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finally gonna be getting back into the gym after about 4 months and i need to drop about 20lbs.... other than regular cardio does anyone have any ideas for an "added advantage"??

fyi... ive taken tricana but it made me lethargic and clenbuterol had me way too shakey.. althoug they both had good results

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Watching what you eat (and how much) is just as important. Plenty of lean meats and cutting some carbs out of your diet will help (no fast food, no sweets, no soda and cut down on the juices).

i'm very familar with this and very good with dieting and the whole eating to increase metabolism as it is. have done it with great success in the past. i just wanna drop weight quickly since i'm dying to get back into weight training.

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Go to CVS or your local drug store and purchase a laxative that comes in a green clear bottle (Cit.... Magnesium) or maybe I am way off on the name... comes in a lemon/lime flavor. Pick a day that you don't have much to do and won't mind staying indoors for a while... follow the instructions and drink the bottle. I think within an hour or two, you will be on your way to cleaning your intenstines out. That should be good for a couple/several pounds. I've seen my brother-in-laws drop five pounds in a day. Yeah - part of that is water weight since you crap so much... just keep yourself hydrated.

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No, instead utilize one of the many wonder pills on the market... such as the one that you suggested, which one of it's side effects include changes to and the frequency of your bowel movements (... good luck entertaining a lady friend when you don't know what the hell is coming out of your ass any given moment after a meal.) :aright:

If you are studying in the medical field, you should have taken some sort of class (i.e. stress management for simplistic purposes) right now that would suggest cautioning anyone taking foreign/manufactured substances in their body for long periods of time... after all, it's things like that (as harmless as they may seem), that over periods of time can alter your metabolism and simple body functions... potentially causing cancer down the road.

{see below for manufacturer's warning...}

Side Effects

Because XENICAL works by blocking the absorption of dietary fat, it is likely that you will experience some changes in bowel habits. These bowel changes are a natural effect of blocking the fat from being absorbed. They generally occur during the first weeks of treatment; however, for some people they may continue for 6 months or longer while on XENICAL. These changes may include gas with oily discharge, an increased number of bowel movements, an urgent need to have them, and an inability to control them, particularly after meals containing higher amounts of fat than are recommended.

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Guest brwneydtrouble
No, instead utilize one of the many wonder pills on the market... such as the one that you suggested, which one of it's side effects include changes to and the frequency of your bowel movements (... good luck entertaining a lady friend when you don't know what the hell is coming out of your ass any given moment after a meal.) :aright:

If you are studying in the medical field, you should have taken some sort of class (i.e. stress management for simplistic purposes) right now that would suggest cautioning anyone taking foreign/manufactured substances in their body for long periods of time... after all, it's things like that (as harmless as they may seem), that over periods of time can alter your metabolism and simple body functions... potentially causing cancer down the road.

{see below for manufacturer's warning...}

Side Effects

Because XENICAL works by blocking the absorption of dietary fat, it is likely that you will experience some changes in bowel habits. These bowel changes are a natural effect of blocking the fat from being absorbed. They generally occur during the first weeks of treatment; however, for some people they may continue for 6 months or longer while on XENICAL. These changes may include gas with oily discharge, an increased number of bowel movements, an urgent need to have them, and an inability to control them, particularly after meals containing higher amounts of fat than are recommended.

My roommate ate nothing but vegetables and water for like a month and dropped a ton of weight. I think she was taking Hydroxycut too or something like that.

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Xenical cannot disturb your metabolism because it is not absorbed into the blood stream.. and it is not recommended for people who are not obese.. (BMI over 28 needed).. and yes you can have drippy stuff leak outta your bum...lol so be warned...

Despite the leaky bum part...it does have its benefits.. It can lower your cholesterol and lower the chances of stroke, heart attack and heart disease among others.. But then again so does a good diet...

So you need to make the decision that best fits your own lifestyle...

Captainpec.. easy on the attacks.. I am not here to attack anyone.. I know you ment no harm...simmer down you silly guy...we are all friends here.. :love:

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things to keep in mind.... thanks for the advice

i'm guessing there is no substitute for hard work and eating right. well nothing worth having is easy to get

Yup, did you have a chance to check out the website I posted on the thread entitled a site for you all? Check it out plenty of literature then. Good Luck on your quest tired! You can do that shit bro!!!!

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