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Ok, this is just RUDE and WRONG. I have been posting on this board for quite some time now and slowly but surely, the moderators of this community have censored our web site address, deleted our reviews and stories, and now has censored our signature.

So everyone on this board knows... PARADE ATW SUPPORTS CLUBPLANET by placing CLUBPLANET banner ads on our site... in return CLUBPLANET censors us on their site and DOES NOT SUPPORT PARADE ATW in anyway possible.

Why is this so? Are we not a community that needs to help each other out or is ClubPlanet too big now to be concerned about the small guys in the NYC scene? I am highly upset with the petty bullshit that this group of people are pulling with PARADE ATW.

It not only offends me personally, but hurts CP members as well because CP controls the content that they read. If you continue to censor our posts, you continue to pull away message board freedom and relevant posts that CP members are interested in...

I would appreciate a courteous resolve to this matter.

Any CP members have any problems with PARADE ATW sharing relevant news, pics and stories with everyone? If not, please voice your opinions because without you, no one will listen. CP members have the power to decide what they want to read.

Thank You,

Shane Fontane

Founder of PARADE ATW

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This is not fair. We are not posting proomotions, and when we do (the few times we ran tickets give-aways) and they are moved to promotions we did not complain.

When I personally spend time typing these posts myself and then submitting them, that is not SPAM nor is it a promotion. It is sharing news with others within our community. relevant news at that. It is not like I am posting sex stories on a club board.

Besides, like I said - We SUPPORT CP by placing your banners into our ad rotation and will CONTINUE to do so because POLITICS are not our thing.

It's your call... not mine.

-Shane Fontane





search on google for parade around the world

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All you're doing is using Clubplanet to drive traffic to your site. (A site that by the way has articles, photos, message boards, etc. and could easily be considered to be a competitor of Clubplanet's.) Why should we provide free advertising or traffic to a competitor? You give us a banner ad, great...the amount of traffic is not balanced as CP gets a much larger amount of traffic. We do have an advertising department that will give you more information on all of our advertising options.

If you would like to post the full text of your articles, all your photos and other content on Clubplanet, then please feel free to. Or, if you would like to keep all your posts in the Promotions forum only, let me know and I'll consider removing the block.

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I have been in this scene since i was 17. I grew up with many of these people from the days of limelight, tunnel, twilo, club kids, etc etc etc... i have contributed to the scene as a dj, a promoter, event organizer, designer, etc... now that i have a web site that is suppose to be about celebrating our wonderful culture and i look to get support in return for over a decade of contribution - you tell me you may remove the block on my addy?


This is how the nyc scene treats those who have supported it for over a decade? If you did not work for CP would you still be as bullsih and enjoy being difficult? Remove your authority on this board and then think about what you are doing.

Like I said, this is still not right.

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Guest distort909

& this bickering is what started to decay the NYC sceen in the first place....................

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