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Can I bring a camera into - -

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Last Sat. one of my friends was able to get her camera into Twilo without any problems....BUT-while she was busy snapping away one of the bouncers came up to her and told her that IF she took any more pics he would take the camera. If I were you, I would try to get the camera in. And also-it didn't set off the metal detectors.

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it's terribly easy to bring a camera in twilo, i've done it a bunch of times . . . almost got my camera taken away at tunnel on halloween, but i managed to sneak it past the scary bitch that was searching me by putting it in the waistband of the back of my pants . . . she just missed touching it. smile.gif




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were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



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I've def seen cameras in there. I'd with a disposable and wait until LATE night to non chalantly click pics! I wouldn't put it up to my eye either, just point from the hip (olde school style) and after 24 pics, some have to be good!!!!


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Originally posted by Crackorn:

I've def seen cameras in there. I'd with a disposable and wait until LATE night to non chalantly click pics! I wouldn't put it up to my eye either, just point from the hip (olde school style) and after 24 pics, some have to be good!!!!

well well well...this sounds like a fabulous idea as long as Im in a good spot. Maybe standing up on one of those boxes. Im sure it qwould be difficult for the boucers to decipher a camera flash from the regular house lights! I think Ill have to try it!



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