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If Bush wins, I'm moving to Amsterdam, who's with me???

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Ok- think about this. . . if Al Gore won, you would have to give most of your hard earned money to those " poor unfortunate people who cant get jobs. . ." bc thats fair!!!hmmmmmmmmm. cwm23.gif


~The poor long for Riches,

The rich long for Heaven,

But the wise desire Tranquility.~

*"The only good is knowledge. The only evil is ignorance."* Socrates

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Originally posted by p00h:

what the fuck does that mean? my father's a fuckin idiot, does that make me one? and for the record bush senior was shady as all hell!

you answered your own question i think. for all i know, you may be an idiot for a completely unrelated reason to your father's predicament. my point was this, G. Bush senior, and his father, and his fathers father are all shady mofo's. from their secret 'phraternity' at Yale, the skull n bones boys have been involved in the dirtiest biz of all. i would consider GW Bush a failure in nearly everything he's been involved with except of course for riding the coat tails of his pops, taking all the advantages possible and still fucking them up. i can't stand to listen to him speak and see his face at the same time personally.

anyway, why argue about politics when we can argue about how bad SF sucks, or one of the other more relevant topics on this board.

about music, anyone listen to this parks and wilson essential mix? i know it's not exactly new, but it's nicccccccce regardless.

be cool


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Originally posted by wizard:

you answered your own question i think. for all i know, you may be an idiot for a completely unrelated reason to your father's predicament. my point was this, G. Bush senior, and his father, and his fathers father are all shady mofo's. from their secret 'phraternity' at Yale, the skull n bones boys have been involved in the dirtiest biz of all. i would consider GW Bush a failure in nearly everything he's been involved with except of course for riding the coat tails of his pops, taking all the advantages possible and still fucking them up. i can't stand to listen to him speak and see his face at the same time personally.

anyway, why argue about politics when we can argue about how bad SF sucks, or one of the other more relevant topics on this board.

about music, anyone listen to this parks and wilson essential mix? i know it's not exactly new, but it's nicccccccce regardless.

be cool


sorry, misunderstood you. thought u were saying w is gonna be a good prez cuz his pops was. my bad. and that p&w essential's sick, i've been sweating it for a while. ask b2b, bitch took 2 months to give me the tracklisting that was sitting on the essential website all along. fuckin brits...


chronic is the answer...

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