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The one that got away...

Guest brwneydtrouble

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Ever have those moments in your life where you'd like to kick yourself in the ass for letting the one get away, the person you were most comfortable with, you could be yourself and be happy with?

I met him over 2 years ago less than three months after breaking off a 5 year relationship, I just wasn't ready to settle down again. I wanted to be free and single. No ties, I was meeting people!

Now here I am regretting letting him go and still alone.

Sure Ive met great guys, but none compare to him. Tonight I went out with my roommate, had a few drinks at a local club that his best friend works at. i'm still a little tipsy and thats why im sharing all this with you guys, because normally I wouldn't dare.

So here I am, all alone in bed berating myself for ruininig the best thing that happened to me. But then again, everything happens for a reason right?

Leaving the door open to another opportunity with someone else that woud make me very happy.

In the meantime.....J, I love you. Always have and always will.

One day that part of my heart will be filled and those petty memories will replaced.


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Guest brwneydtrouble


Anyway, update on the situation now that im not looking at the past through a drunken haze.....

As much as I still care for him, the reality is that he has changed a lot since I dated him. After we split up, he started dating this girl that really isn't his type....she's the total opposite of me. He didnt even like her at first, he's hinted that he turned to her because I had hurt him so bad by not being able to commit. That was over a year and a half ago and they are still together. He cheats on her, they break up once every 3 months yet he's still with her because she lets him get away with murder and its convenient. He's comfortable, gets what he thinks he needs from her and just doesn't care about having more.

He wasn't like that when we were together and realistically, I cant date someone that can live with himself doing the things he does. To just be complacent with a situation just because its convenient, not to mention cheating.

So there's the reality. Its a nice memory, kinda like the nostalgia of senior year in highschool, right before graduation. You wish you could relive it but you know that there are so many celebrations ahead. ;)

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jackie though i cant really give much words of wisdom since i realy have not been in ur situation what i do know is this. You are a genuine loving person who is confident in herself.

never live in the past. i wish i could say i live by these words but I dont. when i think about all the decisions and lost opportunites because I took "the other path" it saddens me but in a way it has taught me as well.

hang in there jackie, there is a true love out there for everyone.... thats the one thought that i grasp onto and hold on tight. its what drives me from day to day in this world we live in.......

YOu will see your time will come too and u will make someone very happy.



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hang in there jackie, there is a true love out there for everyone.... thats the one thought that i grasp onto and hold on tight. its what drives me from day to day in this world we live in.......

as soon as u stop thinking like this maybe ur luck will change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I let 2 great guys go. Because I was afraid of getting to close. I pushed them away. I still find myself doing this. :(


Sometimes I think Im a man. As soon as I start getting close to someone I find something that is insignificant and dwell on it till I cant stand it anymore and dump him.

Sometimes I do miss a certain two people but then I look at my life now and know that it did happen for a reason, no matter how corny that sounds.

Everybody in Miami knows me as a big flirt and a big tease. But once I find that "SPECIAL" guy again, the one I can talk to, be goofy with, party with and cook dinner with...all that will change. In the meantime how am I supposed to find that guy if Im not outgoing and putting myself out there?

Anyway, I feel ya on this one Jackie but dont dwell on it...everything has a time and a reason.

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love is a great feeling, yet knowing that you have to let go of it is the worst. im in this predicament with a wonderful woman right now, but ill let fate decide what to do with us. confidence in myself and happiness will be the factors that keep me sane

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Guest brwneydtrouble
love is a great feeling, yet knowing that you have to let go of it is the worst. im in this predicament with a wonderful woman right now, but ill let fate decide what to do with us. confidence in myself and happiness will be the factors that keep me sane

Being a thousand miles away from the person you want to be with really sucks ass. I feel ya Carlos. I'll go with you to visit. :)

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Guest gabo
Being a thousand miles away from the person you want to be with really sucks ass. I feel ya Carlos. I'll go with you to visit. :)


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