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Anyone protesting the Republican convention?

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The start point is 14th and 7th avenue around 12pm on Sunday. I will be going with some friends of mine and anyone else that wants to meet up is more than welcome. :clap2:


Copied from unitedforpeace.org

On August 29, United for Peace and Justice will hold an impassioned, peaceful, and legal march past Madison Square Garden, the site of the Republican Convention. When the Republicans descend on New York City with their agenda of war, greed, hate and lies, they will be met by a massive, diverse, peaceful outpouring of dissent, as huge numbers of us join together in a spirit of nonviolence for a legal, permitted march on August 29 to say NO to their destructive and divisive policies.

Together, we will send a message so powerful it cannot be ignored: We are fed up with the direction that the Bush Administration has taken this country! There are two key moments this year when people throughout the United States will have the opportunity to send a resounding message of opposition to the Bush Agenda: November 2, election day, and August 29 in New York City.

More than 360 groups — including Iraq Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, and September 11th families — have endorsed the August 29 protest and will be marching with us on that day. We will also be joined scores of prominent people, including Danny Glover, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., UNITE/HERE President Bruce Raynor and Congressman Major Owens.

If you're alarmed by the direction that the Bush Administration has taken this country, and disgusted by the efforts to marginalize and stifle our calls for change, you will want to make your voice heard on August 29.

To receive immediate notice of the final route for our march, subscribe to our email list.

WE ARE MARCHING! On August 29, United for Peace and Justice will hold an impassioned, peaceful, and legal march past Madison Square Garden, the site of the Republican Convention. When the Republicans descend on New York City with their agenda of war, greed, hate and lies, they will be met by a massive, diverse, peaceful outpouring of dissent, as huge numbers of us join together in a spirit of nonviolence for a legal, permitted march on August 29 to say NO to their destructive and divisive policies.

Together, we will send a message so powerful it cannot be ignored: We are fed up with the direction that the Bush Administration has taken this country! There are two key moments this year when people throughout the United States will have the opportunity to send a resounding message of opposition to the Bush Agenda: November 2, election day, and August 29 in New York City.

Mayor Bloomberg and his Republican pals have already begun a fear campaign designed to keep people away from this historic event; we cannot let them silence us! We must redouble our efforts to make this legal and peaceful protest march as broad and massive as possible. UFPJ filed a lawsuit on August 18, seeking a court order to allow us to rally in Central Park after our march. (See news articles for background.) Until this lawsuit is resolved, we will not be able to announce the final destination of our march, or the complete route. However, rest assured that our assembly area will remain unchanged; we will still hold a legal, permitted march past Madison Square Garden; and we will not go to the West Side Highway.

If you're alarmed by the direction that the Bush Administration has taken this country, you will want to make your voice heard on August 29. Already, many thousands of individuals and hundreds of groups - anti-war, civil rights, immigrant, religious, labor, feminist, environmental, and many more - are planning to participate in this demonstration. The Republican National Convention - and the protests - will be covered by media outlets around the world. It is vital that we bring the largest possible number of people to New York City on Sunday, August 29 to speak out against the actions and plans of the Bush Administration.

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I have never voted and I am not into politics, but I was in car accident in 1995 and my cousin whom is also my best friend was paralyzed from the chest down. If Jerkoff Bush would have approved the Stem Cell Research he might be walking by now.......FUCK BUSH

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At the same time, Im not really a democrat. But I can't stand the right wing, bible thumping, my or no way conservatives who if they had their way would make this country into a taliban like regime.

With Iraq, yes Saddam was a bad guy. But Saddam was concerned about his own money and power NOT islamic fundamentalism. The countries around Iraq are just as much repressive if not more towards their people and some of these countries are our "allies"? Do you know they still behead people in Saudi Arabia for opposing their regime? Also Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are much moretied to hardline islam tha Saddam was. Most of these religous schools that still pump out terrorists are alive and well in Pakistan and most of the funding still comes from Saudi Arabia. If Bush was really concerned with fighting terrorism he would get tough with countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, who are NOT our allies, even though they have easier access to Bush than some members of his own administration. Regarding weapons, Im sure Iraq had some form of weapons but nothing that they could use to attack us with. Reagan had the right idea, when he let Saddam attack Iran. Why did our troops do they dirty work for Iraq's neighbors? You want to go after dangerous countries with WMD's....then we should have gone to North Korea, Pakistan, Iran. Also, again Saddam never attacked the United States...however Bush has just made peace with Lybia, whose leader admitted to blowing up a plane full of u.s civilians, just because that leader is now willing to open up his oil wells to U.S companies............

I am not a big fan of John Kerry, and he does flip-flop alot, and have never been intensely into politics.....however, I cannot stand George W Bush and I am willing to give Kerry a chance for 4 years, given what Bush has done :bounce:

not to mention that 4 more years of Bushg means 4 more years of Cheney and Ashcroft

plus, I would like to see Kerry win just to see O'Rielly's head explode

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