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Serious Question for the guys


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Do You Know Anyone On This Board To Assume That They Like Fake Chicks?...

If Not, Shut The Fuck Up. Log Off. CLose The Account. Never Come Back.

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH u can always count on boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i give him major points for at least being consistent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!shows lots of character!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bbboooooom i enjoy ur post alot more than u think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH u can always count on boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i give him major points for at least being consistent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!shows lots of character!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bbboooooom i enjoy ur post alot more than u think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

he should 86 that loooooooooong ass sig though!

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my boyfriend hates fake anything. it kinda annoys me. when i am 50 and my lids are sagging, i will probably want to get them fixed. i dont really care how he feels about my decision to do so. if i am 50 and i have my lids (or some other stupid, petty thing done), hopefully it gives me confidence, even if only a teeny bit. hopefully i feel slightly more comfortable with myself & more beautiful. that is what it is all about. people who are uncomfortable with themselves are uncomfortable in society and often in relationships with other people.

the reason i think *some* men like surgically altered chicks is because they are secure with themselves. sometimes someone is lacking something and they focus on it constantly causing them to appear unattractive and insecure. usually they do not appear unattractive but their minds are so focused on this one little, trival, physical bullshit thing they cant see anything positive about themself. after they change it to something they feel good about they are suddenly happy about themself & that shows in more ways than appearance, it gives a different outlook on life.

i am not saying a little surgery could help anyone but i am saying if you have something about youself that you focus on constantly and think it takes over who you are, change it.

i dont think looking great is a huge deal, i dont even think its all that important but i do think someones own view of themself is extremely important. if you sit around focusing on your missing front tooth all day or your teeny breasts, youre missing out on life.

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all chics fake! we shave our legs, armpits & crotches. would u like it if we all had hairy bush & long pit hair & hairy ass legs? also we wear make up & pluck our eyebrows & dye our hair. all of which aren't the real us. fake tans r in now big time. so we been tricking u fools for years & now u wanna complain? :gang:

I wasnt talking about wearing makeup,shaving,dye jobs etc..My post was about SURIGICAL enhancements,hence the part where I said IMPLANTS,BOTOX,and any other SURIGICAL part...

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Yeah, nice way to introduce yourself. Just come on and start insulting people. Actually, if you've watched this board for a while, you'll notice that a *lot* of the guys either prefer unaltered girls or have no preference.

That being said, I think one of the primary reasons that some guys tend to notice the surgically altered girls more is that, aside from their surgical changes, those girls *also* make a strong effort to look good in other ways. They dress well, often skimpily, they work their makeup, they work their hair, they swagger when they walk, stuff like that. I know for myself, I am much more attracted to a girl who makes an effort to look nice versus one who just looks like a slob (however, some guys do prefer slobs). So, I think that has a lot more to do with it than just the surgical alterations.

So, what I am saying is this. It is not specifically girls who have surgery that guys are "obsessed with". It is girls who go out of their way to make themselves appealing to guys. If one wants to compete without having to get surgery, all one need do is put on a micro-mini, FMBs, halter, do the hair nice, make sure she's clean, and head on out. It is nothing more than that.

Of course, there are a small but significant percentage of guys who *are* actually obsessed with large breasts. You'll find a lot of them at the strip clubs. But I really think that is primarily just a momma complex.

And besides, look at it this way. For you, as an unaltered girl, it helps you weed out some of the undesirable guys quickly and easily. Obviously, you do not want someone who is so superficial as to obsess over surgically altered girls. So, a few quick questions, or watching his reactions to girls who have had surgery can easily tell you whether or not you need to ditch him quick.

First off,I didnt come on and insult anyone until I GOT insulted..All I did was post a question and immeditaly got called 'ugly',I insult when I get insulted...Anyway,your post made sense,was informative and Intelligent (lol)..Thankx for replying

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im not hating on u...i was just messing with the other 2 that answered b4 me!!!!!!!!!!!!! so its great to have4 u hear.....and blend is just being silly....hes a stand up guy...most of the time were here to be silly ...so dont take what goes on here seriously.....about natural.....what woman want to look like is obviously evloving...there r very few woman out there that r a total package naturally....which is what makes a true natural beauty a true work of art!!!!!!!!!!!!! so as long as the trend that has started gets easier and cheaper.....its gonna keep getting bigger and bigger.....what bothers me more is not so much the fake outside or inside as the case may be....what i dont like....is fake attitude and personality traits!!!!!!!!!!! those r the fake people i cant stand....be them men or woman!!!!!!!!!!!! hows that for a better answer!?!?!?!??!:D

Sorry for coming off defensive,Like I said in another reply,I insult when I am insulted,I bite my tounge for nobody-otherwise I am actually a cool girl...And yes,that is a better answer..

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Sorry for coming off defensive,Like I said in another reply,I insult when I am insulted,I bite my tounge for nobody-otherwise I am actually a cool girl...And yes,that is a better answer..

well in the spirit of c.p. i must say what im gonna say next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SHOW US UR TITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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Do You Know Anyone On This Board To Assume That They Like Fake Chicks?...

If Not, Shut The Fuck Up. Log Off. CLose The Account. Never Come Back.

Hmm...I can see that you didnt understand my question..I NEVER assumed anyone on this BOARD likes fake chicks..My post was a GENERAL QUESTION

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I wasnt talking about wearing makeup,shaving,dye jobs etc..My post was about SURIGICAL enhancements,hence the part where I said IMPLANTS,BOTOX,and any other SURIGICAL part...

i read what u wrote and "hence"........who talks like that??? well, shakespeare......whether it's a dye job or a boob job, ur altering ur appearance = faking it! now go get ur roots touched up so ur loving boyfriend doesn't cheat on u with some plastic chic.

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i read what u wrote and "hence"........who talks like that??? well, shakespeare......whether it's a dye job or a boob job, ur altering ur appearance = faking it! now go get ur roots touched up so ur loving boyfriend doesn't cheat on u with some plastic chic.

I can see that the hair dye has rotted your brain..HENCE the part about me using the word HENCE..Doesnt take shakespeare to use that word in a sentence....Also,Were not talking about either or..I was strictly speaking about surgery enhancements-nothing else..Im not even going to respond to the last statement of your post... :)

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I'm not even going to respond to the last statement of your post... :)

u already did, sweetie!

& i used feel the same way u do b4 i got lippo, augmentation, my lips injected & my butt implants!

Elective surgery makes the world a better place! Right, fellas???

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u already did, sweetie!

& i used feel the same way u do b4 i got lippo, augmentation, my lips injected & my butt implants!

Elective surgery makes the world a better place! Right, fellas???

...yea whatever....show me them footsies.........

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i jsut reread what i wrote and i made it out like everyone who has surgery does it for respectable reasons which is completely untrue. some people do it purely for attention & people like that i dont understand at all. dr's who operate on people like that are all about money not about helping people. natural is the most beautiful thing, fake is what you take when you werent blessed with natural. not saying fake cant look good but i would take a real nice ass over a fake one, real plump lips over injected ones & real, perky c cups over fake any cup size. the problem is the natural ones usually arent perky, you cant win. ;)

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lol. who cares what is real and whats fake i guess, its about the person inside. :D

natural is usually better than fake, unless it is a serious insecurity you have about something specific.

and i think girls who have surgery are more secure b/c they have faced an imperfection and they feel better about themselves so maybe that is attractive. i find confidence to be really sexy.

was that better?

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i jsut reread what i wrote and i made it out like everyone who has surgery does it for respectable reasons which is completely untrue. some people do it purely for attention & people like that i dont understand at all. dr's who operate on people like that are all about money not about helping people. natural is the most beautiful thing, fake is what you take when you werent blessed with natural. not saying fake cant look good but i would take a real nice ass over a fake one, real plump lips over injected ones & real, perky c cups over fake any cup size. the problem is the natural ones usually arent perky, you cant win. ;)

I agree w/ your post,esp' "natural is the most beautiful thing,fake is what you take when you werent blessed w/ natural".. :)

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i jsut reread what i wrote and i made it out like everyone who has surgery does it for respectable reasons which is completely untrue. some people do it purely for attention & people like that i dont understand at all. dr's who operate on people like that are all about money not about helping people. natural is the most beautiful thing, fake is what you take when you werent blessed with natural. not saying fake cant look good but i would take a real nice ass over a fake one, real plump lips over injected ones & real, perky c cups over fake any cup size. the problem is the natural ones usually arent perky, you cant win. ;)

I agree w/ your post,esp' the part "natural is the most beautiful thing,fake is what you take when you werent blessed w/ natural" :)

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