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MTV Real World Mid-East...


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imagine they did a realworld with osama, saddam, bush, condeleeza, the mofo from korea, fidel, and some random political chicks all living together... i think that shit would be funny... they would complain about the most insane shit, bush never has enough cooking oil always complaining that someone took it, or he paid to much for it, saddam occupies other ppls rooms and shit and wont leave until bush goes into the room, osama has model airplanes that hes always playing with and fucking up the house with, condeleeza has pubic hair all over her pepsi's (oh wait that was anita hill, but fuck it saddam did it) cheneys nowhere to be found but he calls up once in a while to make sure the apt is in order...fidel is constantly smoking cigars, blasting salsa y merengue, leaving mad green hats every where, the korean guy is just playa hatin on everyone, and keeps yellin hes going to fuck them up if they go in or near his room, lmao i think this would be pretty funny...

if this takes off, i want royalties and a percentage of the monies made 20% minimum...

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