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What do you do when your family is shady?

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My girlfriend just started working for her mother-her sister works there too. They are in real-estate and own lots of property.

This week her mother didn't give her a check because her sister said that she didn't work all week. It was a lye-she has been there all week.

There was of course yelling and my girlfriend ran out in tears. Her mother refused to pay her and they degrated her in front of the entire office.

What advise should I give-her family has no clue about real life, they all "sold out". I wish I could just kidnap her and get her out of the situation. She wants to quite tomorrow but she doesn't have money to go anywhere-she is kind of stuck.

I wish I could help somehow.

It really sucks-my girlfriend is "the" most caring honest person I've known. Why do good people always wind up getting hurt? Her heart is broken. My heart is breaking for her.

Any advise?

I want to help.


The music makes the people come together...

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Never ever do business with family. 8 out 10 times it will get messy! cwm25.gif



“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” - P.J. O’Rourke angel.gif

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thats not right. my family is shady towards me also, my relationship is strictly business in their eyes. i just hold my own and show them that i dont need em. maybe she should talk to her mother again, alone. if it doesnt help, then she should find another job. i wish it was as easy as beating their ass..... sorry, hope things get better

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Family business problems are STICKY. For many reasons...

Remember this, that there are TWO sides to every story and then there is the truth. You may care and love your friend very much, but you only know one side. That does not make you an expert on the situation - she *may* be only telling you what she wants you to know.

Do not get directly involved. Just be there and support her, but be very careful about giving advice when you don't know the whole story. The best thing you could do, I think, is listen to her and try to get her to vent. Don't let her make a decision when she is all fired up, because that will only add fire to the flame. Make sure she thinks everything through. But most important - MAKE HER SIT DOWN AND TRY TO WORK THINGS OUT WITH HER FAMILY.

It fights like this that lead to family problems that never get reconciled. People can get very stubborn and vindictive in situations, and it is hard to say "I'm sorry" after that happens.

Good luck.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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i have been working for my dad in new york since i was 16, it was horrible but i didnt think i could get a real job on my own, so i would go there every summer till i graduated. i went back to work for him all winter, it was miserable, he was down my back and we took the problems we had at work back to the house. This past august I left , I got my resume together at got a job in sales. But i gotta thank my dad for teaching me everything but working for family gets u in a different head. U really cant concentrate or be serious. Now i love my job and my dad is very proud of me!!!

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