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Kerry picks Edwards

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Kerry Embraces Former Rival, Citing 'Courage and Conviction'


WASHINGTON, July 6 — Senator John Kerry today chose Senator John Edwards to be his running-mate, turning to the North Carolina Democrat whose strong campaign skills and engaging personality made him the top choice of many Democratic leaders, Mr. Kerry's aides said this morning.

Mr. Kerry, the Democrat from Massachusetts, called Mr. Edwards this morning to offer him the job as part of an elaborate roll-out plan that began with a "Dear Friend" e-mail to supporters. Mr. Kerry will make a formal announcement at a rally in Pittsburgh.

"In just a few minutes, I will announce that Senator John Edwards will join me as my running-mate on the Democratic ticket as a candidate for vice president of the United States," he said in the e-mail.

"John understands and defends the values of America," he said. "He has shown courage and conviction as a champion for middle class Americans and those struggling to reach the middle class. In the Senate, he worked to reform our intelligence, to combat bioterrorism, and keep our military strong. John reaches across party lines and speaks to the heart of America — hope and optimism. "

In selecting Mr. Edwards, Mr. Kerry passed over Representative Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri, a veteran Democrat from Washington, and Governor Tom Vilsack of Iowa, among others.

In making the decision, Mr. Kerry chose a relatively new face to American politics, and a man who was Mr. Kerry's longest-lasting major rival in the Democratic presidential contest. Mr. Edwards is a first-term senator from North Carolina who stayed in the Democratic primary through the first week of March.

Democrats, in pushing Mr. Kerry to select Mr. Edwards, argued that his campaign skills would bring a needed jolt of energy to Mr. Kerry's ticket, and provide a dramatic contrast with Vice President Dick Cheney.

Yet the selection of Mr. Edwards entails some risks as well, and Mr. Kerry's associates said that what some described as Mr. Kerry's delay in settling on Mr. Edwards was a result of Mr. Kerry trying to make sure he was comfortable with the selection. For one thing, Mr. Edwards, 50, is relatively inexperienced in government — a point Mr. Kerry made himself during their primary — and Republicans have already said they would attempt to portray Mr. Edwards as too inexperienced to lead the country during a time of crisis.

In addition, Mr. Kerry and Mr. Edwards have always had a slightly stand-off relationship, though Mr. Kerry's aides said that any coolness between them had lifted with the passage of time.

Even though Mr. Edwards won only one Democratic nominating contest before dropping out — in South Carolina, the state where he was born — he drew enthusiastic crowds as he campaigned, and many Democrats described him as the most talented Democrat in the field.

For all their rivalry, Mr. Edwards and Mr. Kerry had few of the kind of sharp campaign exchanges that could be used by Republicans to mock their opponent. But there was one famous quote in which Mr. Kerry mocked Mr. Edwards — and Mr. Bush's campaign quickly surfaced this morning in mocking the decision.

"In the Senate four years — and that is the full extent of public life —no international experience, no military experience," Mr. Kerry said in January. "When I came back from Vietnam in 1969 I don't know if John Edwards was out of diapers"

Steve Schmidt, Mr. Bush's campaign spokesman, said: "This is the person he now considers qualified to be president of the United States?"

President Bush's campaign wasted no time belittling the new Democratic ticket, launching a television advertisement that featured what Mr. Bush's campaign described as "John Kerry's first choice for a vice presidential running mate," Senator John S. McCain of Arizona. Mr McCain, a former Vietnam veteran, was approached by Mr. Kerry about being his running-mate.

Mr. Kerry's advisers described the decision this morning as a critical juncture in his campaign, and said they would use what they expected to be a week of favorable press attention as part of a march on the Democratic convention later this month.


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good choice....

yes i remember vividly a man named jesse telling me...if kerry chooses edwards he'll vote that way........or was i just really baked that day!?!?!?!?!?!?

allright hopefully matas can cancel obbys vote out now.....so that my vote can go on canceling some other hater out there!!!!!!!!!!

today i actually saw a bumper sticker that said...support the terrorist vote for kerry!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now that person has to be as dence as they come....cuz no person running for office in this day and age is gonna let terrorist just run rampant over the u.s.....so yes it may be a different policy of going up against them....but, nonetheless im sure hes not gonna lay down against a very real terrorist threat that this nation is now facing since all this has started happening.....im sure hes not gona take away the homaland security dept, and as i remember, kerry isnt the one in bed with the saudis!!!!!!!!!! but whatever thats not that big of a deal in the grand scheem of things!!!!!!!!!!! :hat:

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yes i remember vividly a man named jesse telling me...if kerry chooses edwards he'll vote that way........or was i just really baked that day!?!?!?!?!?!?

:laugh: i said if Edwards was running i would have voted for him...unless there is an bullet with Kerry's name out there, dont seal in my vote for the Kerry ticket...there are a couple of issues that i want to see what each cand. stands on...then i will make my decision...

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today i actually saw a bumper sticker that said...support the terrorist vote for kerry!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now that person has to be as dence as they come....


Call me dence!!!!!!!

Just a reminder of the year 2000 Elections

These are election results divided by Counties in each state.

Blue = Demz

Red = Republicans

Get the hint?????????

I really believe this year will be the same. Only time will tell.


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Call me dence!!!!!!!

Just a reminder of the year 2000 Elections

These are election results divided by Counties in each state.

Blue = Demz

Red = Republicans

Get the hint?????????

I really believe this year will be the same. Only time will tell.


all that red looks nice, but keep in mind that Bush LOST the popular vote

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and we all know americans are stupid ... just look at american idol

or look at some of these posts!!!!!!


OK, let me get this straight. You guys feel comfortable with Edwards being a the Vice President of our Country and maybe having to become President in the case of Kerry being assassinated or some emergency????? You guys feel comfortable with this knowing that Edwards has been in the Senate for ONLY one year??????? You guys feel comfortable with this in our time of war?????

I'll be the first to admit that they both look nice together but that's all it is....a pretty picture.

Sorry guys, I won't feel safe with that decision.

Like Bush bluntly stated........the deference between Cheney and Edwards is the Cheney can actually be President.

Remember: If you DON'T vote or CAN'T vote then you DON'T count.


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OK, let me get this straight. You guys feel comfortable with Edwards being a the Vice President of our Country and maybe having to become President in the case of Kerry being assassinated or some emergency????? You guys feel comfortable with this knowing that Edwards has been in the Senate for ONLY one year??????? You guys feel comfortable with this in our time of war?????

I'll be the first to admit that they both look nice together but that's all it is....a pretty picture.

Sorry guys, I won't feel safe with that decision.

Like Bush bluntly stated........the deference between Chaney and Edwards is the Cheney can actually be President.

Remember: If you DON'T vote or CAN'T vote then you DON'T count.

yea but Obby till this year, what experience did Bush have in US govt'? he was a governor and had NEVER served in ANY US govt' position...if i was Bush, i would stay away from that arguement...and btw, would U want Cheney being Prez if Bush is killed? the man is one heart attack short of death...he would have the American people by duration of his pace maker battery...:laugh:

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yea but Obby till this year, what experience did Bush have in US govt'? he was a governor and had NEVER served in ANY US govt' position...if i was Bush, i would stay away from that arguement...and btw, would U want Cheney being Prez if Bush is killed? the man is one heart attack short of death...he would have the American people by duration of his pace maker battery...:laugh:


So your voting for the younger guys who may not be so close to a heart attack.


To answer your question would I want Cheney being Prez if Bush is killed?

Yes!!!! More so than Edwards.

With age comes experience!!!!!



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it's fairly obvious from recent polls, that a majority of people are not comfortable with Dick Cheney as Vice President. nor would they be comfortable with him stepping into the role of president, should something unfortunate happen to George Bush. the mere fact that people feel this way, in spite of the obvious experience Cheney has over the freshman Senator Edwards. should be an indication ,that there are some clear issues regarding him. that's the reality of the matter at hand. :)

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So your voting for the younger guys who may not be so close to a heart attack.


To answer your question would I want Cheney being Prez if Bush is killed?

Yes!!!! More so than Edwards.

With age comes experience!!!!!

i am not picking anyone over anyone...i am saying...do u want a guy with a medical record as thick as War and Peace being Prez? or a guy that will at least give 4 yrs? Bush had no experience and he is Prez, so why didnt u use that line of thinking back in 2000? Gore def. had experience...i am just playing the devil's advocate over here, but dont discredit a person b/c u say he is TOO inexperienced, yet u defend a guy that till recently has NEVER had experience...i think this is a good choice for the Demos...it will def. be a tight race, if i were Bush i would dump Cheney and go for a McCain (wont happen) or even a Gilluiani (sp?)

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I hear ya!!!

If it was up to me it would actually be Bush/Powell

Kerry's inconsistency has left me baffled. When John Kerry’s first choice for a running mate turned him down, he turned to the polls. After stating that he needed a vice president who could step in as President, John Kerry chose the one man he called "too inexperienced to be President" just months ago.


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I hear ya!!!

If it was up to me it would actually be Bush/Powell

Kerry's inconsistency has left me baffled. When John Kerry’s first choice for a running mate turned him down, he turned to the polls. After stating that he needed a vice president who could step in as President, John Kerry chose the one man he called "too inexperienced to be President" just months ago.


so? mccain and bush went at it 4 years ago, and they've now got a nice love fest going on.

powell has gotten screwed in the ass so much by this administration i doubt he would have accepted any offer.

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so? mccain and bush went at it 4 years ago, and they've now got a nice love fest going on.

powell has gotten screwed in the ass so much by this administration i doubt he would have accepted any offer.

I never said he would. I just claimed what I would have liked. I have allot of Respect for Powell.

Let me get a little blunt here.

Straight up.....

It doesn't matter. Liberalism may sell in urban areas, but America is not one big metropolis.

Despite having the press and Hollywood doing their best to prop up the demz and tear down the repz, Bush is going to win. The emotional roller coaster our politicians will put us through until Nov. will be just that. An emotional roller coaster. As for POLLS,,,,,lol,,,they mean diddly-squat. This country is evenly split. This election will start going one way or the other after the debates,,PERIOD. If polls tickle your pickle, then by all means,,,,indulge yourself. But for the love of God, they amount to a hill of beans. PLEEEEEASE. 1 billionaire and 1 millionaire vs.. 2 millionaires. Kerry married into his billions(1 billion+), Edwards got it( 70+ million) via lawsuits. Bush inherited his 17 million+ dollar fortune and Cheney earned most of his (55 million+)via hard work. So, a prez and a candidate who basically were born into money. 1 vp and vp candidate who both came from humble beginnings and worked hard to get where they're at today.

At the end of the day, IT DOESN'T MATTER! Bush/Cheney r gonna win. I say let the demz enjoy their circle jerk this month. Bush/Cheney will have their turn. For those who hate Bush & are voting against Bush, I understand. I disagree and find that logic insane, but I understand. Now, for those nuclear physicists who claim they're voting for Kerry because he has a better plan and vision,,,,,,,,,,,huh? (Hold on, I'm pissing my pants). The guy has not elaborated on one thing. The moment he details anything he has planned, he can't finish the sentence w/out completely contradicting himself. Kerry is an opportunist who tangled himself in a web of lies which come debate time, will all come back to haunt him. So, again, for those who claim they like Kerry because he'll do a better job....HAHAHAHAHAHA! How? hahahahahahaha PLEASE....EXPLAIN??? hahahahahahahaha!

3 millionaires and 1 obscenely filthy rich billionaire all running for the white house. One pair has been doing their job and have had to prove themselves under extraordinary circumstances (recession, 9/11, war). They others claiming to understand the pain of the average man.........(hold on,,,I'm pissing again...lol).

BUSH/CHENEY 04! Get used to it or crawl back under that rock of conspiracies.

10 out of 10 terrorist agree. ANYBODY BUT BUSH................ENOUGH SAID!

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I never said he would. I just claimed what I would have liked. I have allot of Respect for Powell.

Let me get a little blunt here.

Straight up.....

It doesn't matter. Liberalism may sell in urban areas, but America is not one big metropolis.

Despite having the press and Hollywood doing their best to prop up the demz and tear down the repz, Bush is going to win. The emotional roller coaster our politicians will put us through until Nov. will be just that. An emotional roller coaster. As for POLLS,,,,,lol,,,they mean diddly-squat. This country is evenly split. This election will start going one way or the other after the debates,,PERIOD. If polls tickle your pickle, then by all means,,,,indulge yourself. But for the love of God, they amount to a hill of beans. PLEEEEEASE. 1 billionaire and 1 millionaire vs.. 2 millionaires. Kerry married into his billions(1 billion+), Edwards got it( 70+ million) via lawsuits. Bush inherited his 17 million+ dollar fortune and Cheney earned most of his (55 million+)via hard work. So, a prez and a candidate who basically were born into money. 1 vp and vp candidate who both came from humble beginnings and worked hard to get where they're at today.

At the end of the day, IT DOESN'T MATTER! Bush/Cheney r gonna win. I say let the demz enjoy their circle jerk this month. Bush/Cheney will have their turn. For those who hate Bush & are voting against Bush, I understand. I disagree and find that logic insane, but I understand. Now, for those nuclear physicists who claim they're voting for Kerry because he has a better plan and vision,,,,,,,,,,,huh? (Hold on, I'm pissing my pants). The guy has not elaborated on one thing. The moment he details anything he has planned, he can't finish the sentence w/out completely contradicting himself. Kerry is an opportunist who tangled himself in a web of lies which come debate time, will all come back to haunt him. So, again, for those who claim they like Kerry because he'll do a better job....HAHAHAHAHAHA! How? hahahahahahaha PLEASE....EXPLAIN??? hahahahahahahaha!

3 millionaires and 1 obscenely filthy rich billionaire all running for the white house. One pair has been doing their job and have had to prove themselves under extraordinary circumstances (recession, 9/11, war). They others claiming to understand the pain of the average man.........(hold on,,,I'm pissing again...lol).

BUSH/CHENEY 04! Get used to it or crawl back under that rock of conspiracies.

10 out of 10 terrorist agree. ANYBODY BUT BUSH................ENOUGH SAID!

This has been a political advertisement for Bush/Cheney 04. :zzz::zzz:
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all that red looks nice, but keep in mind that Bush LOST the popular vote

Not only that, but the vast majority of those counties are some of the most loosely populated counties in the US. Otherwise the election would have been a landslide based on that map e.g., most of California is red, but Bush lost California. You'd sound much more credible if you actually demonstrated some logic, obby. And for the record, I'm a republican voting AGAINST Bush.

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Kerry is an opportunist who tangled himself in a web of lies which come debate time, will all come back to haunt him.

You can replace the name Kerry in this quote with the name Bush and the sentence would make perfect sense too.

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