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Attention ALL X HEADS

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Your ecstacy is played out

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Your not at the beach...put your shirts on

Attention all x heads

Your ecstacy is played out

-Someone asked me last week who made this song...it is called Attention and it is by Get Bizzy Izzy


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't


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Back in the day a few of us did ONE hit once in a while meet a hottie and danced all night.No one new or cared.NOW there younger,dropping multiple hits,passing out,getting naked,getting raped,

making a spectacle of themselves!!Now everyone thinks if you drink water your on X.Or if you have glow stick your on X.If you go to dance clubs your on X!!Even the media is sending spy's to the clubs to show everybody how fucked up you are on X.

Thanks Generation X



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Originally posted by Unbound:

uhhh...hmmm...is that sarcasm?


no, dude..they have been playing it in some clubs recently.....it gets quite a reaction from the crowd..because it starts off saying Attention All X Heads.... a few times, and then it busts into the shit I wrote above..everyone was like what the fuck...it has a phat beat and what the guys says is actually TRUE...that is what seems to get peoples ATTENTION the most...picture yourself standing in a club tripping out, with no shirt on, rocking sunglasses, etc..and you're whole shit is completely herbed on a song ....it hits on all the recent, annoying, played out "club trends" seen mostly throught the big city clubs (SF,Exit..)


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't


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Originally posted by gq2727:

...picture yourself standing in a club tripping out, with no shirt on, rocking sunglasses, etc..and you're whole shit is completely herbed on a song ....

wow what a gitter-visual....cool..i wanna hear it now...whats the name of the song and who spins it?....



Midnight is where the day begins


Bcem npuBET !

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Originally posted by Unbound:

wow what a gitter-visual....cool..i wanna hear it now...whats the name of the song and who spins it?....


Like I said above...it is called ATTENTION...and it is by Get Bizzy Izzy.

In other words ...ATTENTION all X heads...if you read the entire thread, your question will probably be answered without asking it again...... wink.gif



"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't


dollar.gif + heart.gif + cd.gif makes me face5.gif

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haha... i heard a clip of that song the other day at a friends...

what i found even funnier was when i was downtown in a shoestore called WHEELS across the street from Ricky's... and all of a sudden i hear a vocal in the song say "can i get a bump?"... even more coincidental- behind the counter there were dozens of the lip shaped ROCKY HORROR flier for SF halloween. i turned to my friend, we started cracking up. the salesgirl just smiled.

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