuase it's

1. yummy

2. looks like it (or flinstone vitamins)

3. You get so used to it that you start popping it like candy.

it's mmm mm good. for a while.



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Originally posted by iliana:

I wouldn't place shooting up with heroin uo there with eating McDOnald's. Let's be realistic.

I would feel comfortable making the argument that more people have died of heart attacks and other cholesterol/fatty food related problems than heroin overdoeses.

So as you can see, Ronald McdDonald is the worst kind of drug dealer in the world- pushing to little kids everyday. smile.gif


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth:

E can't be compared to Unhealthy foods, there is no comparison. And Bastardino, it's called candy because people enjoy taking it, they enjoy popping it like tart'n'tiny's ecery friday/saturday night. When they start getting severe pain and start feeling like their insides are being dilluted, I doubt candy will be an appropriate name for it. Regardless of all the shit that is spoken about how individuals react differently to E and how long term effects do and don't happen, it WILL fuck you BIG TIME eventually, if you take it often. It's hardly about "Spoiling the good time for everyone else," personally, I dont give a fuck if any one who does E has a good time or a bad time. The fact remains that it does ruin lives and it does fuck people over severely. That FAR outweighs any of the "positive" effects that people get from it while rolling. And as for living for the moment and not giving a fuck about the future, well...it seems easy to say now. However, years down the road, I doubt that ignorant, sophomoric mindset will still me maintained when they feel sick and are in pain, or whatever they feel from excessive drug usage. Regardless of one's personality now, when they are young, there will be a significant regret (even if it isn't admitted) for doing stupid shit and living for the moment. When pain sets in, then that worthless mindset dies and the reality of the situation kicks in as well.

E is enjoyable, of course.....but fuck all of those who say they dont care, that living for the moment is what it's all about.

Fuck those who claim that it's the few Od's that fuck up the time for people who do it. Yes, it does fuck it up, but justifiably so, it lets people now what the fuck it going on, sadly enough, people don't take the time to realize until something fucked up has happened. Then they are quick to chastise that individual for "not moderating."

Give me a fucking break, and take a step into reality, FAR too many people hit the clubs every weekend and exceed many of the amounts that caused the death of others, so moderation is hardly the term that applies to drug usage in clubs on a universal scale.

That is the reality of the sitaution, and fuck all half assed, bullshit ideas that try to shy away, stray away from, get around, or dismiss that idea.

[This message has been edited by rudeboyyouth (edited 11-03-2000).]

Very well put.

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MDMA (the chemical people are attempting to ingest when they buy E) was invented in 1910. Nevertheless, it's true that no controlled studies on its long term effects have been conducted. Anyone who claims it is harmless in the long term, or who claims it is harmful in the long term, is expressing a personal belief rather than a fact. A claim that people who roll a couple of times are going to have severe problems later in life is a dubious claim at best.

To my knowledge, there really isn't any substance which has been shown to cause long term physical damage from very infrequent use. If a person believes that MDMA will be the first such substance, this view can not be contradicted, since no reliable experimentation has been conducted. I just wonder what evidence steers them to possess such convictions.

A great danger of drugs lies in physical addiction which alters the usage pattern from an infrequent to a frequent one. Alcohol, cocaine and nicotine are much more suspect in this regard than MDMA.

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And by the way, if the subject is lives getting ruined, unhealthy food IS a fair comparison.

You make the mistake of assuming that excessive behavior is acceptable as long as it is mainstream.

What causes the most deaths in this country?

Ecstacy? Nope. Heart disease!

2 in 1000 people have heart attacks each year...


What are two of the major risk factors listed on this page? Smoking and obesity. Americans are obese because they eat for pleasure rather than sustenance.

Talking about lives ruined by the pursuit of pleasure without mentioning obesity caused by unhealthy foods is tantamount to saying heart attacks don't ruin lives. By the way, the evidence concerning unhealthy foods' long term effects is actually much stronger than ecstacy, since they HAVE been shown experimentally to cause obesity, which in turn HAS been shown experimentally to cause heart disease.

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Originally posted by tiestoisgod:

I would feel comfortable making the argument that more people have died of heart attacks and other cholesterol/fatty food related problems than heroin overdoeses.

So as you can see, Ronald McdDonald is the worst kind of drug dealer in the world- pushing to little kids everyday. smile.gif

yeah. Because heroin is not as accessible as FOOD. People who use heroin WILL DIE FASTER than, let's say, someone who has been eating unhealthy for the past 25 YEARS.


"Ok,.so I roll and I don't care if it's bad becuase so is dinner at night, plus I don't take a shower anymore, because our water is polluted and I might catch something, which will ruin me going out tonight and rolling again. And, like my cell phone will give me brain damage, so I'll just help it out by taking even MORE e, and all these fatty foods are making me fat and depressed, but it's ok because E will give me a WORST DEPRESSION, and like ok, So I proved my point. {{Snort pop bump}}"



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Originally posted by iliana:

Originally posted by tiestoisgod:

I would feel comfortable making the argument that more people have died of heart attacks and other cholesterol/fatty food related problems than heroin overdoeses.

So as you can see, Ronald McdDonald is the worst kind of drug dealer in the world- pushing to little kids everyday. smile.gif

yeah. Because heroin is not as accessible as FOOD. People who use heroin WILL DIE FASTER than, let's say, someone who has been eating unhealthy for the past 25 YEARS.



I think he was exaggerating. Obviously, heroin is more dangerous than fatty food.

That said, people with eating problems often regulate their depression in the cyclically destructive manner you delineated above. Many people are depressed about their self image when they are fat. They eat more, which gives them instant gratification but causes even further mental recession. Eventually, the problem spirals out of control.

Every substance which gives pleasure is dangerous and addictive. It's a question of degree. By distinguishing between heroin and fatty food you are admitting this. Each substance's relative danger is different. If you perceive MDMA's relative danger to be greater, that is your prerogative. But with no definitive mutually corroborating studies on the subject, it is just an opinion, not a fact.

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If "they" do 100 studies on a 100 different "things that can potentially be bad for you" they will certainly come up with 100 different findings. Too much of anything is bad for you. Even if you eat the healthiest of foods, you must have a variation lest you will be depriving your body of certain nutritional values. That's why these fad diet are so bad for you. Sure, if you don't eat carbs for a month you will lose a lot of weight, but is the strain you're putting on your kidneys worth it? Slim Fast may provide you with 100% of your daily allowance of vitamins, minerals, carbs, fat and protein, but there is really no substitute for eating right and EXERCISING!!! A variety of green veggies and plenty of garlic/peppers/onions! Lay off the red meat! Get your protein from a VARIETY of beans and fish! Carbs are good! But you need GOOD carbs like a variety of fruits and nuts and even potatoes! No dairy! Dairy doesn't provide you with much. An egg now and again is good for you too! Do this plus an hour of cardio a day and you will be as healthy as you can be. If you want to drop a pill once in a while, it's not going to kill you anymore than your microwave/TV/cell phone/nagging girlfriend/ebola/occasional cigarette/occasional beer! Oh yeah, if you don't like taking vitamins, at least a good B complex! It won't kill you!


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

It isn't the cough that carries you off. It's the coffin they carry you off in.

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Crackorn, that's the most sensible, non preaching shit I have read in this thread so far.

Overindulgence of anything can be hazardous for you health... well, maybe not sex. Oh okay, sex too... too much of a bj can deflate your dick, cause abrasions, etc...

Errrr, what was my point again? I dunno... I'm a crackhead... I forget everything...


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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E can't be compared to Unhealthy foods, there is no comparison. And Bastardino, it's called candy because people enjoy taking it, they enjoy popping it like tart'n'tiny's ecery friday/saturday night. When they start getting severe pain and start feeling like their insides are being dilluted, I doubt candy will be an appropriate name for it. Regardless of all the shit that is spoken about how individuals react differently to E and how long term effects do and don't happen, it WILL fuck you BIG TIME eventually, if you take it often. It's hardly about "Spoiling the good time for everyone else," personally, I dont give a fuck if any one who does E has a good time or a bad time. The fact remains that it does ruin lives and it does fuck people over severely. That FAR outweighs any of the "positive" effects that people get from it while rolling. And as for living for the moment and not giving a fuck about the future, well...it seems easy to say now. However, years down the road, I doubt that ignorant, sophomoric mindset will still me maintained when they feel sick and are in pain, or whatever they feel from excessive drug usage. Regardless of one's personality now, when they are young, there will be a significant regret (even if it isn't admitted) for doing stupid shit and living for the moment. When pain sets in, then that worthless mindset dies and the reality of the situation kicks in as well.

E is enjoyable, of course.....but fuck all of those who say they dont care, that living for the moment is what it's all about.

Fuck those who claim that it's the few Od's that fuck up the time for people who do it. Yes, it does fuck it up, but justifiably so, it lets people now what the fuck it going on, sadly enough, people don't take the time to realize until something fucked up has happened. Then they are quick to chastise that individual for "not moderating."

Give me a fucking break, and take a step into reality, FAR too many people hit the clubs every weekend and exceed many of the amounts that caused the death of others, so moderation is hardly the term that applies to drug usage in clubs on a universal scale.

That is the reality of the sitaution, and fuck all half assed, bullshit ideas that try to shy away, stray away from, get around, or dismiss that idea.

[This message has been edited by rudeboyyouth (edited 11-03-2000).]

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth:

E can't be compared to Unhealthy foods, there is no comparison. And Bastardino, it's called candy because people enjoy taking it, they enjoy popping it like tart'n'tiny's ecery friday/saturday night. When they start getting severe pain and start feeling like their insides are being dilluted, I doubt candy will be an appropriate name for it. Regardless of all the shit that is spoken about how individuals react differently to E and how long term effects do and don't happen, it WILL fuck you BIG TIME eventually, if you take it often. It's hardly about "Spoiling the good time for everyone else," personally, I dont give a fuck if any one who does E has a good time or a bad time. The fact remains that it does ruin lives and it does fuck people over severely. That FAR outweighs any of the "positive" effects that people get from it while rolling. And as for living for the moment and not giving a fuck about the future, well...it seems easy to say now. However, years down the road, I doubt that ignorant, sophomoric mindset will still me maintained when they feel sick and are in pain, or whatever they feel from excessive drug usage. Regardless of one's personality now, when they are young, there will be a significant regret (even if it isn't admitted) for doing stupid shit and living for the moment. When pain sets in, then that worthless mindset dies and the reality of the situation kicks in as well.

E is enjoyable, of course.....but fuck all of those who say they dont care, that living for the moment is what it's all about.

Fuck those who claim that it's the few Od's that fuck up the time for people who do it. Yes, it does fuck it up, but justifiably so, it lets people now what the fuck it going on, sadly enough, people don't take the time to realize until something fucked up has happened. Then they are quick to chastise that individual for "not moderating."

Give me a fucking break, and take a step into reality, FAR too many people hit the clubs every weekend and exceed many of the amounts that caused the death of others, so moderation is hardly the term that applies to drug usage in clubs on a universal scale.

That is the reality of the sitaution, and fuck all half assed, bullshit ideas that try to shy away, stray away from, get around, or dismiss that idea.

[This message has been edited by rudeboyyouth (edited 11-03-2000).]

I agree with the part about doing things in moderation.......even though people dont't I do......that applies to every part of life though....nothing should be done in excess.......Second thing is, how do you know so much about the long-term effects of Ecstacy???? I'm asking a serious question here because I am thinking it hasn't been around long enough to even see those long term effects on people.......maybe I'm wrong though.......lol



"Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger......"

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the only thing i don't like is how everyone is obsessed with what other people are doing. if u don't like e, don't do it. if you happen to like rollin, then roll your little heart out. but don't sit here and prech one way or the other. just sit back and have a good time, rollin or not...

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'aight MDMA in its pure form most prolly isn't as bad for you as what you prolly are taking. However, MOST, if not all, of the time what you are getting is not pure MDMA rather some form of a speed ball (several drugs mixed together), usually a bit of heroin, coke, speed and CAFFEINE (lol). If it wasn't you, it was someone you know who took a bit of something else to "kick it up," which is what you are currently intaking.

That's why those little testers are so important. Think about hallucinogenics- would you rather have Shrums, mushrooms grown in manuer, or acid, made by someone in their basement using detergent?

You guys already said it, "everything in moderation." Think about it, have you ever gone to the gym or for a run and have your heart beat so fast that you know it can't be healthy? (I don't mean all the time, but we've all done it, worked out harder than we can handle (yeah baby!)? It's the same deal.

Take it Easy Baby


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