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Miserable ***********

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Its normal to feel that way.....its Monday! Monday's are always horrible because that's just the way it goes smile.gif

Mondays are horrible, Fridays are great and Saturdays....well, we all wish there were more of those in the week- lol.

Cheer up.....SMILE, crack a couple of jokes, think of something silly.....like this post! If it counts for anything, I'm sure you're not the only one miserable today...

Turn that frown cwm22.gif upside down cwm38.gif



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Cheer up Enyce....it can only get better!

If it'll help I freakin have a hangover from hell!!! Ugh! god I feel like crap- didn't get any sleep and there's no aspirin in the office! cwm14.gif

...ok I feel better now that I've complained too! cwm4.gif

Just think only 4 and 3/4 days left till the weekend!!



*~**~*~**~~ Friends are angels that help you to your feet, when your wings have trouble remembering how to fly ~~**~*~**~*

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you're not alone!!! my weekend kinda sucked too!!! i had a guest in town saturday night who got drunk and turned into a loud mouth and embarrassed himself, me and our dinner companions bragging about how he thinks it's okay to kiss other women even though he's engaged. then the rest of the night it was a big power struggle between the two of us because he somehow felt entitled to kiss me too even though i made it 100% clear that i wouldn't. i tried to hide from him in Centro Fly but he kept finding me and he wouldn't stop touching me or asking me personal questions about my salary and finances and then bragging about how much money he has and how he's going on a 10-day honeymoon cruise. it was awful!!! so when we got home i sent him upstairs alone and i talked to the doorman for an hour and then when i went home he was on the futon, thank god, and not expecting to sleep in the bed with me. the next morning he was acting normal again but i still couldn't wait for him to leave. i swear when you live in New York, everybody wants to come visit you, and I've just about had it!!! no more visitors except for my VERY best friends and family!!!!

so now it's monday and i have to start looking for a new apartment 'cuz they jacked my rent up 15%. what a pain!!!! i'm reading the message boards to cheer me up and put a big smile on my face!!!!

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