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annoying former booty calls that can't take a hint ....


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ok so this former booty call of mine will not leave me alone and i feel like such a bitch, but the meaner i am it seems like the more determined he gets!!!! he moved back up north to finish school, and he won't stop calling me. i only answer when he calls from a # other than his own, of course, but that doesn't stop him. so i just got a message from him that he is in miami for this week and wants to see me. even if i wanted to see him i couldn't cuz i am laid up at home with casts on both my feet and my mom just flew in town to take care of me (fell down the steps like a jackass), anyway, but i DON'T want to see him, and i DON'T even want to call him and deliver the busted feet excuse. i just want him to move on and live his life, he is an extremely nice guy, TOO nice, but the luvin' was :no: and i don't have any desire to see him again ... so do i owe him a call to be nice or no? he keeps calling me and now i'm just not answering my phone at all, i would think he'd take a fucking hint eventually ...

so in my (self-serving) opinion, it's ok for me not to call because he needs to be a big boy and suck it up and move on and if i call him it just perpetuates the situation, right? grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

thanks guys :)

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Just him youve got a new boyfriend :makeout:

And that your new boyfriend knows how to please a woman :lickit:

or go with "oh my gosh have you ever met my friend (insert made up name)? i was just thinking about how you guys would totally love each other. she's so your type. maybe you guys could go out sometime" now of course this will never happen because shes made up, but he'll be like what? shes trying to fix me up with another girl?

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damn it's been a year, yah he def has to get a fuckin clue. You should just go on and tell him your not interested in him at all and he should stop wasting his time on something he's not gonna get.

it would settle things once and for all, but i am such a pussy when it comes to things like that. i just figured if i ignored him long enuff he'd go away, but it ain't happenin'. my friends love it when his name shows up on my caller id- it's just too random considering how meaningless our fling was!!!

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No need to be rude just tell him straight up. "It has been over a year since we dated and I have moved on and I think you should too. Although you are a nice person I have no interest in dating or hooking up with you in the future, I hope you can understand."

Sometimes its best to do this via email or voicemail...espcially if you think he will freak out on you..no need for violence.

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No need to be rude just tell him straight up. "It has been over a year since we dated and I have moved on and I think you should too. Although you are a nice person I have no interest in dating or hooking up with you in the future, I hope you can understand."

Sometimes its best to do this via email or voicemail...espcially if you think he will freak out on you..no need for violence.

damn i really wish i had his e-mail!!!!!!!! he wouldn't get violent, but he'd pull some kind of guilt trip from hell on me and make me feel even worse. he's fragile and i don't wanna hurt him, but in life, you get hurt, right? you can't always get what you want, i have certainly learned that for myself several times.

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