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" Scumbags "


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so im thinking of writing a pilot for a new reality show. I want to call it "scumbags". Its basically going to follow around 5 to 10 dudes (doesnt matter age, profession ect) on their daily lives and show what they REALLY are like. The dude thats the BIGGEST prick wins a prize in the end. They wouldnt know that they win a prize, just that a "show" wants to follow them around day to day and give them TV exposure. at the end they win the prize. They can be pricks at the job, in the club, with their family whatever.

what made me think about this idea was a friend of my friends that i think is a TOTAL scumbag. he goes up to random girls and disrespects them. cuz he thinks its funny. one day i hope he gets pounded on! :gang:

anywhoo.....do u think this idea would fly? would HBO or Comedy central pick it up? its still an idea and not a reality. lots of details need to be hammered out but i think it would be a funny show. Watch dudes be comeplete assholes, and see how the audience reacts and votes for them.

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I heard Rizzo is looking for work ever since he got kicked off Queer Eye For a Straight Guy.

Send him a PM.

that guy is a piece of caca......just some homo hiding behind the internet.

im talking bout REAL LIVE FACE TO FACE scumbags.

like this bro.......the dude that knows my friend goes up to this girl with a lazy and and says "your right eye must be hot.....cuz your left eye keeps looking at at"

i wanted to punch this guy in the face!!!!! thats some fucked up shit!!

but i konw people would LOVEEEE to watch a show like that, people LOVE to hate bad guys...

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...i for one wouldnt watch it......as much as i know ugliness exists in this world, i'd prefer not to see it on this level.....i would also be concerned with the possible side effect - if the show became popular, young sheep might perceive it to be "cool" to be a scumbag.......

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...i for one wouldnt watch it......as much as i know ugliness exists in this world, i'd prefer not to see it on this level.....i would also be concerned with the possible side effect - if the show became popular, young sheep might perceive it to be "cool" to be a scumbag.......

yea but it would make me alot of money that i would share with my friends....

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...i for one wouldnt watch it......as much as i know ugliness exists in this world, i'd prefer not to see it on this level.....i would also be concerned with the possible side effect - if the show became popular, young sheep might perceive it to be "cool" to be a scumbag.......

with shit like nip/tuck or swan out there......what's the worst message we could possibly send at this point...

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so im thinking of writing a pilot for a new reality show. I want to call it "scumbags". Its basically going to follow around 5 to 10 dudes (doesnt matter age, profession ect) on their daily lives and show what they REALLY are like. The dude thats the BIGGEST prick wins a prize in the end. They wouldnt know that they win a prize, just that a "show" wants to follow them around day to day and give them TV exposure. at the end they win the prize. They can be pricks at the job, in the club, with their family whatever.

what made me think about this idea was a friend of my friends that i think is a TOTAL scumbag. he goes up to random girls and disrespects them. cuz he thinks its funny. one day i hope he gets pounded on! :gang:

anywhoo.....do u think this idea would fly? would HBO or Comedy central pick it up? its still an idea and not a reality. lots of details need to be hammered out but i think it would be a funny show. Watch dudes be comeplete assholes, and see how the audience reacts and votes for them.

has potential but what would be the end result??? what would be the story line or the main objective of the show???

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with shit like nip/tuck or swan out there......what's the worst message we could possibly send at this point...

....social validation of being a mean person is pretty bad.......those shows are about shallowness......now we're talking about any substance they may have and direct it in a negative way......not better or worse.....just not a good idea........

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I actually know a kid who says some really fucked up shit... He was at a bar and said to a guy with one arm, "Hey its the 1 armed man." When someone told him that he was fucked up for saying that he replied, "What, fuck it he has 1 arm." He says more fucked up shit but there is no need to repeat them.

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...appreciate that.......and i hope i never hear shit like that when i'm out....i have a tendancy to get smart with rude people like that.......

I didnt say nothing cause his mother passed away recently and I know deep down inside he is hurt... I figured he was drunk and his way to deal wit pain is to inflict on others. No point of arguing with a drunk... I just told the kid that he said it to the situation and he was actually understanding. Nice kid actually. Lost his arm to cancer.

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