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All-Star Break - UPDATES (you post em')

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So lets hear it guys/gals.. list what big things have happened up to the All-Star Break.. What teams are doing well? What teams suck and should just hang it up.. Any players completely suprise you by either doing well or just sucking ass???

Who do you see as the top Teams in the NL/AL after the Break..... Shit even predict some teams you think will make the post-season.....

Fill me in - so that way I know whats going on the 2nd half of the season;)

Go Marlins :)

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So lets hear it guys/gals.. list what big things have happened up to the All-Star Break.. What teams are doing well? What teams suck and should just hang it up.. Any players completely suprise you by either doing well or just sucking ass???

Who do you see as the top Teams in the NL/AL after the Break..... Shit even predict some teams you think will make the post-season.....

Fill me in - so that way I know whats going on the 2nd half of the season;)

Go Marlins :)

So far the best teams to me have been the Yankees and the Cards. Although they both need better pitching if they want to get far in the playoffs. I think the Cubs will make a move in the 2nd half because they will finally have Wood & Prior back at the same time. The Astros are an interesting team since they got Beltran. So far he hasn't helped much and if Houston keeps slipping he might get dealt again. The NL East is totally up for grabs. Anyone can take it. Same with the NL West. I think the White Sox will take the Central because they have better offense and starting pitching than the Twins. In my opinion the surprise teams so far have been the Rangers and Cardinals...

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The Rangers are definitley a huge suprise...And what about Milwaukee? They have been winning alot of close games and playing some good ball...

As of now, I agree with KFitz that the Yanks and Cards are the best teams..I think the Astros are going to improve after the all star break, with Pettite comin back off injury, they should have a decent squad to make a run at the playoffs..

Looks like the next half of baseball is gonna be mighty interesting!!

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the three biggest surprises:

1. texas rangers-surprise, surprise! alex rodriguez leaves his team and they get better!

2. tampa bay devil rays- .500 this late in the season with a bunch of "no-namers"

3. milwaulkee brewers-same as devil rays.

biggest dissapointments:

1. arizona diamondbacks-they wern;t going anywhere this season, but to be this bad?

2. houston astros- clemens + petite + the hitting the had = 9 games back.

3. baltimore orioles-pitching REALLY sucks ass. a class A team has better pitching than this mockery of a bullpen!

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My take on the season...

Positives -

Jason Marquis - Not sure how known he is here on this forum. I used to play ball with him in Little League and the BabeRuth league for a few years here on Staten Island for South Shore. With the Braves he seemed like he was never going to make it full time in the Bigs. But I believe Atlantas pitching coaches ruined him for the time he stood there. And with the pitching staff they had he never really had a chance to shine. But when traded to the Cards he finally had his chance to shine as a starter. With an 9-4 record. And a 3.38 ERA he really has come around and settled down to be a really possitive addition to the Cards pitching staff. Still yound at age 26. He still has plenty of time to become an even more dominant pitcher. To me he is the biggest turn around player in the Bigs this season... Maybe I am just Biased... But he deserves to be mentioned...

Pudge Rodriguez - If Posada was not around I would have to say Pudge is my favorite catcher in the Major leagues always has been. For a catcher to be leading the league in average is a feat in itself.

Benito Santiago - What else can you say for a man of his age. Still an active catcher and still very competitive. He seems as though he has been around forever and still puts up good numbers.

Alfonso Soriano - I wish the Yanks would make a move to get him back in pinstripes. He may not be the best fielder in the world. But neither are the 2 players that we have at second base. Not putting down Cairo and or Wilson. But to have Sorianos bat in the line up as he gets older would be a huge addition of both speed and power. With a line up like Williams, Soriano, Jeter, A-Rod, Sheffield the top 5 would be a huge top 5 filled with power, speed, and RBIs...

Javier Vasquez - One of the few pitchers that I am happy about in the Yankees Rotation. Until recent he has been a pitcher who can throw strikes and get the job done. With a record of 10 - 5 he has proven he can compete and he brings to the mound all heart.

A-Rod - One of the few players who have ever come to the Yankees and was able to deal with the publicity that NY brings and deal with the pressures of NY. And to be able to convert into a great 3rd baseman is something you say with A-Rod it is almost something you expect and anything less is just a let down. But he came over to the Yanks and shows that he is a team player not looking to take the spotlight away from anyone and has adapted to everything NY has thrown him. The one thing that you have to love about A-Rod is his presence with the Media. It seems as though he is a trained spokesman for the team. Something you almost dont expect from a superstar like him.

Manny Ramirez - As much as I do not like him as a person. ( Sorry guys ) I just dont... The man is an incredible ball player who continues to put up incredible numbers. Everytime he comes up to bat against the Yanks in a tough situation I get a lump in my throat and pray he keeps it in the ball park.

Tino Martinez - What else can you say about this guy. If you ask me he caught the raw end of the deal when the Yanks delt him away after all he has done for this team and the heart he had for this team. And to look at the player we took in his place, it truly is ashame. ( WE WANT TINO BACK ) He does not have the most incredible numbers. But with the role he plays for the D-Rays who have an abundance of 1st baseman. You cant be any happier with his performance...

Bonds - I have to say it almost sucks to be him. It is rare that he sees an at bat. ( He is another player I do not like as a personality ) but I can only imagine what his numbers would look like if people actually pitched to him.

David Ortiz - .302 Avg - .500 + Slugging - .352 OBP What more can you say. He is a pitchers nightmare. Not only does he have the power to blow a game wide open. But he is a threat in all aspects... He can put the ball in play almost at will.

Clemens - I know alot of Yankee fans are upset with Clemens. But to still be as dominant as he is at at 40... What else can you say you have to respect him. And with trade rumors I would love to have him back in stripes when it comes to the Playoffs and hopefully the World Series for one more year.

Pettitte - What a let down... As much as I hated seeing him go after coming so far with the Yanks and knowing that he had so much more ahead of him. Year after year he had gotten better and better and more dominant. George Steinbrenner deserved Pettitte turning his back on the Yanks just like Steinbrenner so many times wanted to deal him away. It is a shame that he has been on the DL for so long.

Sheffield - The man has heart. And is a true ball player. A son of a bitch to strike out. I always respected Sheff. But when said in an interview. " This team pays me alot of money to play ball and that is what I am gonna do. Come November when the season is over, then I will go for the surgery." When asked about his injuries and the pain he has been going through. When you see other ball players going out with blisters, or bruises. He truly shows how much of a ball player he is. I could not think of any other batter I would want at the plate with game 7 of the world series on the line with 2 outs. I am sure I speak for many when I say that he just brings such a high level of confidence to the plate. He is one tuff SOB to strike out!!!

Pedro Martinez - 12 Years in the Majors... 2004 - 117 innings with 112 Strike outs. The man has incredible control of his ball. And his confidence level when he pitches is one that not many carry. It is almost as if he knows who he is going to strike out. On what pitch he is going to strike that person out and what the count is going to be when he does it. Not many pitchers have that these days.

I can go on and on all day long with possitives. The sport hase become so competitive these days. Even teams we all though would be in the shitter this year have shown all heart. And have shown it does not take $200 million to put together a competitive team... Look at the D - Rays...

Honorable mentions - Jeter, Matsui Not much I need to say about them 2...

Oh and let me not forget the trio ( Quangormo ) Quantrill, Gordon, and Rivera... Probably the best 1,2,3 punch in any bullpen...

Yes alot of my talks are about the Yanks... That is where my heart is. And as much as I like the sport all around. I truly can only speak for them and the few others I mentioned. I cant afford the MLB pass on Cable. As much as I would like to see more games outside the yanks. It is just not in the budget. And I really cannot speak for many other players... There is only so much that stats on a computer can tell you about a player beyond the numbers... I may have forgotten a few players. But what the hell...


Jason Giambi - Like stated above. I really am pissed that the Yanks gave up Tino Martinez for Giambi. It almost seems as though Giambi does not care about this team. It does not faze him that he is slumping big time. And the fact that he has been injured since the Yanks signed him is rediculous. From injury to illness. He has been the biggest upset I think of any team. I feel better when Tony Clark is on First base. ( IT IS A SHAME HE IS ON THE ALLSTAR TEAM. ) I am sure there are many more First Baseman that deserve to be there.

Mike Mussina - ( Sorry Cody ) I though he was going to be a huge part of carrying the yanks to the post season. And even though he has a winning record. I do not believe that is all because of his pitching. It has been because the Yanks have battled him out of Jams and put runs on the board. Maybe not in every game. But Moose is not as dominant as I thought he would be on this team.

Mike Piazza - Yeah as a hitter the man is great. Like I always said. he would make a great DH in the American league. But he is not a position player. Never was in my eyes. I do respect the man because of his offense. But defensively he has never really shined.

Nomar Garciapara (SP) I dont care how much you hate management of your team and how much you hate the owners... You heart should be with your team mates. They are not the ones who were looking to drop you. You should be playing to help them win a ring that the team has been competing for every single year. The man has the talent but no heart.

John Franco - Aside from being a cheap mother fucker. IT IS TIME TO RETIRE... God bless for sticking around the game for this long. But hang it up already...

K. Matsui - Dont think he lived up to his reputation before he came over. But maybe he just needs another year. Who knows.

I dont have much negative to say. I am sure I will add more to this post later on. It is 7:40 and I am at work, tired, and going blind looking at this screen.


I am all for diversity, BUT... I think they should really pay more attention to local talent and give the young players of the United States a shot over all these people from Foreign Countries. I am not racist, Again I am all for diversity. But these scouts spend so much time over seas scouting people and taking the opertunities away from young players right here in the US. They are also taking big risk signing these guys knowing very little about them. And it almost makes me sick that half the MLB players need translaters... WTF

Anyway I may get some shit for that last comment. But I am tired of seeing talented kids here in the US get turned away because of the next rising start from such and such country... ALSO Who ever agreed to play ball over in Japan. I really think that was fucked up. To me it is too much risk putting a whole team on a play and fly that long just because of Money and media attention over seas. Keep the Yanks on US grass please. Let them fly over here if it is that important...

That is all for now... Enjoy :)

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I think the biggest update leading into the All Star weekend is that:

1.The combined salary of the 8 NL starters and 5 reserves (all star game)= $ 214 million

2. The yamkees salary is $ 194 million... and soon to cross the $ 200 mil. mark in a couple of weeks with the addition of another merc.

Aint baseball grand? :)

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I think the biggest update leading into the All Star weekend is that:

1.The combined salary of the 8 NL starters and 5 reserves (all star game)= $ 214 million

2. The yamkees salary is $ 194 million... and soon to cross the $ 200 mil. mark in a couple of weeks with the addition of another merc.

Aint baseball grand? :)

Cant you post one reply without reffering to the Yanks salary or buying a ring... Come on... A thread like this does not call for it... Put some extra thought into this thread here... :rolleyes::blah:;)
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good first half of baseball especially if your a Yank fan and had to endure that crappy April

Good to see TIgers dRays Brewers Texas playin some inspired baseball

THe MEts hangin around always good for NY and baseball

Props to the Cardinals for being 20 games over .500 in a division they werent suppose to compete this year

SOrry to see GRiffey AGAIN go down with an injury after having a bounce back first half of this year

Manny Ramirez is out of control , cant believe he is playin this well after the shit he went through with mangement tryin to get rid of him(although Manny is so out ther , he probably doesnt knw what irrevocable waivers means)

the Nomar situation and the SOx holdin a players only meeting and only 1/2 the guys show up no CUrt or PEdro...put a tent on that frikkin circus

Vladimirs back holdin up so far ...gee where would the mets be if they did get him?

BOnds showing steroids means shit

Giambi showing sushi in Japan gives you the shits

and Magmax crying over and over about the yanks ....yep business as usual

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