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what happened to factory


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what the hell happened at factory saturday

the music was bad boith upstairs and downstairs dj clevland was not there and it didnt even sound like jp was there plus at about 4 am when i left because my friend was sick there was like nobody there and they were not the usuall sf crowd does anyone know what was going on why it was dead and who the dj downstairs was and if jp was even spinning cause it didnt sound like him


music is an escape from reality-----------

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Don't know about you, but I'd rather be at SF when I can move instead of getting cigartte burnes from stupid ass people all fucked up and not knowing how to hold a cigarrette. I'm very glad I don't smoke!

SF was nice, good music, got better at 9AM. Plus it was friend's b-days so it was even more fun!

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I'm sorry to say that, I too, am very disappointed in Soundfactory these days. A year and a half ago it was the best place to go. I had so many positive things ot say about it...it was the nicest club. No when I go, I can't get over what a shit hole it has become. With or without the new floor, it's still not going to compare to Exit or Twilo. There's not enough space to dance or walk for that matter and yes, you do risk getting burned by a cigarette every 2 feet. It's horrible.

I haven't been to SF that much this year, but the times I was there (Thong Party, Halloween) the music wasn't that great. Was JP in a K hole?? I couldn't believe what I was hearing....it couldn't have been him.

Of course, I am going to give it one more chance. If on Thanksgiving Eve, SF doesn't fit the bill and owe up to its high club status...I give up!

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Everyone had sumthin to say abotu the soundsytem this past saturday, the new one will be on on Dec.2nd..I think...But you also have to take into consideration that everybody and their mothers were at SF for halloween and that was a huge night..people cant take 2 weeks straight of that...well most cant wink.gif



Thanksgiving Eve TIX...call 201-926-7012 or email DieselGroove1@aol.com

Limelight; Exit Guestlist...

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i went to sf around 5 the energy level was not there. i left sround 8:30 cause the music did not keep me going. oh ya one of the speakers went on fire when i was there thats maybe why the sound was not that good????????? hope sf is good on thanksgiving eve..

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maybe the factory sucked cause you left at 4am..........jp doesnt start building it up till atleast 5 or 6. thats why its an afterhours club. try staying later. peters has been on every week ever since he made his speech about 6 weeks ago or so. ever since then he has been tearing it up

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Originally posted by wakeup:

maybe the factory sucked cause you left at 4am..........jp doesnt start building it up till atleast 5 or 6. thats why its an afterhours club. try staying later. peters has been on every week ever since he made his speech about 6 weeks ago or so. ever since then he has been tearing it up

I totally agree.. I dunno what these punks are complaining about.. Enough whining already guys.. Don't like it, don't go.

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I loved the music on Saturday. I am in Factory every Saturday and was there on Halloween too... for me it sucked. I got in about 6 am but there was still so many people and music... Why are you complaining there wasn't so many ppl?? I think it was great. Not packed but not empty. You could dance however you liked. Music after 4 was great and I had one of my best times in Factory. I stayed until 10.30 and music was pumping as hell.

Love Amalka


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Is it just me or should they do something about those damn stairs...they put a light in your face ..so when you're walking down you cant see shit >=( .....i hope they change the rest of the floors when they're done with the top one.....

Dont wanna sound too negative...i mean its a nice club...but could be nicer cwm13.gifcwm43.gif


Midnight is where the day begins


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