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if the yankees.........


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:laugh: you know by this time, its a matter of "when" not "if". You know what irks me the most, in all these so called "trades" the yamkees pull....and we all know they've pulled more than their fair share, they unload a shitload of garbage..right, their farm system became a clearing house when georgieboy figured that using mercernaries was a cheaper and more environmental friendly way to buy a WS ring. You can almost smell the garbage from your seat...just wait..the press release is gonna go a lil sum'thin like this. " The yamkees have swindled the D'Backs by sending a shitload of sewer and Jose Contreras in a 'blockbluster' deal that also includes undisclosed $$ and future garbage prospects "

i mean, just look back at all their trades, how many actually panned out? they swindled teams that were desperate for cash...something the yamkees have a handle on. Gimme a fucking break. And all we can do is sit and watch the league getting jacked. Fuckin A !!!!

please get a fuckin clue all big market teams do it

P.S Georgieboy is a snivelling, conniving, underhanded slimy carpetbagger to ever walk this planet. :)

yeah alot like casey fossum and whats his name for Curt schilling, yeah that was a straight up trade :hey:

you fuckin WISH george was your owner .....you might have actually won a championship these past 85 yrs

and once again WHERE IS JOHN HENRY FROM????????????????????????????

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yeah alot like casey fossum and whats his name for Curt schilling, yeah that was a straight up trade :hey:

you fuckin WISH george was your owner .....you might have actually won a championship these past 85 yrs

and once again WHERE IS JOHN HENRY FROM????????????????????????????


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"yeah alot like casey fossum and whats his name for Curt schilling, yeah that was a straight up trade"

well three young pitchers for one old one is usually a good deal. Mostly when one is a lefty and you are not going to sign the old pitcher anyway. The minor league pitcher "de la rosa" was used to get sexton.

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"yeah alot like casey fossum and whats his name for Curt schilling, yeah that was a straight up trade"

well three young pitchers for one old one is usually a good deal. Mostly when one is a lefty and you are not going to sign the old pitcher anyway. The minor league pitcher "de la rosa" was used to get sexton.

please that was a fleecing , cuz Az couldnt afford to keep him

its the same as Weaver for BRown..

and dont tell me someone named delarosa got them Sexton ...cuz AZ got fleeced again as the brewers got an entire infield for sexton Overbay spivey counsell muller

whoever delarosa is was a throw in

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yeah and at the time the carl pavano and tony armas jr. trade for pedro looked like shit but now it well still looks like shit but not as shitty.

You never now with young pitchers.

But i will take pitchers over say a nick johnson juan rivera and randy choke for a young pitcher.

what is more of a fleesing? YOung pitchers for old pitcher, or position players for stud young pitcher.

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yeah and at the time the carl pavano and tony armas jr. trade for pedro looked like shit but now it well still looks like shit but not as shitty.

You never now with young pitchers.

But i will take pitchers over say a nick johnson juan rivera and randy choke for a young pitcher.

what is more of a fleesing? YOung pitchers for old pitcher, or position players for stud young pitcher.

carl pavano can be decent

I dunno i guess if its a Stud starter who will be a cornerstone for 5-7 yrs i guess ya gotta go that way

my original response though was to Magellan when he is questioning the validity of it being a "trade" if the yanks get RJ for contrearas

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remember when the atlanta got "robbed" in the estrada for millwood trade. yeah not to robbed now. millwood might do well here, i also think d-blow would do well in the national league.

yup everyone was like WHAAAAAAT!?!?!

a back up catcher for a 20 game winner

listening to WFAN the other day one of the phillies beat writer was just reagging on Milwood sayin he has no heart and just seems like he doesnt wanna give it 100%

who knows maybe change to the sux might help

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I hope Randy goes to the Cards and solidifies that team even more so. The Yanks would definately benefit from getting the Big Unit. Boston would do so the most out of the two teams I mentioned. I am pretty indifferent about who gets who but the Yankees roster is getting out of control. They probably should have spent just a little more money on pitching than solidifying that already "stacked" lineup.

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you know who would be good with the yanks, frank catanalado. Low money plays full out, and alway hits well against the red sox. You have way too many big ticket guys.

yeah so get him instead of beltran please

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you know who would be good with the yanks, frank catanalado. Low money plays full out, and alway hits well against the red sox. You have way too many big ticket guys.

yeah so get him instead of beltran please

Very Very Good Point. More bang for the buck for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!

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you know who would be good with the yanks, frank catanalado. Low money plays full out, and alway hits well against the red sox. You have way too many big ticket guys.

yeah so get him instead of beltran please

yeh Catalanotto also a local kid from Smithtown L.I

pretty good hitter

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