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What happened to the Friday FU's????

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i have a couple.....

FU- my friends little sister (20) committed suicide over a guy on Sunday night....

FU- I have a cyst on my back that "doesn't look good" have to get an MRI

FU- I am still here

FU- club75 is probably on his way down the shore.... fucker.....

FU- my boss is a bitch

FU- i have water in my ear from the shower this morning....

FU- john kerry thinks he's winning the election...

FU- i still haven't received a call back for a new job yet..

FU- I have to sit at this desk all day, and look like i am working.

theres just a few to start you guys off... have fun!~

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need to fix the first one..

it should read

FU FU FU- to the guy my friends little sister committed suicide over Sunday night for being a dick and telling her to move out bc he's in love w/someone else....

I'm sorry but that's hilarious.

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FU - to guys that PMS more than I do...goddamn, put the crackpipe down, have some of my birth control pills, it will make you just as moody

FU- to lying, backstabbing traitors

FU - to guys who are sooo WHIPPED, that they can't to say 'hi' to you in public...dont worry hunny, I am NOT interested in your b/f...been there, done that...next!!!!

FU - PUSSIES...If you have something to say to me, say it to my face, dont worry, I wont bite your head off...I will turn green though, my head will start spinning and I will puke in your face

FU- guys in general....NO ONE is worth killing yourself over, male or female...damn couldn't anyone help this poor girl?

Thank you everyone that look out for people, u know who you are ;)

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